Frage von Flok:
I wish here to present my newest project and would ask for criticism, and especially suggestions for improvement! I do not work professionally but rather in the amateur level, but I will very much like to continue and could Tips and suggestions are always needed!
We had to film only 2 months time next school or the movies, and so we were quite pressed for time. This synonymous have crept in the little one or other errors!
Above all it would be great if someone could give me an error analysis to the blue box shots! The woman always has the edge pixels around them ...
If the s.der interlaced recording of the camera (; SonyFX 1000)
Or have I made any mistake in the post-processing? I s.PC ewigkeiten rumprobiert and then eventually gave up!
Movie Description:
"The first man, the 1000 years old, has already been born"
(; Mr. Aubrey de Gray / Cambridge University)
We are in a time of doubling annually in our knowledge and our possibilities. Soon it will be possible for us to intervene directly in our brains. A memory chip or a night vision device then include them in our normal everyday equipment! Take advantage of today the opportunity to improve themselves, and give yourself a time-and competitive advantage over the rest of humanity! Cytec will take you in your decisions s.The hand and make your wishes without any complications. Let yourself be overwhelmed and choose between our amazing products.
A fictional futuristic film, which has arisen in the context of the Science and Theater project "Pimp Your Brain - Optimization of the human brain." 50 Freiburg students dealt with six months of current brain research and the related ethical issues and the possibility of implementation of the theme in an artistic way. It emerged on the final conference several exciting performances and Diskusionen.Die Fima Cytec's one thing this study results that encourage us to put deal with the issue of optimization of man.
Antwort von Axel:

The Cytec is a modern archetype. I knew immediately what is meant. The feasibility of the commercialization of feasibility, the reduction of man to his own ideal.
The voice and the pictures are not perfect. But they show that they want to be sure, we understand exactly what is meant.
The technique must be perfect, otherwise it all comes over as a clumsy satire.
Cytek the company would not release a perfect product? Hardly. The temptation must be "optimistic to be optimized. As (; warning!) Example, I recommend
Secret" - a world conspiracy of Arschgeigen after Scientology pattern. They have a lot of horribly kitschy "courage" - films papers that are very similar in structure to your intro. Unlike you, however, they have professionals hired for their advertising aesthetics.
This stuff you would have topped yet. Acts as if it were you serious when you would have (really convincing, and the approach is there, but Cytec is the real Antichrist, who is proceeding even more guns!).
Antwort von Flok:

you're right, that would fit the Cytec produces perfect even better! But because we had the idea for the premiere of only 2 months time (and beside school) and it more or less a one man show was ... not simply remained enough time! Moreover, the know-how for me is synonymous not standing on the top ... yet to come!
Antwort von Flok:

My question is what I did wrong in the blue box shots has not been answered?
I would really bring a lot for next time!
Antwort von ennui:

Find ich super, just drop me another subtleties: Typography is little bit boring, thicker font, and then perhaps as pure and schell rausgefadet and moves like TV commercials. Then we could show another Cytec's logo in a corner. And again, it might be a bit brisk cut. As actors, we really need to sowas professionals, or they may not talk, if it is synonymous synonymous so pretty good.
Find a Blue Box Effect synonymous well. Are best for full frames, and so little compression of color information as possible, so s.besten uncompressed. I think. The true light, etc. so already.
Antwort von Flok:

@ Ennui,
Thanks for the feedback!
Yes it could have been even more trouble! Was certainly glad that I've become ever done!
Incidentally, there are few professionals with it! (; The head of the Virtual Reality clip, the glasses wearer in the commercials and some of the Testimonials!)
In Compression and lighting, I have taken .. Is it really only s.der interlaced recording? There is a progressive converter with which someone has had good experiences? in Premiere or After Effects?