Frage von johannesHDV:
I would like to know whether the SonyHDR FX7 filming in 25p module can?
Antwort von Nacho:

The answer you have in front of your nose - the key word "camcorder Comparison."
Antwort von naturpfad:

Antwort von Nacho:
no to the question - the answer was still in front of the nose
Antwort von WoWu:

This is still a camera from the time when Sony s.1080i Even as world standard and thought nothing else supported.
So 1440x1080i/50 HDV, ie 25 frames interlace.
Antwort von munichflo:
... So 1440x1080i/50 HDV, ie 25 frames interlace. As currently about 98% of the HD cams in the consumer market.
Antwort von WoWu:

... wrong: 2% because 98% support
synonymous 720p
With Panasonic has 42% market share and Sonyist yes now synonymous to the funnel came that the world would no longer decide for Interlace and now provides both format.