Frage von robrick:Hello,
voted for the art academy a film cut together and put on youtube. Unfortunately, the video on youtube in a bad quality to be seen.
here the video:
what should I primi per set to improve the quality of youtube to get?
lg rob
Antwort von Ficeduld:
what is the primi?
Upload as 1280x720! as wmv
for retrieval & fmt = 22 attach the rear in the status bar ........ and it's already HD
Antwort von robrick:
I did not so often worked with premiere, I must at what else is in store videos of note zb. the code or the video pixel aspect ratio, bitrate mode, frame rate ... etc. settings?
what do I need to adjust for the best quality TV to get?
Antwort von robrick:
the question of my previous post has done.
how can I get on youtube because the quality of a normal playing videos for other user, without knowledge with & fmt = 18/22?