Frage von islakn:
I can recommend anyone of these cams?
I am here to learn not just
Thanks for your info
Antwort von blaujanina:

You can recommend Sony HVR-A1, slightly compact hd-capable
simply fantastic.
Antwort von hsp:

I Dendi heavily on the canon xh-I s.was to jetztgelesenhab
all I can say net dei ichnet andrn know and the canon is not yet on the market :-(
Antwort von ruessel:

How can someone suggest something serious if he did not have these cameras are at home (not even compare to the market) and myself can?? Even with the FX7 (PAL) is still a few hand-optimized test patterns are not likely to have the final series of camera image quality.
Antwort von OEME:

Yes me wonder whether the new FX7 with 3 CMOS sensors match the analog CCD chips.
I have heard that in Lowlightbereich the CCD is worse.
I'm still waiting for test reports synonymous s.and end of Nov. I'll decide whether the Canon XH A1 or the SonyFX7.
For the Canon speaks quite clearly aschlüssen the XLR and the dimming. The Sonyhats once again to incorporate only the more expensive G1 geschaft.
Have fun with the decision!
Antwort von Chezus:

Now I'll have to ask very stupid:
If you're not so very familiar, what will you be with such a camera? Since I'd still start with cheaper models, or you have quite a lot of money on?
Antwort von walthermarco:

I have HDV camcorders of different brands tested for months,
all draw on in mpeg format, and what comes out is sobering. unschärfe especially when moving, because the mpg is only every 12th bild full record. the specified 1900 x 1000 pixels Camera None of voting. everything is recorded with 1400 x1000 pixel (so-called 1080 / 50i) and the good programs like adobe or canopus pinnacle mpeg equalize the already poor signal high at 1900 x 1000 where the building is deteriorating course, while any further herunterrechnen at 720 x 576 (equivalent to standard DVD) movies are just terribly pale blurred.
as a film lecturer (on large screens around 5x3m), I have the finished rendered mpgs compared with my panasonic DVX 100A although only with 720 x 576 but the records in avi format and with
25 frames. with the program hochrechgerechnet Stumpfl to 1400 x1000 pixels. With my canon Biemer of 1400 x 1000 pixels can be compared, it is shocking how the so-called HDV cameras fall
against normal good old old 3 chip cameras in avi format.
the camera, I recommend that users wait until a real HDV camera comes out, not at 1900 pixel needs to be rectified, and with the Full avi or similar records.
werner Sternath
Antwort von Johannes:

I recommend you the Sony FX1
The Canon still do now have problems
(New and already bought kaput) ;-)
ps: I know nothing about the FX7, therefore, the FX!
Antwort von Master_neo:

And a 6th Time the same nonsense ...
Antwort von strohy:

So what I read here makes my hair stand on mountains!
Worse than projected HDV DV??
HDV is supposedly extrapolated to 1900x1000 pixel?
What an HDV standard bitteschön would that be?
I believe that there is either a completely ignorant or trying to make only important to know.
I personally have the Canon XH-A1. And I do not rumreden big stupid, because a picture speaks a 1000 words. Without video light included (bin of) the skills LowLight absolutely thrilled
it just look at yourself:
(it should probably be your calculator jerk too weak - with my AMD64 3800 + it runs just above)
in this sense - see for yourself and let yourselves be persuaded not any nen nonsense.
Greeting strohy
Antwort von baristursun:

@ strohy
I would like to see in the next few weeks one synonymous xh s.holen've already looked at me, now synonymous many of the sample clips and am thoroughly smitten quality ... there would be only the question of operability maybe you can ask me to answer because as owner a few;) since I myself s.and s.konzert I wonder how the movies with a "small" (so I worked until now "only" shoulder cameras accustomed zb)
1. Tangy - normalerweisse I do everything in part, without the manual viewfinder to see what is going sowas or even better here is the automatic choice?
and 2 The color - almost exclusively in single colors eg blue or red can only get worse as seen in the viewfinder / dislpay nor anything or just matsch?
@ The rest - from guest post's like you should just ignore:)
Antwort von baristursun:

