Frage von chrismaster:
I'm looking for an audio effect in Premiere Pro 2.0, with which I am without a lot of work in addition to noise, running noise of the cam or other rushing minimize or suppress can.
Have almost all the audio effects, as the terms I do not say much, I found nothing.
Thank you and gruß
Antwort von AndyZZ:

Audi requested this effect does not exist. Since each camera of other noises that there would be a general purpose tool is not feasible.
In Adobe Audition, there is the possibility of a previously isolated noise (ie the running noise of your camera in a comparable, however, silent environment) as a disruptive aufzuzeichen this noise and then 180 ° phasenversetzt on your Videoton apply. The noise then delete more or less. However suffers depending on intensity and quality of the noise, maybe the rest of synonymous sound.
But I have very good results so erziehlt.
Antwort von Markus:
However, possibly synonymous suffers [...] the rest of sound. That he certainly does, because the drive noise vary depending on the (automatic) Audio Control. While in quiet passages (only) the noise is removed, is in fair scenes synonymous wanted lost, because the noise at that moment was much quieter, but always the same amount is removed.
As long as you do not exaggerate (a target of -80 dB Signal ;-) can the O-Sound with Audition already quite good value.
Antwort von levis0208:

Regarding the method of AndyZZ mentioned there is an Instructions:
See "Noise or networks Brummen remove"
The method removes any "amount", but a spectrum.
Drive sounds are mostly in quiet passages to be heard, since regulates the automatic audio control the sensitivity high. And only then it should be removed or curbed.
In louder passages, the noise rarely heard, because once the audio control the sensitivity runterregelt, but synonymous, because the other noises drive noise superimposed. In such passages should be at best filter to use s.markanten score, but rather not.
With a little patience and practice can be quite good results.
Antwort von Markus:
The method removes any "amount", but a spectrum. The noise as the frequency spectrum is defined by a certain amount (here: number value in dB) damped. That I had probably failed to understand.