Frage von Kickit:
I have now therefore a concern to play around, but unfortunately only one fairly cheap, since I first with the whole matter will have to address.
Device is a Samsung VP-MX20 (yeah I know :-))
In any case, makes with the Cam during rapid movements, like a streak of pure, how should I explain, so every second line is as I see blurry.
Looks like a kind of "edge"
Which one of you the problem, or is this known?
This happens with all and without stability, or the whole filter settings.
MFG Kickit
Antwort von tommyb:

So like this?
This is interlacing and is perfectly normal. Get the VLC player to play, then go to Video -> deinterlace -> Bob
Antwort von Kickit:

Ah, thank you!
Is synonymous Programs which may be so, I think the video s.sich edit?
So of an editing program or something similar "deinterlace" leave.
Another question to understand what is this interlacing or where it is?
Are these "lines" are simply to be a full to get?
MFG Kickit
Antwort von Bernd E.:
... what is this interlacing or where it comes ...
Antwort von Kickit:

Ok, I've read a little,
My only question would be, for example on Youtube and cohorts, I have never had a video with interlace stripes seen, or have only a few cameras?
Or does the Youtube zb own?
Deinterlace because all their video's before they upload? But what is probably not as many as (like me :-)) have no experience.
Antwort von pilskopf:

Sure, the material is deinterlaced. That makes your editing program almost auto. We can export most of the material when determined. But not every cam takes in this interlaced method to which you need only stop at these cams. (1080i Cams for example) However, if you are in 24p or 25p recording, are naturally full, there is then no such effect.
Antwort von Kickit:

Again ne little question, I convert with just a little Super rum.
Now I have one in WMV converted with a 1920 bitrate.
And to my surprise there were at once the strips away? But only in this format?
Is this normal?