And how much does it cost to A1 now really? I am not in my network (I do not trust online vendors), but in the (technical) trade? Is there synonymous to ~ 3300 have? If so where, no preference whether Austria, Germany or Switzerland. Thank you
Antwort von baristursun:

I can not decide who should take now.
If the XH-A1 would not be so complicated in handling, the FX7 a little more wide Anglehätte, the FX1 is not so big / heavy and would have a better tele .........
Antwort von Bernd E.:
If the XH-A1 would not be so complicated in handling, the FX7 a little more wide Anglehätte, the FX1 is not so big / heavy and would have a better tele ......... ... then the life of a videographer would not be half as exciting as today ;-)
Gruß Bernd E.
Antwort von darkcobalt:

The Canon is not really my thing, but even between the 1 Series and the 7 Series reminds me of a decision is not easy. And soon to still further Cams Of Sonyerscheinen.
The FX1 would have actually bought some, but there now seems to be a discontinued model, and therefore I'll wait a little bit with a purchase.
Would you buy you in this price class has a camcorder, you would fall at the time synonymous so hard?? ß
Antwort von darkcobalt:

The new will throw Sony HDV prosumer but no pure consumer cams but wherever I've noticed that. I notice synonymous quite heavy. Somehow strong case for the XH A1.
Antwort von Jan:

With the XH A1 can one Viewfinder synonymous either sat in SW, so the sharpness assessment more successful. Otherwise I do not know the A 1.
Yes, unfortunately, only FX 7 has a color viewfinder. Really good makes the edge enhancement (peaking) alternatively in red / yellow / white.
For which nothing can imagine it will be the objects in the currently selected focus range there) gekennzeichnte in each color, the person the subject of the edges (contours and can be seen quickly which object is in focus grad.
In low light conditions which otherwise is a setting in the "Blue" and it is estimated the distance and by which a focus ring.
Yet to what FX 1 can not, you can InfoRapid to peaking - Zebra - the correct exposure help.
With a little practice, the professional always has the right focus range and the correct exposure) synonymous with extremely severe constantly changing light situations (concert.
Antwort von darkcobalt:

I'm sorry that ichs reinstellen again now, but it is important and I do not want that goes down that:) thanks for understanding
And how much does it cost to A1 now really? I am not in my network (I do not trust online vendors), but in the (technical) trade? Is there synonymous to ~ 3300 have? If so where, no preference whether Austria, Germany or Switzerland. Thank you
Antwort von darkcobalt:
With the XH A1 can one Viewfinder synonymous either sat in SW, so the sharpness assessment more successful. Otherwise I do not know the A 1.
Yes, unfortunately, only FX 7 has a color viewfinder. Really good makes the edge enhancement (peaking) alternatively in red / yellow / white.
Jan at least has the fx7 expand the focus type2 one sw presentation!
gruß cj
Antwort von Jan:

Yes, I know that - so did the camera. Unfortunately, this is only a momentary Focusierhilfe with 1.5 times the image magnification. But thank God for it in SW.
When the viewfinder on XH A 1 S may be permanently switched, I really like the SW Viewfinder (DSR PD 170) s.besten coupled with the LCD screen. For me, the color viewfinder, the FX 7 is not much better than the LCD for the sharpness of "determination" no preference whether you both can simultaneously activate or not. Yes the FX 7 one has even donated new aids. Degree of "Konzertnivaeulicht" is a software viewfinder is very important.
Antwort von birdie:

I personally have the Canon XH-A1. And I do not rumreden big stupid, because a picture speaks a 1000 words. Without video light included (bin of) the skills LowLight absolutely thrilled
Greeting strohy The video runs for me very well. But of "is good" image quality since they do not speak sooner. This is for my taste, just as "sufficient" - When the saxophonist has in reality just looked so similar, he should consult a doctor.
Sorry - but look easy times.
Antwort von Udo Schröer:
The Canon is not really my thing, but even between the 1 Series and the 7 Series reminds me of a decision is not easy. And soon to still further Cams Of Sonyerscheinen.
The FX1 would have actually bought some, but there now seems to be a discontinued model, and therefore I'll wait a little bit with a purchase.
Would you buy you in this price class has a camcorder, you would fall at the time synonymous so hard?? ß I would be synonymous to wait until the last sold out s.besten are FX1.
'll Tell you no more get cheaper
Antwort von ambrus:
I can recommend anyone of these cams?
I am here to learn not just
Thanks for your info
Mfg I would recommend you do not buy the A1 to me, stole 2 pieces purchased .............. that was a bad buy. The camera is factory set so bad that one ........ rumfummelt for days to get through the filter, a einigermasen good picture too. Greeting. Frank
Antwort von ambrus:

