Frage von Julius:
briefly my problem:
- Film in TMPGEnc for DVD rendering.
- Runs DVD and burned .....
- DVD on some players, the expensive brands (not NoName) ... is not running.
- Problem: In TMPGEnc was accidentally
"Output interval of sequence
header = 0 GOP made.
- DVD finished, but the original file no longer exists (ie no Neurendern possible)
Question: Is it possible the DVD umzurechen so that the GOP agrees to the VOBs on the DVD?
I know I could convert the VOBs back into MPEGS, trying to repair and burn again, but the DVD has a fairly cumbersome improvised menu that I would not rebuild umbedingt.
Thanks for advice
Antwort von Stefan:

I fear that is not so simple. (response of Gen_Kiyooka)
The GOP needs a fix IMHO a transposition code ;-(
If there is space on the DVD and it is not so problematic that the VOBs are getting longer, then you could try to customize the shifted entry points with a tool like PgcEdit.
Good luck
The fat Stefan
Antwort von Julius:

Thank you,
I've already thought of me almost that it is not so easy going.
But again, thanks!
Here's looking at something, the tool brings PgcEdit.
ps: You did not happen, a tutorial for my problem in PgcEdit at hand?
Antwort von Julius:

I just found something in German ..
But if you still what what Relating to PgcEdit ....