Frage von Ernesto:
A really well-made video relating to Canon HV-30 25p.
Included Time Lapse, depth of draw Steadycamfahrt, pans, just the ingredients which you often use when shooting. the topic is of course a matter of taste, but mathematically filme top.
Must see:
Antwort von Axel:

Sooo slow you need not be synonymous with 25p to swirl, and the topic is not even six seconds, not minutes. This video breaks down Lenin's mummy from boredom to dust. Joerg (movie lounge) would make his comment would have been perhaps a laugh, at any rate better than those Totensonntag-after-midnight Mucke.
Antwort von PowerMac:

The film is not good (it is called not "mathematically movies"). Boring, no pacing, horrible cuts, technology for its own sake (Steadicam-ride - also technically bad) and without history. How do you ask it, we can form and content of each other to solve? The theme is shitty and remains, the film, it is only right.
Antwort von domain:

At least you can in some settings a photographic eye (picture composition and lighting), but the film is None. If it is, but as a sequence of photos to view, then there is already synonymous, the question of who such a Still Image in an exhibition or even in his apartment would hang.
Moreover, in many Amateufilmern the fear of the human recognizable image, the motive appears to be in all its purity are presented.
It was always the motto: What does a monkey s.liebsten? Another monkey (acting and emotions trigger)
Antwort von DWUA:

For this clip of "Krokymovie" just as much:
A violin concerto of Pyotr Tchaikovsky Ilitsch is here
Tchaikovsky abused. Pendereckys "Dies irae", for instance, would fit better.
But the Music Peter Tchaikovsky is a yes every day
1000-fold in the www abused.
Then, when the Sound Picture a "romantic" feeling
should generate.
Why this is happening precisely s.einem place, the
next to the monumental Soviet architecture monument ",
as in the GDR maintained and cared for has been done,
- S.einem place where the remains of 80 000 before and fallen in Berlin
Russian soldiers (Hitler's victory) is --
this is us cryptic.
@ Axel
Treptow is the sister city of Cologne, but when off-Spokesman
Joerg seems inappropriate.
If it's because partout "funny" to be, we would rather Cindy
in the sense. Cindy from Marzahn.
This is from Marzahn / Hellersdorf. Neighborhood Direct
to Treptow / Köpenick.
Those who therefore do not Arschbombe in Müggelsee
dares (max. 8 m deep) because then a tsunami across South-East Berlin
along the river would have a devastating effect.
Furthermore, everything from scratch again be cut.
Antwort von Axel:

Nothing against Tchaikovsky, certainly not against Penderecki, but as a kind of comment would be here Oleg Kostrow fit. The sounds roughly like a mix of circus music, cartoon music and Tchaikovsky Zermürbungsfolter after a month, a sleeper.
In a report in the History Channel would have to these images may be taken Shostakovich. With its music, there is a great film with Ben Kingsley, "Testimony," about the nightmares of the composer, who with Stalin's terror (and madness) is facing, due to its Music abfärbt. Eisenstein on Speed, a shot Tarkowsky. An insider tip.
Antwort von domain:

"The Soviet war memorial (from 1949) were as synonymous important negotiating point for the Russian Page for the two-plus-four contracts for German unity. The Federal Republic was obliged to enlarge
their forever to ensure they maintain and repair. Any changes to the monuments must be the consent of the Russian Federation.
There are synonymous critical voices to the monument. Among others, there were protests against the Stalin-citations, and the CDU was in the district of Treptow-Köpenick requested that these articles be removed. " This background alone would have been enough material for a story.
But a more menschelnde story would have been synonymous around can entwine.
See front of my eyes just one of the GDR regime nachtrauende nostalgic single mother, which the kneeling soldier with tears in his eyes embraced.
In addition pinkelt her 5-year old son innocently herabgelassener with trousers on the polished granite and will afterward of two police in the middle and still made with bare botty removed. The mother of this trio is running and begging for forgiveness after beseechingly.
Such scenes could be a critical confrontation with the undeniably difficult period of suffering of the Russians under Hitler but synonymous with the Russian naturalist heroistischen "art form" and its evaluation and acceptance nowadays launch, but more ironic, surrealistic and disguised form.
All nonsense, I know, but why only want so many amateur filmmakers no story, no provocation, no unexpected twists and no surprises in the film produced, but only sterile yawning boredom, through which a continuous darübergepappte Music will be reinforced.
Antwort von inted:

So, one has said, an eye, the maker. I see as synonymous.
I found it really even 100 sec ok, then it was me but instant too long.
But such slogans as: technology as an end in themselves are superfluous, but was funny when people are zeitraffiert :-) The lack of history ... hm, hm ... Impressions do not require such. I think 6 minutes but I could not afford, then somehow was a good start too slow in terms of redundancy given. Insofar Impressions repeat the proliferation mode? I do not know.
For music, well, if bluespoprockiger would have been, I would perhaps have remained on it - would be an anachronism on the matter have been shown. So, I found the Green synonymous toll :-)
Antwort von PowerMac:

You said it yourself: Impressions. No impressions s.sich Pig wants to see. Especially not impressions, which means their sense of self purpose. Formally, some okay. But who wants a bunch of shit aesthetic halfway to see if he has the opportunity to travel the shit-ranging from hamburgers at Burger King, on digestion, absorption in the loo and the Exitus the pile in the septic tank, so an exciting story to see? Content and history are everything.
Antwort von PowerMac:

Add to "Impressions": Simple is the movie, something to show the images but does not embed in a story, but the images only in its formal goodness show. Someone was probably too stupid times, stories to tell. He promptly cut indiscriminately images in a row and named this collage as "impressions". A new genre was created. Someone criticized his work, he replied briskly, but that the "impressions". The standards of a story that could not create. A clever idea.
Antwort von inted:

Language abuse, Sch ... call a spade a spade and so intellectually wise to make any event no genuinely great story; überhaupt most stories are so bland and cheap that I sometimes almost in Impressions save. Firmament, fire, sea, forest and meadow Idyll, wife breasts, antique sculptures ...
Beautiful Impressions offer in history at the same time, are `s. Think about s.den Allblick on our planet - what a story plus impressions.
On the other hand, bores me almost every series and movie fart who thinks his banal storyboards of the world had something to give as unconstructive negativity, just an increase in the dumps for the A-Aesthetic.
Clearly art has, in spite of Beuys, hardly artists on several pages. One can make the ugly as a political means. If you are just ugly, ugly for the sake of faith, this is a sick aestheticism, who really believes 13.7 billion years World Development is an equal basis to see synonymous with a public or Schiss Doppelkotz on a theater stage, the Director Ausgeburt an empty brain, but is mistaken . There are wonderful pictures poesie wirklichkeitsadäquater far. Shit is grunzeinfach say, the flower at the right moment to catch on the other hand, high sense of everything. The most photographed and filmed flowers and flower fields are so miserably that you immediately know the difference, shall be subject to a `real 'Such submitted. In this sense.
But each attempt brings a potentially synonymous next, so synonymous has a rapprochement in their luggage, so I praise synonymous parts, if all synonymous is bleak.
In any case, interesting that you, power mac, apparently the whole thing angeguckt did.
Antwort von Axel:

So far,
well-made impressions in the dirt to consider is even gone None. Since the medium is video, just neatly photographed Park but not in order to meet this criterion.
ever, most stories are so bland and cheap that I sometimes almost in Impressions save. This is what alcohol abuse, gluttony, pornography consumption, beautiful pictures and (impeccable craftsmanship) Fascho or Sowjetgrabmäler common: they are without content and steer from. From the ugliness in life, for which they are also a factor.
To Each His Own Quantum Solace. But consolation lies are flat.
If you are just ugly, ugly for the sake of faith, this is a sick aestheticism, who really believes 13.7 billion years World Development is an equal basis to see synonymous with a public or Schiss Doppelkotz on a theater stage, the Director Ausgeburt an empty brain, but is mistaken . There are wonderful pictures poesie wirklichkeitsadäquater far. The hypocrisy of the concentrated-er - "like" Fine Art of the "healthy" aestheticism, gives us more ugliness in life and sufferings, as it all piles or Kotzpfützen at all stages could. After 13.7 billion years (so we know exactly as CERN?) Is the kind of man ignored the unmistakable form of life on the planet. When it comes to human welfare would be over meadows to walk, you would find this anywhere, and the earth would be pure heaven for the HDV-Impressionism aesthetes.
In the film
DOA - upon arrival of a
murder has an ominous novel with the programmatic title
Something is wrong written. This is the
Antwort von Ernesto:

How I know this is a test video for the HV 30 and as such I think it is very well done. The content is secondary for me here. Why do not laaangsam times? Everyday life is stressful enough. Why should a test film impressions are not shown. Why should always a story? Many films are stories with Bad grotto.
I would like of those who here herumnörgeln like to see a clip, rotated with a small cam and limited Presents. who has the courage, his skills may be happy to demonstrate. or is it all just lip service and big mouths.
Whoever wants to can be established at the same time the content was "good Grotto" do, but beware, the risk of eye cancer.
Antwort von domain:

I would like of those who here herumnörgeln like to see a clip, rotated with a small cam and limited Presents. who has the courage, his skills may be happy to demonstrate. or is it all just lip service and big mouths.
Our culture would be nice arm off if only those likely to criticize the synonymous itself can produce what they criticize.
With fall just spontaneously Reich-Ranicki, for which the case.
Many of the other major critics would be so dear to her foot.
So incidentally, the word has made us criticize negative connotations, but basically it is two sides open. There are positive synonymous reviewers.
Antwort von inted:
The hypocrisy of the concentrated-er - "like" Fine Art of the "healthy" aestheticism, gives us more ugliness in life and sufferings, as it all piles or Kotzpfützen at all stages could. After 13.7 billion years (so we know exactly as CERN?) Is the kind of man ignored the unmistakable form of life on the planet. When it comes to human welfare would be over meadows to walk, you would find this anywhere, and the earth would be pure heaven for the HDV-Impressionism aesthetes. Basically I have nothing against synonymous Something that is in the social space is made, presented, on heischt criticism if it can contribute to something which is socially useful.
To that extent, I've differentiated: only the ugliness ugliness's sake, bla bla. I find synonymous, that everything must be shown and should be, but with objective and constructive not only for private steam.
Well, fun, film, and may be able to retain all synonymous. Man can shut and it must not stop watch.
Nevertheless, s.den first, so viewed, about 1.5 minutes, the theme here on the occasion and made videos, I had found favor. I thought that was quite harmonious, despite ....
Of course, would have been great if one would have been loud: Fuck the Tchaikovsky and roared with the sledge hammer the monument would have been processed. As you zoom would still show that he is on his T-shirt stand was: `It can not stand still. + No War No War Monuments. "
Now, if a child alölerdings then had begun to flehnen, it would probably already fallen back into Laaaangweilige, though, is not necessarily synonymous. Everything is a matter of timing and the composition. Instead sledgehammer synonymous yes you can quickly pack the thing with unknown destination and let fly - a power-Ufo would prompt it can be. It would be conceivable synonymous in this park a political thriller begins to allow, say 5 min. Slowness and then Peta-speed s.Tanzen.
Red wine is in the game, cheers.
Regarding the 13.7 billion years is concerned, well, ... s it is currently written, from of me kanns synonymous always present to it all the memories and fake justifications.
Hopefully coming soon ordered the HV30, then I'll pick my movies sweet hangover. :-)
Antwort von DWUA:

First, to "loosen up" the following:
even 3-lingual.
@ Ernesto
For the Canon HV30 is available in the 'tube' massive test footage
concerning 24, 25, 30p.
The only problem is that
everything is blurred.
For further sightings are frequently found under "krokymovie" on the title
"A Moment in June". Again, the same "tempo".
Also strongly reminiscent of
"3 Days in April" of Bloom.
Good, there is about the EX3 + Letus Extreme. But that one
synonymous "laaangsam" may be interesting, here is the latest
(Lieber at visit than
youtube). In the hope is not a growth HV30 to be alone
therefore, to DIR skills in dealing with their evidence to be able to
we prefer to remain at the "loudmouth whining" ...
Antwort von Ficeduld:

Oh, what eloquence in this thread! I want a big synonymous as his critics ....
The clip was completely okay, a little langfädig, well, yes but it is not a synonymous Slashcam Contest. Movies Risch top "was perhaps a bit unfortunate words, what the heck.
Cognac is in the game .....