Frage von Ign:
I stand before buying a camcorder and can I find this difficult to decide between 2 models of either 96 or HC SonyDCR Panasonic NV GS320.
Sony: + DV in
- No 3CCD
Panasonic 3CCD +
- No DV in
Can I jamand from Ehrfahrung help in deciding
Antwort von daniil:

I wanted me a synonymous NV GS 320 for sale.
The reason why I did not, was the lack of connection for an external microphone.
If you no preference whether you have a Microphone can connect?
Will you do interviews?
What is your s.wichtigsten with a camera, the picture quality?
Then look for video on the internet and compare.
If you're still unsure, look at the cameras on the spot.
MfG Chris
Antwort von UlmsSkyliner:

the contribution of the top is me.
Was out.
MfG Chris
Antwort von daniil:

Thanks Chris,
An external microphone, I do not necessarily have more important with the image quality (primarily synonymous indoors), sharpness, colors, low noise ...