Frage von Sebera:
I just do not know next. For my amateur football project, I would like to speed up the workflow and synonymous better images.
At the complete movies of the team I play with a Panasonic GS 80, Tripod and capture the material then 1:1 for the cut.
The summary (about 10 min including interviews - but without any comment that does not have the time) is a Flash video on my blog asked.
Schön, it would be if I have the time of capture and no longer had a newspaper reporter would take me seriously. I respect you can not buy, but a Gs NV 80 is not particularly impressive.
My idea 1: Canon HV30 with wide-angle, Rhode Micro, on a Foddis Per 120th Capturing the same intersection on my laptop - or rather on a Focus Firstore what do you think?
My idea 2: SonyHVR 1000 HD - exactly the iris camera. I like their Lanc jack for the rear camera operation - with the HV 30 is probably the only one with self TosLink cable - because someone has erfahrugnen how reliable is sowas? Rhode Micro and the Sony flash recorder HVR-MRC1K. What if someone synonymous s.der HV 30 would work?
What would you advise me? I think the pictures of the AGM 30 will be probably be better right? Or has someone a very different proposal?
Antwort von Daigoro:

The HV30 looks very moderately from plastic bomber.
If you do not need HD, ne Canon XM2 or SonyVX2100 - content of second-hand Ebay - if it's to go look.
Live capture and editing with notebook is also in SD / DV AVI somewhat resource-friendly and it faster - the speed of the final Rausrenderns seems synonymous benefit them.
If you are a Mobile stativ you can use a laptop with the live capture forget - which prefer large, stable (with multiple pipes per leg, see again synonymous's "professional" from).
Antwort von WideScreen:

Leave everything just as it is, and ensure that your contribution will be better.
Antwort von thos-berlin:

Also the dignity of Daigoro gezeigen path.
Live Capture directly into the editing system (laptop). I would DV, since the less synonymous with high-performance laptops should go. In the camera for security reasons a tape can be run.
DV in the cut and make only the short end in the desired format convert.
Maybe two laptops connected via network (or Datentansfer via USB hard drive) and the second half and s.zweiten job already cut the first half.
From pure disk recorders á la Datavideo DN 300, I am personally disappointed and bring a quick workflow for nothing ....
What the camera is concerned, the GS80 is certainly no worse than other cameras and amateur for your application and sufficient, but it makes no optical ago. But that is synonymous to a large tripod better than a little shaky tripod.
I would definitely try, as far away as possible from the field to come and as high as possible. Dadruch you have not so much swing at the overview, especially on the opposite side panel, is better. Then the Weitwikel would be synonymous not important. (I would be more of a telephoto of importance).
What synonymous s.allen small cameras is missing is a lens hood, the sports grounds certainly would have been its raison d'être.
I do not synonymous, what role the "writing guild has and why you want to or need to impress.
Antwort von Sebera:

The problem s.Livecapturen laptop is the "idiots" of the Panasonic Firewire interface installed in the Battery have. Hence the obligatory camera with power supply needs. Unfortunately, not all football pitches, electricity is available.
Therefore, I first had the idea came to me a different camera to buy. The NV of Panasonic GS 330 has exactly the same problem - so I wanted a change glleich to HDV. Since synonymous many say "just not into old technology investing.
On the subject of impress - many newspapers do not pay any attention to me or I fall not on them - ie I do not immerse synonymous in newspaper articles. Sobal I noticed is more synonymous greater the chance that I would mention - so at least my theory - or as you see it?
Antwort von Daigoro:

HDV is seen as synonymous already "old technology".
I do not know whether in the Canon is different, but at least in my Sonybekomm I 'live' only on FireWire HD, SD no more, probably, if you do not have a current notebook s.2kern 2GHz searched, yet a new notebook would require, if you so synonymous cut / want to render.
If you are with the "impress anybody" omit times and have appropriate hardware, the HV30 (or 40) certainly not a bad choice.
Ansonten I understand synonymous not quite understand why you have so much stress with all the dives. I film pretty much synonymous club events and the interaction patterns are available online (for download - no stream, no Flash WMV .. just that the people who's interested then synonymous itself can archive), if I have time.
As long as I am at my own expense and out of pure Naechstenliebe do, so I do not yet determined additional time pressure.
Antwort von Frank B.:

Why should the papers you mention, if you have better technology?
In the newspapers, in which I read is about the football game and not reported on the photographers or videographers s.Rande of the game. If you want to mention, you should perhaps play along.
From the technology side, I could imagine synonymous, with multiple cameras and a video mixer to work on and A / D converter to a laptop or a PC to capture. This is of course a power supply provided. For publication on the Internet, should the A / D conversion no major disadvantages.
Antwort von thos-berlin:

