Frage von tobsen:
- edit: all the examples are linked in this thread offline, it is only the end of November to look at the last link given the final version. - /
I rotated a scene which is quite shaky (no rails there ^ ^, therefore, put car on grass ...). Use Pro1.5 at the moment, but will soon have some work with live recordings and would wg. Multitrax will probably upgrade to 2.0.
That is why a plugin would be cool that I can use both at 1.5 and synonymous 2.0. 1.5 At the moment I would be rich but synonymous.
Someone an idea? Here I have views and findings of the video:
Greetings & Thanks
Antwort von Blackeagle123:

So the material that's been good times:)
Ich habs me shaky presented.
After Effects has eingbaut an image Stabilization with. Which I believe but not so much. I know the plug SteadyMove. So that you can get out easily synonymous gross wobbler. And the "small" wobbler You'll have really gone completely.
However, I am unsure whether this add-on module for the 2.0 version is still synonymous! Do you need to check mal;)
PS: What was that for a birthday? Must indeed quite a few people have come:)
Antwort von tobsen:
Thanks. The results in the sample are already krass ... the price of $ 499 is not synonymous of bad parents. If I have results, post here again ichs () so the "calm" version.
Antwort von tobsen:

achso, because of the anniversary: the last Friday on my Bday and with relatives / families 27 people, while many families were the same ... For next Friday, my friend and I reckon with 20-25 people, they are determined to 18 or 19 But you never know ...
So, have now tested time and am deeply disappointed. Option 1: Preset (as easy draufgelegt effect, rendered; C Max: 5, Smoothing: mov 80%):
Download, mov, ~2MB
Variante 2: Wie oben, nur Max Correction auf Mitte (10):
Download,, ~ 2MB
Option 3: Same as above, only Max Correction to maximum (15):
Download, mov ~2MB
Nur Original: siehe 1. Post, mov, 20MB
Gleich die Warnung: sehen alle im Prinzip gleich schlimm aus. Ich dachte, das Tool würde beruhigen? Zum klarstellen:
LEFT is with SM-Effect: (
I am now again a test series with Max Correction to 5 (preset) and smoothness between 0 and 100% variation.
Could it be that dasPlugin used in the demo of me somehow makes nonsense? I care of me as a logo is reinrechnen down, but not the opposite) (Mixed veryconfused::
Antwort von Blackeagle123:
... you need such a large tent for 27 people? : P Is synonymous yes no preference ^ ^
So, you're sure you did everything correctly? You need a zoom to make synonymous in the Picture, so that it can compensate for the wobbler. Hope you've done that. If you do then maximum correction, it should go. (Or does the plug-in with the auto zoom, I do not know more ...) For me it was totally quiet in any case, as synonymous the videos on the Internet.
Liebe Grüße
Antwort von tobsen:
Achsooo ^ ^ I had the connection is not drawn. Nene, the with the "big tent" is a tent rental for tents, it will become an image of video.
So, I now once again expected, and indeed
Option 1: Max Correction to standard, Smoothing synonymous standard (80%) Download
Variante 2: Smoothing auf 0 %: Download
Option 2: Smoothing to 100%: Download
Hier sieht man endlich mal einen Unterschied, bei Smoothing = 0 ist das linke in etwa gleich dem rechten Picture, bei 100% ist das Ruckeln links wieder sehr extrem.
Falsche Einstellungen and so: zum Bild
IMHO it right. Without wanting to praise me now, but I've had one or the other with effects done in Adobe Premiere (but only with the internal, never) with plug-ins installed. Would that still kind of funny, because at a time when anything goes ...
Has anyone might become a film with snippets of pre-nacher because he has worked in premiere with the attached Steadymove plugin?
Very funny all ...
Antwort von Wiro:
well, yes, not everyone is ready footage, which is driven around in a car with a marquee.
Alternate views but a snippet of the original Chen into the net to download.
But please really the original - not circumcised and not scaled down to 20 fps, as in yours. Mov is the case.
6 sec (= ca 20 MB) range.
Gruss Wiro
Antwort von Markus:
@ Wiro
Something is very wrong in this thread. I've seen that your last posting drinstand twice and then I deleted the last one. Thereafter, however, were the two posts of you away. I apologize.
Antwort von Wiro:
No problem, Mark.
