Newsmeldung von slashCAM:Hier geht es zur Newsmeldung: That's the limit: First iphone4 film comes into Movies - Paranmanjang
Antwort von mosis:

This comment is directed exclusively s.den journalist who has written this report:
A bitter and jealous report I have read probably only of journalists from the tabloids. The Chang-Wook s.dem just PR hype might be interested in is probably just a stupid statement, as the wonders of 90 on the unrotated - minute film. Needed for the Chang-Wook after his successful PR is still shooting is expected to contribute quite impossible and simply wrong, and the 90 minutes until a real movie. Apparently you just turn synonymous an I-phone film, apparently because you are afraid that this does not now more attention. However, you should know that not only makes the camera a good movie, but very much more. In addition, you will only appear to be good movies are or want to report it if possible with this expensive cameras have been rotated, and not synonymous because of other films can be very good quality. You should also not ignore emerging techniques, which you must otherwise as some other technique to retire. This according to a report it is worth to the front page is an indictment of the editors. Because many support high-quality user of this portal with their counsel, should at least be considered if so not a shoddy report fits better into a student portal.
Antwort von Debonnaire:

@ Moses: A well-meant tip for you:
Antwort von flojoemuc:
The Chang-Wook s.dem just PR hype might be interested in is probably just a stupid statement, as the wonders of 90 on the unrotated - minute film. Needed for the Chang-Wook after his successful PR is still shooting is expected to contribute quite impossible and simply wrong, and the 90 minutes until a real movie. PR you always need! No matter how successful is already ...
Antwort von
@ Moses: A well-meant tip for you: Yes, please, please! Since it is crazy to read ..
Antwort von Harti:

Why must always make all down on here? I noticed so many times! No matter what matters ...
Antwort von Debonnaire:
Why must always make all down on here? I noticed so many times! No matter what matters ... Because it makes us stronger for life!
Oh, come on, I'll give you 'ne consolation friendly hug -
* cuddle * better
press? ;-)
Antwort von inferno_o:
Why must always make all down on here? I noticed so many times! No matter what matters ...
Because it makes us stronger for life!
Oh, come on, I'll give you 'ne consolation friendly hug - * cuddle * better press? ;-) foot