Frage von Ulf-Horst:
Hello Friends Video
Quählt problem following me for days. I want my old analog video from VCR on 700USB Box with Studio 11 on my calculator and get there again edit. Update for 700 usb PCLEUSB2x32
USB 700 Vista is installed and otherwise synonymous all for studio updates 11th
Unfortunately, since only a few frames are more s.and omitted as recorded.
I'm from the VCR with a SCART to 3x RCA cable into the usb700 and because of usb with the calculator.
When you start recording studio comes with a message that no valid video signal can be detected. After confirming the message, the recording but, unfortunately, under the above-named problems.
I have actually experienced enough with the studio. Have all of 8-10, but unfortunately never had analog eigespielt. Except of course, with Studio 8 on the average card with the bluebox.
I would be very professional looking information.
Regards Ulf-Horst
Antwort von vaio:

Hello Ulf-Horst,
While I know myself with Pinnacle products, not from, but what compression you use when applying via the USB-Box?
Your PC is synonymous by the manufacturer with recommended system requirements, including "USB2 HighSpeed"?
What (background-) Programs running normally on your system (virus scanners, etc.)? It should be as little as possible. Also a second HDD brings more benefits ...
"When you start recording studio comes with a message that no valid video signal can be detected ..." First hit the play s.deinem VCR before you capture the open-software. If you still receive the error message? Maybe the wiring (or the video cable) are not in order?
Antwort von Ulf-Horst:

Hello Michael
Thank you for your tip. A little piece I have come next. A disturbance was my USB HDD on which I wanted to record the videos. I now have a curious preview, it is synonymous more ausgelaase no frame but unfortunately it is only the sound on.
The virus scanner that I try out tomorrow and the drivers for the 700 usb, I will probably again and again to install de.
My calculator actually has all the prerequisites for studio 11, Acer Aspire 5920G.
MfG Ulf Horst
Antwort von vaio:
"... I now have a curious preview, it is synonymous more ausgelaase no frame but unfortunately it is only the sound ..." No frame is omitted, but
only audio? Since synonymous brings you the preview is not really something ... Perhaps a setting in the software. That with the virus scanner is synonymous only one aspect. I just think that several causes for the errors of omitted Images may lead. If the sound synonymous over the Pinnacle box included? Sometimes you can synonymous "priorities" for the capture, as "audio follows video" or something similar And: As already asked, what compression is used?
Antwort von Ulf-Horst:

Hello Michael
My problem, I have to get a grip. As already mentioned yesterday, the HDD problems. Today I have again started ahead of de-installed and everything koplett and it was like yesterday. The last idea I had while a receptive nor my USB mouse and abezogen since it went. Now I have a movie about 45 min. purely played without a frame omit. Studio is synonymous the scenes as written down everything fine. Oh so natürich is, only if your VCR has run with and then you start the recording, otherwise not.
Thank you for my problem you have interested.
Sincerely, Ulf-Horst