Had probably also noticed that it was twice, and had also deleted. Twice is better than one deleted ;-)))
Gruss Wiro
Antwort von tobsen:
So, first of all times, O-Data:
zum Bild zum Bild
zum Bild zum Bild
All standard, just to check. The version is Premiere Pro 1.5, the camera when recording one XL1 (miniDV) with standard lens, tripod and on the whole in a car without windows.
Here is the first trip: [s.etwa 2 clock finished edit]: top
Antwort von Blackeagle123:
So I understand that just nich wirklich! I've even downloaded the video download /. 'll Have time now expect, with the SteadyMove. Hope it works, you can then tell all the settings, or send via s.Besten screenshot, or the finished video as an avi. (uncompressed!)
write again ...
Liebe Grüße
Antwort von Blackeagle123:
Clearly, I would need an avi .. I thought the first file would be here in the forum. Otherwise, I'll take another quick video when I find one:)
Many greetings
Antwort von Blackeagle123:
So, in my case everything went perfectly. The video was filmed from the hand and afterwards is much calmer than before!
But I have the oldest version of Premiere Pro, possibly it is due. I do not know which versions of the plug-in supports.
If necessary, you can send me a little scene over the Internet, as already written, I render it to you quietly, and send it to you again. Should of course be huge files. Should the scenes around the 30 seconds or longer, you send me a CD with s.besten the uncompressed avi!
Here's a screenshot to download, where you can see all settings of the plug-ins including the premiere version:
I hope this helps you next!
Many dear greetings
Antwort von Wiro:
Hello again,
I have the 32 sec times material with 1.5 Appro put to the breast.
My Conclusion: there is find out with steady move no reasonable result. The movements are so complex that the algorithm of the software is too much - on and off, lateral movement, the upper edge of the tent oblique. The problem is the very rapid lateral displacement of the images, leading to that which occurs at full Smoothness (= 100 = 2 sec Fields computational box) after about 2 seconds each time a hop in the Picture if the synchronization of the following time window re-attaches. Since the Prg will simply lose the overview of what there is to calm down now. It's no longer a reference point.
I would, if the scene is to be strictly used / have to put in the timeline, only the very top of the tent (there are about 2 degrees) and zoom around 5%. That looks fairly reasonable in my opinion then.
Mglw. has anyone here in the forum examined the material and has come to better results. Perhaps synonymous with another tool. Then please sign is intended to cover all interesting.
Gruss Wiro
Antwort von tobsen:
Have today synonymous counted again, and first had the suspicion that by changing my image position (to the Comparison to have) is the plugin mess. It seems at least tlw are therefore, as I have the sequence, namely rausgerechnet in fullscreen PAL, there were only the "2s-hoppers" drinne, the overall picture, however, have not so shaky times (long story short, the Berechnert evt plugin based on the Picture and no traces of?)
But theoretically inconceivable, but we will apply the effects to a clip and the clip but the environment can be no preference * * ... ?:
@ Black Eagle: The first time 32s with Full Screen and nebenander:
Comparison (5 MB, mov) and In Full Screen (20 MB, mov)
Both with the attitudes of Black Eagle Top (100 / 13).
Really nice it is not.
@ Wiro: The fact that the plugin may not be clear with the material comes, I had then thought synonymous, and the post of you confirmed my suspicions. You mean the Rotate + zoom but without SteadyMove, right?
Mglw. has anyone here in the forum examined the material and has come to better results. Perhaps synonymous with another tool. Then please sign is intended to cover all interesting. I agree with;)
Antwort von Wiro:
You mean the Rotate + zoom but without SteadyMove, right?
Yes, no.
I usgetestet whether the stuttering possibly associated with the somewhat "weird" and therefore the upper canopy roof line geradegedreht in the timeline (via keyframes). Has SteadyMove result does not improve, but looks cleaner.
Gruss Wiro
Antwort von tobsen:
I am a bit of time tinkering. Have I saved the thread here sometime when the film is finished, here's take a link;)
Antwort von Blackeagle123:
as you have rendered for the videos without having to present them as uncompressed avi?
I once had a Kranvideo and have it get so quiet. In the video it was synonymous to the top, down, up and down. The video was s.end total super! n.wo turn can have it, making top that you see such results. I would like to try it with an avi out!
Liebe Grüße
Antwort von Wiro:
Hi Constantin,
the osDownload video (120 MB) is still a standards-compliant DV format. Do you need to draw but only in the timeline.
Gruss Wiro
Antwort von tobsen:
As promised, there is the finished version for a while to download,