Frage von Eddie Erpel:
I hope someone can help me, because I'm really in despair. I have a Panasonic NV-GS11 and would like to cut video in Premiere Pro 2.0 and record. The problem I have, however, that premiere pro performs no automatic scene detection. can someone show me a solution? in premiere pro 1.5 has everything still works problemslos ....
Antwort von Hanzl:

If you love your camcorder, forget the scene detection of P. Pro (on the assumption that the scene is synonymous only with the capture detection possible in 2.0).
Greeting Louis.
Antwort von Eddie Erpel:

that is to say then? I Nehem another program to capture? or he goes broke or what? panasonic had him at last, there was the drive in the backside .... sppro can be?
what the program is well suited to capture it (with scene detection)??
Antwort von Eddie Erpel:

sers, I again ...
rausgefunden have just what .. band on the record, I would like to have some old recordings on it. from these recordings does the scene detection. received in the new shows that I made after the change of the drives is no longer. can someone give me a hint in this regard? in support of panasonic's just unfortunately None anymore, I would have to stop until tomorrow to try again.
Antwort von Hanzl:

Sorry for the short version. What I meant is that probably in all programs, the scene detection when capturing conduct by the constant strain Report positioning the drives and go sooner or later broken. I can not synonymous to mind a scene detection only for relatively short shoot (so min under 10th detect) or very long scene lengths. For longer shooting, I find the handling in the storyboard still very expensive (to where it is apparently still in Pr Pro always subject to error). I prefer the rapid capturing in "one piece" and continue working the same in the timeline.
To your last post reminds me of just that (after the repair, the time stamps, it is not the time code meant) possibly not work anymore.
Greeting Louis.
Antwort von Wiro:
that probably in all the programs, the scene detection when capturing conduct by the constant strain Report positioning the drives and go sooner or later broken Hello,
because it is still destined to be a misunderstanding.
The search function captures scene without interrupting the tape run individual scenes. In the tape at scene breaks is investigated in the date / time stamp - every change leads to a separate file, after the capture car is in the Project window. A lump of sugar with Appro is that the scene separation even works if the cameraman out of negligence has produced no gaps in the recorded tape - it will simply create a black clip.
I often work with foreign material and all possible playback devices - JVC, Sony, Panasonic, more recently synonymous HDV camcorders. What are some s.Schrott is on the tapes is glaring: timecode gaps recordings with 48 kHz and 32 kHz motley mixed up. And yet I have (mostly) no problems with the stage separation.
@ Eddie drake
I propose to put time into a brand new tape in your camera repaired and thus to be incorporated. Not with a tape that still have old photographs of earlier time stamp on it and has guaranteed produces jumps.
Greeting Wiro
Antwort von Jörg:

Ludwig's contribution is to say, that scene detection does not drive the least loaded. Here is indeed of batch capturing the speech, in which the drive goes to the score out wide.
In the AP Pro1 was really so, one reason for the quick update.
For versions 1.5 g, the separation is based on time code on the fly. The scenes are separated completely and easily stored. In case of difficulties
With the separation is the culprit in almost all cases of missing, broken timecode. It all happens easily at zwischemzeitlichen viewing of the material and the subsequent fast-forward.
That is not nut (this) reason let the old-fashioned old-timers go through the tape again with black video recorded. The subsequent scene identification does only good.
So do not worry against drive damage, that nothing will happen.
Gruß Jörg
Antwort von Hanzl:

Thanks for the info. I have not installed and V1 thus not expected that this Adobe immediately improved.
Greeting Louis.