You can, of course, synonymous Page go easy on themselves and download the perfect settings.
S.Ruessel Thanks again!
Antwort von ambrus:
Yes, I know that - so did the camera. Unfortunately, this is only a momentary Focusierhilfe with 1.5 times the image magnification. But thank God for it in SW.
When the viewfinder on XH A 1 S may be permanently switched, I really like the SW Viewfinder (DSR PD 170) s.besten coupled with the LCD screen. For me, the color viewfinder, the FX 7 is not much better than the LCD for the sharpness of "determination" no preference whether you both can simultaneously activate or not. Yes the FX 7 one has even donated new aids. Degree of "Konzertnivaeulicht" is a software viewfinder is very important.
Jan I have found yet another possibility to the viewfinder / lcd in
sw run, however, is synonymous only temporary:
And although you can create the image profiles, sw variant
And save a assignknopf!
gruß cj
Antwort von ambrus:

assigntasten exactly these 6 were with a reason for the decision on sony fx7 practicable in contrast to the canon (only 2 memory).
canon in a program need to get a decent picture tststs ...
Soon mobile internet so that some even funzt ;-).
Sometimes one must ask whether the development of people do not intentionally s.benützer vorbeitüfteln ... and himself a grin.
lg thomas
Antwort von pyjama:

I think the already fairly
class for the price, especially when the set
s.einstellmöglichkeiten has intervened in or
The most important parameter settings as
presets stored on the sd card has.
The tonal range is with the two
xlr inputs do not wish to open.
Nevertheless, it has weakened as the
to small lcd / viewfinder to focus of the
(one of the most important settings) makes it difficult!
As we can only hope that the automatic as well
works just like the fx1 / 7
gruß cj
Antwort von pyjama:

Hi cj,
As we can only hope that the automatic as well
works just like the fx1 / 7
.. they do not just do. have to invest time getting hold lessons or a program / preset download at half s.den sony automatic mode.
tonstudio as a human I would also understand why a tonlösung not synonymous with XLR in / output is to be professional car?
it all comes to the preamp and the sound is not the potis etc s.and connection to the bushings! I always have a small audio mixer to handle men hand x-s.den times better than the fiddly micropotis.
I am surprised that here s.den aufnahmeton claim is made so little, there is always only a pixel, tiefenschärfe + kinoimmitation, here we are with a couple of 100 euro for a good while already ton.
But ultimately depends always s.der individual working practices.
ton yet still comes from professionelelr mischpult and not of the cam.
my friend is currently filming in nepal with A1, audio adapter must have been sent after looking ;-)) times what he has to say when he is back.
lg thomas
Antwort von Bernd E.:
Sometimes one must ask whether the development of people do not intentionally s.benützer vorbeitüfteln. This may happen not to have especially as the sole technician in charge. As everywhere, synonymous to rule in here with red pencil, and model policy. If the developers are expected as they could, we would have better equipment on the market.
It is now increasingly seems to me that people just grow a camera to their claims, or knowledge is not adequate. If you are looking for a snapshot camcorder fully automatic operation, with the XH-A1 is operated subject to availability. He would be as synonymous with a HDCAM SR, and in both cases, the problem is not necessarily at the Camera.
Gruß Bernd E.
Antwort von pyjama:

servus bernd,
I can agree with you 100%.
But then the industry should not be surprised if only a few steps to venture into the next class.
I mean, I play tennis to begin, and move up a semiprofschläger my ambition, I must not necessarily synonymous all over canopy, etc. strings are aware, I am assuming that I can carry synonymous with no canopy machine for ball in a desired direction.
exactly met my A1 to my opinion not.
Antwort von Jan:

