Frage von klinke:Hello everybody,
for a somewhat impromptu filming I will work with a VX9000 forced to a different camera could Poduktionswesen our lack of time no longer care. I myself have been two years with nothing Sonyhaftem and never with this particular model worked, so I with two quite eyed questions come to you - the information Location aunt in google is very modest.
1.) manual. Sonyhat se net, net Sonybiz has se ... War I somehow over the internet, has anyone of you ne idea?
2.) Tapes. I was actually assuming that the VX9000 as the technically closely related shoulder version of the VX1000 with classical works MiniDV tapes, but some people wanted to know with the fact that the camera only the "big" DV cassettes eats. Your Forum Search has confirmed this statement. Only remains for me the question: Where can I s.besten (preferably cheap, 30 ¬ + is something happig) come from? Recommendations, warnings, Preistips ...?
Thank you for your efforts!
Antwort von Bernd E.:
Manual ... War I somehow over the Internet DV / DV. aspx? l = en & m = DCR-VX9000E
Gruß Bernd E.
Antwort von Markus:
2.) Tapes. Hi Max,
look after DVCAM tapes on eBay. There are regular there and what the price is around ¬ 17 per piece (in 10-pack). Besides run-184er DVCAM tapes in the VX9000 satte 4 hours!