Frage von Jan:
Hello you,
now I'm views of their authors.
Those who have already successfully dealt with his SonyDVD 92 or 202 the movie with a cheap and popular program after the MPEG 2 data were stored on the hard drive? Pure MPEG 2 processing is indeed possible, according to several companies, ostensibly synonymous with Magix (Import MPEG 2 is large) on the package. Only I could find no one who has done it. It was once written I believe it with Ulead VideoStudio? about. Is it possible to Sonyseine Mpeg 2 files somehow encrypted / encoded has, and therefore Magix can not do anything?
PC's of customers were mostly well equipped.
Many questions, unfortunately I did not try out for the moment, the time several Programs, and I would be delighted to opinions of "successful" agent SonyDVD editing program. The problem we had already times with MicroMV of Sony, where's it I think of what was Pinacle.
PS: I am no friend of the DVD camcorders, but somehow want to be processed synonymous ....
Antwort von Nightfly!:

Try it once with the MSP8. The trail you'll find at
With the latest Ulead Video Studio, it should work synonymous.
(PS: Magix went smoothly at the IFA.)
Antwort von Jan:

Thanks Nightfly,
Then I'll play some time Programs on your PC and test, and take from me the necessary time.
I had been surprised, because big on Magix draufsteht Import MPEG 2nd
But I am not a software Spezi, my home system is synonymous too weak to properly cut, well save, save ....
Then it's probably a lot of my clients but very shaky computer skills.
Saturday was certainly the 10 because it has failed with Magix.
I could imagine that the input format was not correctly chosen.
Kiara Borini had some happy times synonymous with Pinacle Studio 9? In conjunction with a JVC MC 500 (has indeed synonymous MPEG 2 data)
My software "Special" in the House has never had what of Final Cut Sony Vegas 5 or heard, I think that says everything.
Antwort von Jan:

Hello you,
na, I suppose I should read a bit more active in my favorite magazine (Video D.):
Sony ImageMixer enclosed in Verson 1.8 provides rudimentary editing capabilities, and indeed synonymous VCD / DVD export, but can only handle scenes that enter via the USB - connect the camera to the computer. But has the only half of the tested models.
Finalized as DVD-R discs can be open with the bundled software does not edit nor import any event.
DV Programs like Premiere can start with MPEG2 files of the house out of nothing. Using MPEG-2 plugin is possible, the full DVD-R edit import content as a huge file - but can be only the first scene.
It must, therefore supposedly for such a simple DVD-editing program, an official Cams ago: The testers managed to import into Ulead's Video Studio Version 8 This program is even able to import the data from DVDs sorted scenes. Even when playing off there with Smart Rendering no lossy re-encoding. Version 9 video studio has the perfect MPEG2 import already forgotten again. However, this is synonymous Magix Studio 2005, the import of MPEG-files from the finalized DVD-R master file.
Hotter siehts from DVD camcorders, Hitachi and Panasoinc:
DVD camcorder cut So a total tangle with a program (Ulead Video Studio 9, VAD Issue 5, August-September), the VR mode (The first time, basic formatting, or be elected, after re Fomatierung), the video mode is not, and must at Magix finaliziert be (In which mode?)
Magix me again I'll watch more closely with Premiere Elements.
It can therefore take a while with a test with:
1. DVD - R, DVD-RW, DVD + R, DVD + RW, finalized or not, video mode or VR mode. I've forgotten something?
I just say - I love mini-DV!
Antwort von Jan:

Today I made some test with Magix SonyDVD of shots:
DVD-RW Video mode - Finalizes - hard drive has been detected on
DVD-RW VR mode - Finaliziert - on hard drive - not recognized - rename to MPG - then it was accepted of Magix.
I made about 5 shots with each 30 sec.
It was apparent, however, only one chapter (the first) and is not complete.
The first part was short but correct on the timeline, but unfortunately only about 10 sec (Where the rest are still 20 sec, did not even know Magix.
On different DVD players but, strangely, all chapters have been completely played.
So when cut finger of desire SonyDVD camcorders (Canon DC-10 had gone the same problem!)
From a Sony "expert" from Cologne, I learned the material well-rehearsed over USB of SonyDVD to 203 /
That would be nothing new at Magix, is to be indeed synonymous with surround sound has a Driver of Magix only contain old, otherwise only supports AC 3rd (The synonymous not many ...)
Well I will try again with Adobe and Ulead.
LG January
Antwort von Widder:

Unfortunately, I'm such a synonymous SonyDCR-DVD 203E "bought". Just for fun, I have time I downloaded the trial version of Premiere 2.0. Only I get the MPG's, unfortunately, not imported into Premiere. I tried all possible codec's. As an error message always comes "file format is not supported or file is corrupted. The only editing program, has read what was VideoWave 8 of Sonic which is contained in WinON CD8 with. Only has a very poor Performence and crashes constantly. I have tried many times synonymous to generate from the MPG's AVI files. So far I have not much luck so synonymous, since the English, I am not very powerful (VirtuelDub & Co.). It is, moreover, that the recordings in 16 : 9 Format been made. Perhaps someone still has an idea.
Antwort von Jan:

Hello Ram,
the Mac, we have already made progress:
sony-handycam-dcr-dvd202e-like cut - Unfortunately, it has rocker erstmal done on the Mac.
Premiere is not the way or the Consumer Software (50-150 ¬) as synonymous takes no MPEG 2 data, only the expensive Pro Software / MPEG 2 Update.
In other Window's converters I have not made any progress (or Virtualdub Tmpegenc).
And copied the original software of the 203 (with USB) you can adjust almost anything.
Antwort von Cybrain:

I'm just s.Rumfriemeln synonymous.
Definitely everything goes into DVDLab. There can be synonymous demux the movies, what will not work with PVAStrumento and ProjectX.
In Magix, you can then import the movie, however, can import any *. AC3 files.
What is done is synonymous Power's director of InterVideo, although I only have the Express version and can not AC3. The Pro version I want to I do not grow, however, since the rendering is going to provide poor image quality.
Antwort von Jan:

Thanks, interesting times.
I'm curious about whether the same even with the new DVD models 105 / 205 etc is so synonymous. Sonyliefert in the 2006 so again with no program except s.DVD
Antwort von muzzz:

Have now again PowerDirector 5 gestetet as a demo.
Seems to function as a single program, although it moderately detects scenes where there are none.
The image quality of the output should not be so bad.
During processing, however takes a lot of time because the program unintelligible to appeal again pauses for reflection.
The following Programs will not definitive:
Ulead Video 9
Magix Video 2006
Antwort von Jan:

Very good, the number of times and let users test their experiences here, I have in the company do not have time.
VAD had allegedly done with the old Ulead Studio 8.
But with Premiere Elements has - so no import feature, MPEG 2 and even go to the gennanten favorite programs in the 90 ¬ entry-class, too bad.
This will be the fallen Contra Group DVD ...
Antwort von prem:

Have now with DVDLab demux the file and then create a new DVD. Then generated file, which was not even re-rendered, so high as it should be original, then I was able to import into Magix Video 2006, and to edit.
Now I just have to rausbekommen what's wrong with PojectX.
Veilleicht somebody has an idea
Antwort von Cybrain:

So the following procedure:
The VOB file with ProjectX demux (it is to change some settings)
The files then import into Magix Video Deluxe 2006, with the AC3 file into a mpa file is renamed.
The program is mitzuschneiden capable of cutting the sound. You can avoid some of the import so muxing before.
I hope I helped some.
Besides PowerDirecto 5.0 no program can currently the files from the DVD camcorders directly processed without error.
I have now tested the following Programs:
Magix Video Deluxe 2006 - comes with detours
Ulead VideoStudio 8.0 - does not go (because no AC3)
Ulead VideoStudio 9.0 - does not go without detours
PowerDirector 5.0 - is, however, the program is too slow (constant latency of about 2 minutes) is
PowerDirector 4.0 - Import errors, the file must be re-multiplexed and demux
Sony Vegas Movie Studio + DVD does not go