Thanks guest for the tip,
Unfortunately, I try and follow in hiring synonymous SW, which will stop not always desired.
Antwort von OsunSeyi:

hi jan,
I think you referring to my posting:
> and although it is possible to create visual profiles, sw variant
> and save it to a assignknopf!
You're right that one then records except in sw
we again presses the assignknopf!
good is ultimately the same result as with the
expand mode has only one instance in this
just the excerpts in sw of synonymous to record.
gruß cj
Antwort von OsunSeyi:

servus cj.
expand focus disappears immediately when you go on borrowing.
which argues against a small bw monitor dranzuhängen particularly for the needs?
lg thomas
Antwort von WarteSeit30JahrenAufHD:

Hello "Guest"!
Very interesting. In the same opinion. Hab HDV from Sony's flagship (for 4000, Eus) on a 5000, e-beamer (JVC D-ILA) in the association seen simply scrap. The only advantage is 16:9 format, not PAL grid lines, but a lot of motion artifacts, Scheiss colors (in Comparison to the VX2000), and faint zero Resolution Plus! !
Therefore wishes to my next holiday with 16:9 movie to PAL Converter record. (3Chip-NV-DX1) And then highly expected.
Do the idiots of the Manufacturer synonymous only! Horizontally, the cam 960 pixels max all! (PAL = 720) Vertical probably synonymous only 540! (PAL = 576netto) The rest is used in high-greasy MPEG verwurstelt.
My opinion is the cinematographer 3 or 4, 2006, under letters. (HDV scrap) the consumer does not remember, they have no reference. Every professional knows what PAL provides is of HDV scrap disenchanted. I would not be a gift.
1. The chips have to be bigger, at least 2 / 3 inch.
(Was even at PAL! See SonyVX5000)
2. Data at least! 100 Mbit / sec, should not be a problem tonight.
(When DV already before 12 years 25 Mbit / sec could!)
ALL OTHER istundbleibt SCRAP! !
But now to my question:
Who has experience with high computing? What programs are there?
MfG Renato
Antwort von OsunSeyi:

I have to contradict you but
hdv pal and the difference between
is the same as between a 1Megapixel and
2megapixel one image, and this can be
simply with aftereffect show
palbild no such resolution has a HDV -
have bildes ... what are you with the beamer times
I do not know but what I'm after with visual effect for visual
can be compared is more than clear and ...
how it was created (mpeg2) is of secondary importance.
gruß cj
Antwort von OsunSeyi:

[quote = "WarteSeit30JahrenAufHD"] Hello "Guest"!
1. The chips have to be bigger, at least 2 / 3 inch.
(Was even at PAL! See SonyVX5000)
2. Data at least! 100 Mbit / sec, should not be a problem tonight.
(When DV already before 12 years 25 Mbit / sec could!)
ALL OTHER istundbleibt SCRAP! !
tell me where did you get your infos from??
Why do you write without thinking beforehand?
dv wrote 12 years ago with mpeg2 compression 25mb / s? oh
`Please go Semsi inform an bissi and then you should enter bescheid.
still claim `s tip: the projector.
lg thomas
Antwort von AndyZZ:

[quote = "Anonymous"]
Hello "Guest"!
tell me where did you get your infos from??
Why do you write without thinking beforehand?
dv wrote 12 years ago with mpeg2 compression 25mb / s? oh
lg thomas Well, right he is: DV there since 1994. The data rate is 25 Mbit / s.
see synonymous:
YOU can tell you where synonymous.
Antwort von OsunSeyi:

servus andy
again for you to read along
dv wrote 12 years ago with MPEG 2 compression 25mb / s? oh
So, if you are not synonymous, there is now buckles on ichs.
lg thomas
Antwort von r.p. television:

