Frage von Gronsen:Hello,
maybe someone knows a professional DVD authoring program for
Mac on the basis of DVD Encore and Apple DVD Studio Pro.
Antwort von Dagmar:
I understand the question is not: DVD Studio Pro is a DVD authoring program and even with the best of them. I think the only thing the Sonics would still toppt Scenarist and gives the ES 1 only for the PC, is 2 outrageously expensive and 3rd a disaster what usability is concerned (the main who makes sure looks different).
I think with DVD Studio Pro to do little in the wrong ways.
Antwort von Dagmar:
because of what can Scenarist encore can not do what?
Antwort von Axel:
because of what can Scenarist encore can not do what? Counter-question: What do you want to achieve? All funky Menufunktionen that you would with Encore or DSP for SD DVDs has painstakingly ausgeknobelt be any of the possibilities of BD completely in the shadows asked. A simple, elegant menu and no silly gimmicks, that's with almost any authoring program. So what you missed?
Antwort von bublik:
Can Encore überhaupt scripts?