Frage von lx2:
Hello Forum,
long I imagine the
extent to
premiere with Time code (see synonymous
hereinafter referred to as "TC" called and with Data code (see synonymous timestamp, Date Stamp, DV date code,
hereinafter referred to as "DC" called circumvent it? This must be the first time the difference between code and data code in mind. Here is a Picture:

Many DV camcorder using this data. When you transfer the video to the PC via firewire (F5 in Premiere), the Time Code and Data Code withübertragen. (Since Kuck, wa :-))
The only problem is the data code is in Premiere without any additional tool invisible. The most common effect plug-in for Premiere is probably DV DATE (here's
And here the application of DV in Premiere Date:

But how can one with TC and DC work.
That I will work with you! Please give as many answers as you TC and DC in Premiere applies.
The main task of TC and DC is probably the synchronization of the host material
(Video with video Multicam keyword / video with audio / video interface with window)
Simple example:
At a gig is filmed with 3 cameras, which record all on miniDV. All cameras have the correct time (= DC) is set. In the premiere are then miniDV tape and transferred into auto scenes aufgeteil
(Adobe Premiere CS3 Help: autom. Scene Search) Any Kammera now gets its own video track. Now would be the scenes of the various cameras synchronized.
The result should be something:

Explanation: If the DC in the clip "CAM1 Szene01" of the track "CAM1" at 22:52:16, should the corresponding clip in the other tracks will be moved so that they at the same time synonymous DC 22:52: 16,. So the orange bar, the DC, no preference of any clip, 22:52:16 always be).
But with the DC premiere is in the best of my knowledge nothing auto arrange. (Why? Serious vulnerability in the software?) Premiere uses the DC really only for the above-mentioned "autom. Scene Search? o_O apparently already ...
To synchronize clips to be really, I have until now a laborious way through the TC selected. (Please read first before your next read:
Adobe Premiere CS3 Help: Time Code) Here is a picture where the TC in Premiere can read:

(!) TC should not be confused with the VideoIn and VideoOut. In the above picture is of the TC Clip3 of 00:10:01:12 to 00:10:22:23. This means that the file clip 03.avi on the original miniDV tape at 00 hours 10 minutes 01 seconds and 12 frames started (media launch) and 21sek12frames took (= media duration). But if you only some 15 seconds of the clip can be required by the VideoIn and VideoOut determine the boundaries.
Now the application of TC for synchronization of clips: About "clip in the Project window, select> File> Time Code" is the time code of the clips (or scenes *. avi files) individually customize and example to make 22:52:16:00 - thus would be in our initial example of TC s.den DC adjusted. This must be done individually for each file set. Puhhh ...
Then you cut in the window is always "the matching clips select> right click> sync
Antwort von lofi:

Effects in Premiere Elements 3.0 10 hours material (10 HD tapes) of SonyHC-7 in SD mode captured.
Then with AVCutty 3.0 tries to sort.
The Datestamps are so inaccurate that I can not sort afterwards.
The date is true, but the time is partly for hours next to it.
Have I made a mistake?
Or make an error element? Or AVCutty?
Antwort von Andreas_Kiel:

Can you possibly set synonymous filename that in the seconds still occur?
Antwort von robbie:

that is, for example with szenealyzer. because it sets the filename together as name'jjjj-mm-dd hh-mm-ss.avi;)
Antwort von Futz:
@ all: Please do not distract from the subject. It is just at TIME CODE & DATA CODE in Premiere, and how to work with. If you have specific questions about other programs, please open up a new thread. Effects in Premiere Elements 3.0 10 hours material (10 HD tapes) of SonyHC-7 in SD mode captured.
Then with AVCutty 3.0 tries to sort.
The Datestamps are so inaccurate that I can not sort afterwards.
The date is true, but the time is partly for hours next to it.
Have I made a mistake?
Or make an error element? Or AVCutty? Premiere supports seems to be no DC at HD material (see
here below the picture) Believe me to remember the code for HD Data synonymous somehow stored differently.
Antwort von Marco:
"Programs which can with DC as well, so that video scenes that can automatically synchronize?" Vegas Pro 8th
Antwort von lx2:

Thanks for the tip schonmal Vegas Pro 8th Werd me something clever to make!
Specially the answers to questions 3-5 interested me. Who next:
- Fr03: DC and TC can be synchronized, eg via a plugin?
- Fr04: Is there a way in Premiere, clip so arranged that they s.Ihren VideoIn-score cut into the window to load? eg clip 03.avi VideoIn at 00:10:05:00 and clip 02.avi VideoIn at 00:08:07:18 ---> via command window cut in s.den respective bodies in track 1 insert
- Fr05: Can the TC for multiple files at once? eg TCneu = TCalt +21:00:00:00 So to the old Time Codes 21 hours add
Antwort von robbie:

- Fr03: DC and TC can be synchronized, eg via a plugin?
No idea, but why? Troubleshooting follows below ...
- Fr04: Is there a way in Premiere, clip so arranged that they s.Ihren VideoIn-score cut into the window to load? eg clip 03.avi VideoIn at 00:10:05:00 and clip 02.avi VideoIn at 00:08:07:18 ---> via command window cut in s.den respective bodies in track 1 insert
not that I knew, at least not in 1.5 ...
- Fr05: Can the TC for multiple files at once? eg TCneu = TCalt +21:00:00:00 So to the old Time Codes 21 hours add The answer to this question varies with the issue of 03 ...
Normal consumer cameras have no built-TCG, ie time code generator. So it has only rudimentary Timecode - possibilities, namely a continuous time code on the tape to create.
Professional cameras have given several options.
It is possible, for example, the current time as a time code to write. That would be the synchronization of the desired data code-time code.
Furthermore, there is still synonymous to the free-run mode, which is required if you have multiple cameras with one another paddock. They then s.dem time of synchronization, an identical time code. This will always be, synonymous if nothing is taken or the camera is just off. It captures more of the time code that is currently running.
This leads to time code breaks, so a non-continuous time code.
Nor can I tell the camera where the time code to start, I can so the TC manual input.
User bits we do not want to discuss ...
The fact that most anyway such a camera has, when such functions are required, no longer need software or settings similar to these functions and to be artificially generate.
In addition, I understand your workflow somehow not;)
Antwort von Marco:

I do not know if you think for your specific case, what brings synonymous. But there is a small, brilliant tool, which - after an initial manual sync - all subsequent files solely on the basis of the data codes (that is really without time code as a reference) absolutely can frame accurately synchronized.
The tool is designed for the case that with several cameras synchronously rotated, but the cameras when filming does not go through, but steadily-and off.
After each of the first clip of all manual cameras synchronously once were, this tool provides for an automatic synchronization of all the clips after the recording of each camera is more or less often could be interrupted.
Even if the tool does not create an initial decline, so I think it is brilliant nevertheless, because of the Data Code, as such, actually only seconds, the synchronization with the tool but frame accurate, although the data base only the code.
Antwort von lx2:
@ Marco: Is this tool for Premiere? That would be exactly what I'm looking for. How good is the piece? Second would be quite great. But Frame Exactly ... mhhh a pleasure!
@ all: As an alternative solution or a better workflow, as you mentioned with the same scenario can work around, I like to thanks!
@ Robbi: Finally someone with the know of the matter! Thank you for your remarks. Now I want to go into detail on times and of an "EB cameraman, Producer / Director Live" :-) know what you are in such a situation, makes s.besten:
My chosen scenario, smaller performances, such as a ballet performance, a band gig or a theatrical presentation on the ordinary way, the relatives and friends of the actor / musician, are present.
That one or another amateur here (thanks to technological advantage) synonymous times digital (mostly MiniDV) recording is standard. While one grandpa just filming his granddaughter, the other mom to focus rather on the overall picture (with frequent press the REC button). However, one can not expect that all through shooting.
Several cams, professionally with the time code to be available, or even have a TCG that you have not. There are only small, diverse film scraps out, you become a major film zusammenflickt (logical-and-always just the best prospect chooses). The recorded time code helps here at all! But what can help is the data code, because it somehow (as experience shows) the timings of the cams, with few minutes or not, match.
It is an artificial or subsequent generation of time code is essential!
Workflow My current workflow: 1. I transferred all MiniDVs with autom. Scene detection after premiere.
2. Each track gets a cam
3. Then I looked for my striking points in the scenes and synchronize the clips manual. eg by saying Maker set, and with the "right-click on the clip> Synchronize> nummerrierte Clipmarke 'work. (Data Code plugin do I help, if someone really big jumps are there.)
4. then work with the multicam feature of Premiere.
(Sequence with clips in a different sequence pull> Clip> Multikammera> Activate)
(Window> MultikammeraMonitor> Record> with 1-4 keys to change Kammeraperspektive)
Unfortunately, only with up to 4 tracks. You can create multiple sequences ...
EDIT: Here's a tutorial, my current workflow:
TUTORIAL (engl.)My preferred workflow:
1. see above
2 & 3 TUTORIAL (engl.)
a function such as "all the clips in the Project window, select> Project> Automatically convert Seqenz> Placement> s.Datacode align"
4. as above
Item 2 & 3 must therefore somehow be automated. As I said, you have times 3 Cams with each 50 scenes can be even 2-3 hour until everything is placed. It is thus in some Premiere "Workaraound" found.
Therefore I am so synonymous with my questions. They should only be used to find a way to, as I vorallem at point 3 is no longer manual work needs. S.besten times I explain why I've asked questions as