@ Guest:
Andy was right. In the report, although not all true, but with the MPEG2 compression did you even reingeschrieben. Better read it for yourself right!
Antwort von MuFim Productions:

rp @ tele
Type the screams synonymous in another thread:
I wanted to bring to expression that has a little something more to-day hold on it is synonymous if "only" 25mb / s is on it. just like the cars were more efficient in order to remain in the above example to.
clearly I would be glad also with a firmware, which allows via firewire with 480Mb / s of uncompressed disk write. I think the synonymous sowas will come soon. I just do not understand why someone demonized reliable band technology. I find the discs full of sh ... nothing works, the one drive does not read the lw rohling the other format that can not be read again. I find sowas zum kotzen. what if the disc does not work you can forget the whole material. The same prob with band? bisserl geschnippselt some one is missing then a little while, but the rest is available.
the dv-band and as an alternative to the uncompressed firewire connection would be my wish, and hopefully soon reality, but please, please, no new band formats. 'm totally happy with the compact format. (currently Sony fx7).
I hope it is now clear, lg thomas
Antwort von AndyZZ:

I just do not understand why someone demonized reliable band technology. I find the discs full of sh ... nothing works, the one drive does not read the lw rohling the other format that can not be read again. I find sowas zum kotzen. what if the disc does not work you can forget the whole material. The same prob with band? bisserl geschnippselt some one is missing then a little while, but the rest is available.
the dv-band and as an alternative to the uncompressed firewire connection would be my wish, and hopefully soon reality, but please, please, no new band formats. 'm totally happy with the compact format. (currently Sony fx7).
I hope it is now clear, lg thomas Somehow I do not Schnall your comments: Who demonized tape here in this thread the DV?
Then you try unterzumischen us MPEG2 compression in DV-AVI.
Antwort von r.p. television:

I'm so synonymous with the statement referred only to the MPEG compression.
That's why I've written the rest of the thread is a little excessive.
With HDV, even though I'm not particularly happy, but it is the right step off of PAL at an acceptable price and moderate camera weight.
Films themselves professionally with a DSR-500 (DVCAM), but I have purchased for private films a CANON XL H1.
Since, according to the editing of a private film screening of SD material sometimes very sobering.
HDV has its weaknesses in the movement representation. One must stop to deal with them.
The firmware of you may be called only if any of a third-party will be thrown on the market, because the Manufacturer would otherwise make themselves a leg.
Because with a camera like the XL H1, which provides for a semi-professional 1 / 3 inch 3Chipper a truly sensational picture quality would be as a firmware three times every buyer will present the question of whether we oppose the (expensive) handle worthwhile to HD CAM & Co more .
But I can not imagine that we needed a Firewire port so can aufbohren that it can boring of such amounts of data, because the-camera technique was never built for anything else. Finally, the camera is no firewire controller á la pc, but the port is designed only for native HDV or DV stream.
I would imagine more that a third party for the Canon HDVS HD SDI output with a hard-disk recorder with internal compression capture board offering.
I would be interested but some one and Manufacturers such as Canon, not any pro HDV camcorder on offer, perhaps synonymous.
Then you could record HD or less so, at the 100 Mbit and would regard the data stream has more at eye level to HD CAM or DVC pro hd:
Antwort von MuFim Productions:

@ Andy
does not matter, because there are no years.
Relaxed brown everything is good ...
lg thomas
Antwort von MuFim Productions:

Rp @ tele
You agree. the angst of the manufacturer's yes is because of losing the premium market 3chipper s.The favorable to HDV.
what HDV is concerned, there are opinions other than yours synonymous:
do not know the man personally, but understand from his work that he was somewhat out well and throws herself into the vehicle.
I have only been 4 months on HDV, and do not know all the Probs be discussed here as my assistance A1 is not detected and so on. Sony FX7, funzt s.mac, s.pc is s.schlepptop immediately recognized, etc., everything goes
Take normal standard bands of 35 bands (including animal movies filmed), never synonymous only a single prob make the pitch black dark transparent ähhm ;-), no rushing, no pixeling can gain, they turn up to 12db (still have it locked at 0 ) maybe I am wrong and the cam failed tomorrow ...
lg thomas
Antwort von Jan:

