Newsmeldung von slashCAM:Sonic Nero sued for patent infringement of heidi - 20 Nov 2006 12:55:00 While the Australian Government will soon public singing of Happy Birthday wishes to criminalize
Heise-Meldung, verklagt in Texas Sonic Solutions (Manufacturer of Roxio) die deutsche Nero AG and seine US Tochtergesellschaft Nero Inc. wegen Verletzung eines der Sonic Video -Editing Patente (U.S. Patent No. 6,204,840). An sich ist es natürlich nicht besonders ungewöhnlich, daß Firmen Patentklagen einreichen, im Gegenteil, es ist eher Gang and Gäbe. Um einmal zu sehen, was alles so patentiert werden kann (zumindest in den USA), ist es jedoch ein recht anschauliches Beispiel. Dieses spezielle Software-Patent wurde 1998 erteilt and befasst sich with Techniken für "digitale Multimedia-Komposition": "Innerhalb anderer Applikationen deckt das Patent verbesserte Wege zur Kreation digitaler Videos durch eine grafische "Storyline" ab, welche die Reihenfolge individueller Video -Segmente regelt" (aus der Pressemeldung, siehe obigen Link).
Der gesamte Wortlaut dieses Patents findet sich
here. And there was not even what? But yes ... last week was Bill Gates in person in Brussels and has opted for a tightening of the European copyright laws
eingesetzt -- Software-Patente sind in der EU umstritten and daher (noch) nicht gesetzlich verankert. Es bleibt spannend.
for reporting news
Antwort von Nicht eingeloggt:
Nero any significant Kompositionsfaehigkeiten, editing capabilities and authoring tools brings me was new. Must be a new version, which is here complained. I wonder which of merchantability Programs reinvented the wheel has. Figures actually Premiere or FinalCut Lizenzgebuehren s.AVID, the yes of the graphical user interface so clearly "inspired" is?
Antwort von StefanS:
While the rights of the owners must be protected, that we do not discuss, is driving the implementation of the measures called for by industry, the policy now incredible flowers.
Should Australia adopt this draft law will be the music and film industry in their projects and confirm the corporations of other countries will be a tightening demand and the group will turn its politicians do not represent the people that elected them, but its true gentlemen .
First, the Australians, then all of whose countries adopt similar laws, we can only advise that all devices for recording and playback of all media should be abolished and no longer feasible to buy, to the criminalization of otherwise safe to escape.
Since there is no equipment for recording and playback will be longer, you need not synonymous Movies Music and more.
This leads to the following ideal situation:
There are no criminalized listeners / viewers more.
There are within a short time no hardware industry.
There are within a short time no music and film industry.
Heile Welt.
Have fun, Mr. Bill Gates and Sony.
Antwort von AndyZZ:
The little people are increasingly threatened, while the big companies that come out halfway, without prejudice, the system seems to have a large company has a legal and enough resources to guard against such hostile to protect. The young people remains only the choice between paying or within a short time by Anwahltskosten to go bankrupt. The citizen is much easier and ultimately more effective cupping!
I get the really sucks when I hear or read something! To me, the CD industry for many years a customer lost! What should I buy for expensive money, if I understand it anyway every day dozens of times on the radio can hear. And DVDs are synonymous only from journal supplements, if at all!
Antwort von StefanS:
It is not so much that I'm not ready for a movie or a song to pay money. That's me, yes.
I still buy CDs and I still buy DVDs synonymous and synonymous nor I go into movies. But I have become much more selective and do not spend as much money as before. For DVDs it is difficult, but when I buy CDs with no copy protection.
However, this I confess, I buy a DVD or CD does not warrant s.Tag the first publication, but weeks later when the hype has calmed down and the prices, then I will simply get more for your money.
I am, however, vehemently reject the fact that I am from the muck industry and their representatives in our parliaments will be criminalized if I am still of this expensive media a copy for my car (CD), a sampler for my car (CD) or a copy for the Children (DVD) create, already paid for the disk to spare, because I replaced the industry, if the children once again the Pocahontas DVD after watching a Früstücksbrettchen abused have not!
Again, be criminalized is the magic word, against which it is to defend.
And even if it no other way, see Australia, I will be compelled synonymous, to make sure that none of this risk and to buy products to look, listen to or to operate.
So, go now and I thoroughly first choke.
Antwort von Max Pucher:
bin grad s.patent even write for the U.S. ... halt nix like this over there but it must be ... unfortunately ... because everything can be patented without the technicality in Europe at the EPO is required .. Incidentally, you can patent software in Europe .. concepts not only software ...
clearly want the big sharper patent law .. just in usa are the dishes ... 'a way of doing business' nothing else ... mmit patent claim, the small depression was set at 500 euro rechtsanwaltstsunde synonymous easy ... U.S. CASE LAW you pay your lawyer even if you lose synonymous!
Patents protect the big day ... IBM, Oracle and microsoft write together every year 10000 patente ... therefore synonymous givest from usa no real innovations more ...