Frage von Tobsn:
S.alle Hello!
I am following with s.euch thing. I study with a focus on social environmental and cultural education.
In this area we are currently planning a short film festival.
We are writing a competition, where everyone (especially young people) a film relating to globalization can rotate.
Furthermore, we want professional, already twisted shorts show.
Admission is free, therefore uncommercial of public presentation.
But what if one of the submitted films gemapflichtige Music happens?
Could we synonymous require a fee, or one that will once again be a commercial event?
I am happy to provide any Antowrt!
Thank you very much
Antwort von Ricardo Salva:

The best in the Gema ask directly. There is so much wrong told that you really must watch.
Even the people at the Gema can not properly explain (think s.zahllose infertile talks with whom). s.zuverlässigsten but it is still there ask:
Tel: 030-21245-00
Fax: 030-21245-950
Antwort von steveb:
S.alle Hello!
I am following with s.euch thing. I study with a focus on social environmental and cultural education.
In this area we are currently planning a short film festival.
We are writing a competition, where everyone (especially young people) a film relating to globalization can rotate.
Furthermore, we want professional, already twisted shorts show.
Admission is free, therefore uncommercial of public presentation.
But what if one of the submitted films gemapflichtige Music happens?
Could we synonymous require a fee, or one that will once again be a commercial event?
I am happy to provide any Antowrt!
Thank you very much No matter where (public or synonymous only partially public) gemapflichtiges listed, must be synonymous Gemagebühren paid. Even if you do not take admission. Since you do not come around. There are to my knowledge but reduced fees for schools, etc. On the Gemaseite the cost of this deposit. Similarly, information sheets etc.
And on email responses from the Gema schonmal you waiting a few weeks :-) Then better the Regional Gemaagenturen address.
Antwort von Tobsn:

Thank you ever for this information.
The solution to the problem, of course, I publish here.
Antwort von Tobsn:

The following is the solution to the problem described.
First of all, I am with the regional Gemaagentur shorted. The result was that for every SHORTFILM, the Gemapflichtiges material (in this case relate solely to music), the first author of the piece must write, if a public showing ever by the author is okay. Is it then okay, then it is necessary to Gemagebühr (per music) to be paid. So first find out what music in what film occurs and then to each song to find out the originator shall take it, then contain the Gema shall take.
Luckily I have a third person has an official form to get on the Gemaseite the Internet to find it.
The form includes a clause for short films. Contents of the form is that a per Gemagebühr Short Film gemapflichtigen content with pay, which is per seat (per ¬ 0.10) is calculated (but not less than ¬ 8.70).
The second option is less crucial and will now pursue next. Thank you again for the tips.