Frage von Tuvok:
Quite difficult
1 AVI movie
Subtitle Workshop loaded
The SRT open
edited, colored background, other Schriftfare
as. ssa saved
to verify synonymous subtitle workshop in the movie opened
everything fits
Virtual Dub open
Compression: Divx
Filters - Sharpen (maximum), brightnes / contrast (increased), High Quality 2.1
Film opens in VD
Filters - Subtitle - ssa open
rehcts preview - small image - subtitles so large that they have the whole screen is
No. Ännderung what I've barbeitet
no red on blue background
just everything in white and much too big
Have once again made whole but is not
Then next gehts lustig
Filters have all gone down with VD
The Picture is the same size on the right as left in Page Preview
Subtitles are small as they should be, If I have audio to Direct Stream Copy by
'Video - Full Processing Mode synonymous always what that means, but I can use some filter
So now, why were the subtitles in VD is not as accepted as I have them in Subtitle Workshop've used?
Why is the picture so small right with the high quality filter and the subtitles are so confused that big?
How can I change everything?
Antwort von Stefan:
Quite difficult And only here! First you write:
Film opens in VD
Filters - Subtitle - ssa open and it is not (Picture too small).
Later you write
Then next gehts lustig
Filters have all gone down with VD And it works. Strangely even with subtitles! So you can keep the Subtitler sometimes have not eliminated. Or are the subtitles in the video there?
What did you filter the first time still on? One of which has reduced the Picture.
Good luck
The thick Stefan
Antwort von Tuvok:

aha you make everything in Avisynth, now the programs are better with preview
So I voted with the Subtitle Workshop. srt edited, colored, other backgrounds, and greater than they. ssa saved
then I opened VD, Filters - Sharpen, Divx compression, and the film opens, then filter - Subtitle -. ssa open
and unfortunately, the attitudes. ssa subtitle of previously not accepted.
And a. Srt file in the editor looks like this
00:00:09,676 -> 00:00:13,043
STUDIO 2.0 presents
00:00:15,648 -> 00:00:19,846
In association with OCN
KOCCA, and KTB Network
00:00:20,920 -> 00:00:24,651
a J TEAM Studio Production
00:00:28,495 -> 00:00:30,486
The world has run out of
all forms of energy.
00:00:31,164 -> 00:00:32,893
People built a new city
by making
00:00:33,133 -> 00:00:35,693
with a new energy
their excrements.
The Picture in the original is 320 x something or so, or 640, do not know exactly
and the subtitles are not in a row that I have with Subtitle Workshop is not synonymous hinbekommen
Unfortunately, how does that mean?
And yes, in the programs, I have a preview but is much simpler, and if the whole is handled, I can with xtoconvert DVD or edit it, and do not need the Avisynth, which I use actually only when I do press TMPGEnc X , Avisynth file and then load, because the Avi to the program after 50% crash.