Frage von Luca B.:
For a movie I want, of course, the best music are synonymous. Can I use a CD of any artist of the music and how it looks with sound effects from games.
The movie will not be sold but will be posted on the Internet.
Antwort von Markus:

Hello Luca,
for such an application, the use gemapflichtiger music is generally quite uninteresting. To Gema usually synonymous costs to come for the usage rights from the music publisher. Even the sound effects in games are subject to copyright and can not easily be stolen ".
Use preferred license-and royalty free music for your video. Even with cost of 100 ¬ per CD is cheaper. An example:
How do I get s.LEGALE Music in my projects?
Antwort von Luca B.:

Ersmal Thanks for your advice.
It only remains the question of what happens when a breach of these laws and whether those rules are relevant at all in practice, because the films do not want to be great marketing .....
Antwort von Markus:

It does not matter whether you resistant plants "just so" or to distribute them money. Actions for damages are often ruinous. The decision is up to you whether you want to take that risk. ;-)
Learn More:
Antwort von Roma:

"Answer of course, refers to the original question!"
This question plays no role. There is no preference whether you deserve it with the film Money or just for fun give the public price. You pay accompanied by a public access always the Advi. Blosigen for private use (the movie can not be seen) does not belong to your living room or that of his parents.
Just imagine, you produce a video. After a while you realize that he encounters in XY, XX, and in many others on the big wide world to love interest, and that in order to embellish a variety of outside contributions or content of the film is taken completely out of the desired context. If you had your pleasure?
Whether you're half s.The rules and laws, or whether you want s.diesen doubt and do it according to your wishes. Die of the Gema Wiffen and some are quite the worst Webcrowler will come across your website ...
Good night