The Firewire port under Battery "problem can be safely resolved by tinkering.
AC adapter output voltage detect (fairs, reading)
Instead of the original power connector via another suitable battery pack?.
According to the data brought the Camera 7.2 -7.9 volts. These are 5 x 1.5 V in series or 6 x 1.2 V Battery (hot actually synonymous 1.5 V, but usually only 1.2 - please, in case of doubt to measure!)
If this does not work, power supply via 12 V -> 220 V voltage transformer with car battery.
(Car adapters are probably not)
But perhaps there is a new camera with the firewire s.der right place better suited for your project.
A live mix of effort and cost is certainly not in question, also exist because the same problems (eg power supply).
I'm saying: For the case of you I would live DV via firewire to a laptop capture.
The game of football is normally very transient, so a (subsequent) Blu-ray marketing rather unlikely. For Internet and DVD ranges DV.
Hence, simple and proven technology (IT) use them.
The Berabeitung can walk without Umkopieren and with very easy Equpment spot it. Or do you want for HDV editing on a duo or quad-core laptop purchase?
If the material is on the laptop, you can immediately cut. As long as you with little flashes and effects work, and only the "finished product" exportierst, you can do 1-2 hours after the game something to offer, depending on how fast you cut. If you're with a partner and the second PC can work, during the second half, the first cut already. During the interviews you do, you can already started the second half will be.
The purely technical.
Rein organistatorisch would be an "editor" helpful during the game, even the striking scenes and important states, so that the subsequent search at the intersection faster.
Antwort von WideScreen:

Wanted to see my short post to say that you yourself note, if your products! not the technique is noteworthy. So if you make a good contribution, then you want to ask whether the s.ende mention of the article. Make the press people already. Only if the video is so bad that it is embarrassing, then I would prefer to remain silent. This is not subordinate to your work because I do not know, just a tip.
Antwort von Bernd E.:
... many newspapers do not pay any attention to me ... I do not immerse synonymous in newspaper articles. Sobal I noticed is more synonymous greater the chance that I will mention ... or how you see it? ... As you quite rightly so - as long as you with "notice" mean to disrupt the game or you are with the HV30 after referee throw. Otherwise, your presence is likely the local press hardly interested, just no preference with which camera du film. Why you should be synonymous in a game report happen where you think the game itself with nothing to do?
If you but to publicity / advertising / attention for yourself or your blog, then read it out with one of the editors of your newspaper: One who in his spare time, the local amateur football films and recordings online is, might a specific article the local part is worth.
Antwort von Daigoro:
Someone who in his spare time, the local amateur football films and recordings online represents, it could possibly a separate article in the local section worth. If something is not in competition with online job is the local press.
Antwort von Sebera:

So, maybe I was so synonymous somewhat poorly expressed.
I was in fact a kind of advertising for my blog.
A slightly better camera than the present should / can help.
Almost as a kind of "black suit-Effect". It is easier to be taken seriously.
The idea with the car battery, I did not come. Voltage converter and then turn laptop and Kamrea it operated. That should work but does not it?
On the subject of processing with a laptop - the HV30 and synonymous the HD 1000 but synonymous SD ausgegben - or I have the wrong angelesen?
Once it is affordable quad laptops so I can switch.
Antwort von pilskopf:

So I cut HD material with a 300 ¬ PC, does everything go, need not always be the best unless you absolutely need a liquid Preview Monitor, why always synonymous. So do not exaggerate. And can auspielen dui HD material but eh what Resolutiondu want to ask but when you export one. And if you always only the material in SD want to convert immediately before cutting. Then reciht synonymous one Laptor the 5 years old.
Antwort von Daigoro:

On the subject of processing with a laptop - the HV30 and synonymous the HD 1000 but synonymous SD ausgegben - or I have the wrong angelesen?
Probably not as a live capture. At least the Zony does not work that way. (or I'm too dopey to get in SD mode for capturing live ... do not know - with my old MVX25 went in SD and with the Sonyin HDV MPG2 transport stream).
Afterwards, of course, is already out, but then can go home synonymous and s.PC work, because no need to lug a laptop (s.besten still in Uebertragungswagen converted to camper: D)
Once it is affordable quad laptops so I can switch. Affordable are long, but not in desktop fairly good speeds.
Depending on the editing program and encoder is always used only one core, so it brings you a fast Dual Core Clocked probably more than a quad (you in the laptop barely overclock it).