Frage von Meisterign2:
Where can I Vegas 7 come from? I find it nowhere. And what does it cost? I would be synonymous with Vegas 6 be satisfied;). Language is no preference to me. Is there any demo version somewhere?
Gruß Billy
Antwort von Bernd E.:
Where can I Vegas 7 come from? ... Is there any demo version somewhere? Info and demo version can be found here: / products / vegasfamily.asp
On the same page is the link to synonymous Retailer in Germany.
Gruß Bernd E.
Antwort von TheBubble:

I would be interested synonymous, where the current version (7) can buy.
In the "Movie Studio + DVD 7 Platinum Edition" I'm not at all locally found anything (it is only the old version 6).
Antwort von s22:

Du hast's already at Thomann probiert?
Antwort von robbie:

if you to 31 january one XDCAM-hd bought then you have a full version for free dazubekommen! : P. ..
But ask s.besten times at one of the system equipment, which usually have, otherwise, perhaps at amazon? or stop at sony directly on the internet can be synonymous to order ...
schöne grüße,
Antwort von Marco:

Movie Studio 7 is therefore probably in Germany have not offered because this version only minor changes compared to version 6 includes and - unlike the version 6 - so far
not been localized.
German distributor for the product family are Vegas Sound Service and HL-Audio.
Antwort von TheBubble:

thanks for the answers and the references to Dealers.
I have looked at the web pages viewed. In all, I have only found the large version, with some hugely fluctuating prices (ranging from approximately 600 to> 800 EUR). When I see the prices with the price at compare (about $ 411, converted approx 312.8 EUR, if you contribute to a better comparison here, nor the usual 19% tax would be added to just over 372 EUR), come to me the prices high before.
For the mean Edition (version 7) I have unfortunately not found Dealers. I suspect however that it is sufficient amount of power. Would be important to me that external video effect plug-ins can be integrated. Are there any other feature that is often required and only the major version included?
If I had the choice and any price difference is not clear on the other hand, speaks, I would have the English language version.
For the current version so I would tend, as they certainly longer with updates versort is (and safely alongside some new features synonymous updates integrated). Windows Vista Compatibility needs to be, the change is imminent.
if you to 31 january one XDCAM-hd bought then you have a full version for free dazubekommen! : P. ..
If only I had known ... ;-)
Antwort von usul:
I have looked at the web pages viewed. In all, I have only found the large version, with some hugely fluctuating prices (ranging from approximately 600 to> 800 EUR). When I see the prices with the price at compare (about $ 411, converted approx 312.8 EUR, if you contribute to a better comparison here, nor the usual 19% tax would be added to just over 372 EUR), come to me the prices high before. If so, unfortunately, that many software manufacturers to release in Europe have to pay significantly higher than in the U.S.. There remains then only the self-import. In Adobe, you can shop with a European address will not be times in the U.S. shop: (
Antwort von Marco:

Vegas Movie Studio + DVD 7 Platinum will cost you at 120 U.S. dollars, plus EU tax (download version).
Whether there are important features that are only in Vegas + DVD 7 are included, is of your own dependent claims. But yes you can easily upgrade when it's not enough.