Frage von alfred:Hi friends,
I'm looking for a used camera and vary between a SonyVX 1000 and a Canon XM2. Documentaries I want to rotate without additional light. Therefore, the cam photos of good lighting can make weak places. Which of the two is this better? What is a Cam light stronger than the others? What grieselt in Lowlightbereich more? Which would you take? Why?
Thanks Alfred
Antwort von ksr:
The VX1000 is the counterpart of the XM1.
The VX2000 (or 2100) is the counterpart of the XM2 (both much new!).
Between a VX1000 and a XM2 is the choice in my view clearly XM2 (more light, better equipment, the exact details of the VX1000 but I have not ready), but in the case VX2100 and XM2 perhaps more VX2100, which is still NEN tick more light and noise to .
I personally worked very satisfied with a XM2, very bright, lots of manual controls and better price-/Leistungsverhältnis to the VX2100 (in any case was 2003).
Antwort von alfred:
Hello KSR,
good to hear that the XM2 light is stronger. This is the last argument for the Sonygestorben. Thank you very much.