Frage von gimik:
I'm s.durchdrehen, for weeks now, I try my film to DVD and burn to 2 or 3 players can not read DVDs.
So, with the SonyZ1 in HDV recorded in FinalCut cut then I play it uncompressed quicktime out, take it into Encore (PC) and then make my DVD menu making an ISO file and burn it with Nero. Until now I have my films mostly filmed on DV with Canopus EZDV cut rausgespielt taken into Encore and then done the same. And all the DVD player could read. Since this film is no longer. The iso-file runs with the VLC player without any problems. Could it be that the DVD player, the compression of FinalCut can not read or that there is something with which to do HDV? Although I've tried a different movie that I've recorded on DV in Premiere to edit and then with Encore to burn to DVD and the runs are not synonymous. So it can almost only s.DVD player lie.
Only problem, it could already buy a new player, but I would like my film S.5 people who have participated and send if already on my player does not work, the chance is big that he is on the DVD player the other is not synonymous runs. Has someone another idea? Bin echt s.verzweifeln.
Viele Grüsse
Antwort von segler:

Perhaps you are trying times with the DVD Decrypter is currently called single Imgtoolburn and thereby re-burn.
Antwort von segler:

called ImgBurn
Antwort von PowerMac:

Would you, as it should be-your DVD with DVD Studio Pro made, it would work. From Encore I read constantly. However, we always have to bad discs that are not running.
Unfortunately, you realize that you have no idea of authoring it. Around here: "Can it be that the DVD player, the compression of FinalCut can not read or that there is something with the HDV to do?" Ouch, that is in itself, s.sich each other and basically sort of wrong! The DVD player reads nothing of Final Cut! Selten sowas doofes read. You have to understand what happens when, otherwise the real nothing.
You to read little! Your workflow should look like this: cut in HDV -> HDV Output File -> Encoding to MPEG-2 via Compressor -> Authoring in DVD Studio Pro -> Creating an Images -> Burn with Toast
Antwort von gimik:

@ Power Mac: Yes super grateful. If I were with the Mac could burn DVDs, I would have this problem will not go away. BUT I CAN NOT! And if until now and always has gone since I first cut with FinalCut with HDV and more do not work, I wonder whether the content already FinalCut a different format then the Encore rausgibt not the same as the previous process. But just forget it, if you so stupid to be. Of thee I see anyway just anpöbel contributions.
And this is definitely the last that I was in Slashcam forum ask a question. It is because only stupid always turned on and made out as though the last one. Hab noch ne rarely clever answer. Sorry! Otherwise the Page really good but in the forum cavort so really incredible people including PowerMac !!!!!!!
and bye ...
Antwort von PowerMac:

Sweet, thou hast too little self-consciousness? Let everything calm. I think defiant behavior really sweet. That makes me full of. Are you ever on the clever idea came s.Mac everything with DVD Studio Pro to make an image of this issue and then s.einem other DVD Burners (about s.deinem PC) to burn? Just like the pros do for years? I will create synonymous always s.Mac IMGs or ISOs, which I far shows about s.PCs with Nero. But do 'is now just not so. It might even fix your problem. Oh yes, your problem is called Encore. And your inability during authoring. Your workflow is scheisse with other words.
But again quite objectively for you. You give uncompressed Quicktime files. Schön, what should it be so special? The work so well in Encore. Then they must be uncompressed data in DVD-standard MPEG-2 compressed. Perhaps vergurkst you s.diesem point. Then the whole DVD geauthort be next. Perhaps it vergurkt here or Encore du While compiling the DVD can be synonymous much wrong. The file structure of a DVD is not trivial. Next formatierst you then your image from Encore. Perhaps this is the problem? You do not know. Then you burn the image. Maybe you're a silly version of Nero, perhaps wrong blanks? This can all be sources of error. It is my advice, to make everything s.Mac Encore and out of register. The final image of the DVD, you can already rüberziehen and directly into your burning program of choice burn. Since you can not go wrong. And you need no DVD Burners in Macs! * wink *
Antwort von sony34:

Perhaps `s is synonymous s.Rohling. Take times a DVD-R. Some players, especially the older ones, play a DVD + R does not.
Antwort von gunman:

And this is definitely the last that I was in Slashcam forum ask a question. It is because only stupid always turned on and made out as though the last one. Hab noch ne rarely clever answer. Sorry! Otherwise the Page really good but in the forum cavort so really incredible people including PowerMac !!!!!!!
and tschüss ...[/ quote]
So, as I give you 100 percent right. So the answer is just a mess! I have read this forum more regularly and it is high time that a moderator is even a word of power speaks.
I know about the behavior of here already Powermac much ink has flowed, but such answers can not leave uncommented.
Antwort von PowerMac:

Good, that it is the morality in the person there. Her name is Gunman.
Antwort von segler:

Times I would suggest that the word "Encore" on the blacklist or sets are here in the forum people and the actionable without authors and tricks so you can burn?
Antwort von Thore Rehbach:

Hm, have just 10 minutes after training period in Encore DVD created. The included only a main menu with two options (2 movies directly selectable) with no frills (ie animated menu) and a return after each jump film end to the main menu, but it worked perfectly. For Encore, I have issued an image with Roxio and this "MirfälltderNamedesProgsgradnichtein" burned. 10 of 10 copies fünktionierten on nem'Panasonic DVD recorder uncomplainingly. Let's see how Encore is, if a bit more complex.
BTW: you can import Encore AE compositions, but make sense is because the imported composition is not (always) with changes in AE are synchronized. Furthermore, there are probably problems with the store management about the output images: if you have a project often modified, for example, from the various timelines deletes clips and replaced by others, the program appears to the data (volume) of the clips already deleted with in the expected size with DVD, which leads to a DVD with 100MB each, 2 large clips allegedly with 1.4 GB of data would fill:)
Antwort von Markus:
... and it is high time that a moderator is even a word of power speaks. I do this of time to time, but PowerMac is somewhat resistant to criticism. Everything else is beyond my possibilities, synonymous when it Sacheben occasionally strained too far and others are personal opinion. If something does not suit you, please s.die Editors:
Antwort von andrempga:

Nevertheless, the harassment of minorities is not allowed,