Frage von Offener Kanal:
I have a small problem and maybe you know yes a single Council
We operate a local television and, unfortunately, of what we were instructed to provide. If it is not just a little better in the network are free.
But now the question recently when someone gave us a tape of the sound s.leider is incredibly quiet and our program does not really sound good finishing her so that we make and the louder the noise could be removed.
Has someone an inexpensive or better yet, FREE idea where I could find a program with which the feasible?
Antwort von Schleichmichel:

Looks bad. Even with expensive plug-ins can be useful to only a few decibels of noise increase, without any artifacts. Of course, depending on how quiet the background noise in the wanted "embedded" is.
Since you pretty much synonymous experience and needs of each case with different settings around the need to use is it synonymous not much to say that you have with a combination of EQ, Gate, Compressor and DeNoiser (s.besten multi-band) weiterkommst.
Perhaps the vendors even better tracks? Otherwise I would send, as it is (s.besten with an apology for the bad sound). One can not conjure. Because producers have to contribute just learn that synonymous sound as good as it must be available.
Antwort von StefanS:

somewhere we can take a short cut down load times and thus herumtüfteln?
How urgent is it?
Antwort von Markus:

If the Noise "clean" and it is a very careful sample is then you can eliminate the noise without unnecessarily wanted to deface with artifacts.
Maybe time to ask someone, or Adobe Audition has something similar?