Frage von iMac SeventySeven: Good day!
I have a question about a special effect in the video by following this link to see.
Antwort von Mylenium:
Good day!
I have a question about a special effect in the video by following this link to see.
Antwort von KidKiller Prod:
Search for something like After Effects ... Andrew Kramer is currently working for AFX PlugIn s.einem (
Antwort von Mylenium:
Search for something like After Effects ...
But I beg you ... This is Kinderkram and Andrew so much, I guess, but it really needs no plug-in. Create just a white color, put the blend mode to "add" and animate the opacity. If you have the whole in 32 bpc mode, do, do you get it fairly accurately the effect. Alternatively, you could be synonymous with the exposure levels or effects work and animate their parameters. The only real trick here is really the 32 bpc mode to make it look similar to film it.
Antwort von KidKiller Prod:
Full color fill synonymous should not be the problem and so as in the example video is really easy. I said something "similar" and have rather s.das Onesize Showreel ( (late) thought ..
Antwort von Mylenium:
Full color fill synonymous should not be the problem and so as in the example video is really easy. I said something "similar" and have rather s.das Onesize Showreel ( (late) thought ..
There are film-Leader - white grease pen on negatively's written and the positive development of the bodies will remain white, as unbelichted. Draw just a few masks, take the Stroke Effect (after stroke character nor German so on) and as the animating opacity as above beschriben. LAternativ there's a plugin in the Cinelook (, if you 800 USD's worth buying or at Artbeats Consorten & easy 'nen snippets of real footage to put over it.
Antwort von Axel:
Related Threads:
Goes well in FinalCut to build, no plugin required.
Antwort von iMac SeventySeven:
Thanks for your contributions so far! But I'm still not quite to a satisfactory conclusion.
Again, I
Quicktime with the filter aperture, light pink color from the color and brightness for keyframes, aperture size, aperture, etc., on the middle of the first or last 5 frames of a clip (Clip previously cut with the razor), can mimic the effect well, just tried. Important: The course goes through the picture vertically, never horizontally!
As I've gseh, have you (Axel) in another thread a small effect on the instructions given. With me in Final Cut Pro does not really. I would be very grateful to you if you have a somewhat more detailed description of the filter settings might provide ^ ^
SeventySeven Greetings!
Antwort von Axel:
As I've gseh, have you (Axel) in another thread a small effect on the instructions given. With me in Final Cut Pro does not really. I would be very grateful to you if you have a somewhat more detailed description of the filter settings might provide ^ ^
Select> Effects> Video Generators> Render> Verlauf1.
Let the course of the left (white) to right (bright orange) go. Put this clip on the end of the clip that you want to accidentally expose a few frames should s.Ende overlap. About one second before the end of the original clips, you can via> movement> opacity keyframes over the course briefly flicker.
Now you cut with the razor blade from the clip on V1, the last 5 frames s.and load it by double-clicking in the viewer. Now choose> Effects> Video Filters> Quicktime> aperture effect (Category: Spot).
Keyframe size, focus, position and brightness of your circle aperture so that a semicircle grelloranger quickly to the left of Picture eats.
The replica of a real light corresponds to about. There is considerably more complicated instructions, nor where solarization, Luminanzmaske and similar tasks. Realistic is not the whole thing anyway, because with no film in this way has been or will be superimposed on (there is an accident, not intentional).
It is essentially a short, flickering orange, which lasts a few frames, and there is only one effect.
Antwort von iMac SeventySeven:
Well thank you for the accurate description!
The result of this "effect" is only a very small degree that of the original Flash movie. Nobody knows a plugin for Final Cut Pro or some other way, the film still flash original style?
GRZ 77
Here is a link for another example. (These are the yellow-red-orange, sometimes red-synonymous animated purple veil in Picture)
Antwort von Axel:
The result of this "effect" is only a very small degree that of the original Flash movie.
Here is a link for another example. (These are the yellow-red-orange, sometimes red-synonymous animated purple veil in Picture)
Das ist es, was ich sage: Mit einem Lichteinfall auf einen Film haben diese bunten Blitze nicht viel zu tun, wie ich dir als mehrjähriger Fotolaborant (tempora mutantur) versichern kann, da ist meine Lösung realistischer.
Hier ein originaler Lichteinfall:
zum Bild
(if the flash of the left or right, is no preference).
As always synonymous, there is a rather tasteful, if rather expensive synonymous Instructions for After Effects, does something different again, but is not pure fantasy,
Antwort von iMac SeventySeven:
Thanks for the note to the tutorial!
I have a first video editing and a little playing around with the filters and settings. The result is not bad I think :)... For the first test always enough. However, I have a slightly different version is selected, as you've described with the aperture effect.
Here is the finished video:
Antwort von Axel:
Does of imho s.besten from everything I've seen about this. The blue, I would leave it out. And actually, it is a transition - Effect.
Antwort von iMac SeventySeven:
Thank you:)
Yes I am already aware that this is a transition effect. I had just not enough footage available ^ ^ But at least I now know how to draw stuff:).
GRZ 77
Antwort von iMac SeventySeven:
I like movies a second zusammengebastelt. This time with a little more footage ^ ^. And the effect this time was synonymous to the transitions used.
The video:
Antwort von Axel:
The transitions are too long, and there are too many.
Antwort von maniero:
Yep ... shorter and faster is better