@ CJ - yes, I've slept there, may have to disable again - good idea!
Yes and to Renato.
I film synonymous with PD 170-576i Pal FX 7 and 1080i. Amazingly, I had a sense synonymous with the PD 170 to a little more drawing in the picture is, indeed, the MPEG 2 compression and the associated data rate "pulls to pieces" a little. The targeted 1080 lines or less synonymous not always get the picture what is actually possible.
The vertical Resolutionder FX 7 is merely extrapolated anyway, because the camera has only 960 lines will be changed with CCD pixel shift ".
Synonymous, but there are advantages of FX 7, the Aperture jumps in the PD, the front zoom takes a while before he responds, the FX has 7 Limitation for Aperture and Gain (synonymous) quite useful, peaking brings a lot - I think. Since the new cheaper HDV is even better.
Antwort von MuFim Productions:

100mb @ all fans
affordable dvcpro is already long before s.markt:
panasonic HVX200 DVC PRO HD
is unlikely to be the only high speed, (which I can not judge).
lg thomas
Antwort von Jan:

In the FX 7 is installed synonymous of S 100 (100 Mbits / sec), Firewire port, you could increase even if you want.
In the case of the HVX 200 via USB but the P 2 cards with the 100 Mbit / sec read as synonymous gehts doch oder?
USB is supposed to be theoretically slower?
Antwort von elek:

And what if you get the hdmi
takes the output of fx7 catur
zb. With a black magic card?
gruß cj
Antwort von r.p. television:

That would interest me in the act.
In what formats to record, bit rate and one for Resolutionkann with the Black Magic?
But I do not think that it is a laptop version has it, right? That makes it very mobile camera operation .....
Antwort von elek:

it seems to me that the possibilities of this map:
of the software manufacturers (except for Final Cut Pro / app) intentionally
are not supported, because it might be true
cheap hd very best material compression in almost every
I still hope that it is a small tool to predict how
hdv-split is where you target only the codec
(quicktime / canopus hq etc.) and adjusts the compression strength
And over the hdmi interface eindigitalisiert.
gruß cj
Antwort von Sceetch:

sorry for the very best expression hd material (4:2:2)
But for the people the difference between jpg and tif
do not see is all sorts of things.
gruß cj
Antwort von Jan:

Have to improve, the PD 170 has one synonymous gain control 0, 6 or 12 DB. Just for accuracy.
Antwort von Andreas_Kiel:
In the FX 7 is installed synonymous of S 100 (100 Mbits / sec), Firewire port, you could increase even if you want. Hi,
really only S100? The FX1 is S400, I can not imagine that Sonyda has committed this "step backward".
Antwort von sk8connection:

Which of course is again in the Sonyno preference, because they ere not rushing.
Canon + 36dB, but they already rushing to 12dB more than the Sony.
Only in this way for the info, for anyone to be interested.
Antwort von Markus:
... really only S100? The FX1 is S400, I can not imagine that Sonyda has committed this "step backward". The interface must be 25 Mbit / s do what Firewire-100 loosely enough. Why a Manufacturer FW should build 400?
Antwort von sk8connection:

What a discussion - what does that even with the question
"SOny HDR-FX1, FX7 or Canon XH-A1?"
to do?
Antwort von Markus:

Is obvious: Not much. It might have only a synonymous equipment detail and how it is assessed.
What about it? ;-)
Antwort von Andreas_Kiel:
... really only S100? The FX1 is S400, I can not imagine that Sonyda has committed this "step backward".
The interface must be 25 Mbit / s do what Firewire-100 loosely enough. Why a Manufacturer FW should build 400? ... perhaps to any future changes (50, 100 Mbit, who knows) because even on the Page to be safe? Perhaps stuck in the obsolete model of FX1, the Y8 tomorrow?
Antwort von Markus:
... perhaps to any future changes (50, 100 Mbit, who knows) because even on the Page to be safe? Give me one example where a consumer camcorder could be so upgraded! ;-)
Antwort von Jan:

SonyHDR FX 7 Pro Evolution 400 ;-)
Antwort von Markus:
SonyHDR FX 7 Pro Evolution 400 ;-) What is it? Google spits out anything usable, either with or without FX7 here ...
Antwort von Jan:

A joke ....
Antwort von Markus:

But now I'm reassured. My world view was s.Wanken that precisely something like the FX7 (with their "professional" spin-off I had to do the last few days) could be upgraded so. Has the consumer version actually similar bugs like the V1?
To see the following new post: