Newsmeldung von slashCAM: Test of Panasonic AG-HMC70/AG-HMC71 thomas - 17 Jul 2008 10:28:00 Test of the new shoulder-mounted AVCHD camcorder Panasonic AG-HMC70 (in Europe AG-HMC71 baptized) to SD card recording. Together with the SonyHVR-HD1000U she tests the newly discovered market for cheap, semi-professional camcorder shoulder. In this first part of the test is about the individual components of the Cam, the form factor and the ease of use or manual controls.
Here is the
technischen Daten der Panasonic HMC70/HMC71This is an auto-generated entry
Antwort von SammyGray:
My God is ugly .... even if a Eierlegende Wollmilchsau, I would not beutzen. As you get eye cancer and so the principal is a Lachanfall.
Antwort von Markus:
Together with the SonyHVR-HD1000U she tests the newly discovered market for cheap, semi-professional camcorder shoulder.
The Panasonic fits into the picture as well. But I would have written "looking semi-shoulder camcorder. ;-)))
Antwort von fernsehzwerg:
I have the thing now synonymous times seen live and tested. Conclusion It is very different than I had expected:
s.Das thing is not as ugly as it looks like the Still Image.
b) The optical properties are a joke: If shot on an opposite building and a tree below ebendort we were louder Watch colorful color bleeding. Such imaging performance, I had of its 3-chip cam with Leica Optics not really expected.