Newsmeldung von slashCAM: The (dire?) Future of Independent Films of thomas - 21 Dec 2008 10:56:00 This article argues that the business of film-makers Indiependent - Money to sammenkratzen, make a movie, of the revenue until the next movie live - has become increasingly difficult in recent years. The promises of Digitaliesierung (independent and cheaper to produce) have increased redeemed, but the other consequences of the digitization (via the network spread black copies, too much free content, more competition from online videos and games) have these advantages over again eaten and make the life of the indie filmmaker difficult - the advice, the amount of the estimated production budget for marketing again auzugeben, coaxed filmmakers probably a furious resigned sigh ..
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Antwort von Axel:

The essence is: Would it respects copyright (Pffff ...), or effectively protected (technically by a yet to be copy-constructing, legally through tougher laws), everything would be okay. The larger number s.produzierten Shooting in Comparison to earlier would be the increased need of more than justified.
Just as they are now, will in future be the only business that paid
product placement or direct advertising. Not only for India but anywhere. Even more interesting films have less value because they are always faster and in more and better quality can get for free.
If you do not believe that this trend is reversible, is an entirely new business models must be
Antwort von Zizi:

Well .. this is the price too high for Prices!
Whom a Blue-ray or DVD about 2-3 times cheaper would be
many would just take the free one 320x180 DivX Torrents
Buy the disc!
I am honest, it is synonymous to expensive for worsening werdente movies 20-30 ¬ browse add!
I buy me garkeine it was more a movie is real
High standard which was recently just returned from Holywood is increasingly rare!
And from the Internet kake the compression is to be synonymous
waste of time!
For the money a Blue-ray I may as well use 6-7x go into the movies!
Antwort von Axel:
Well .. this is the price too high for Prices! Somebody must pay for higher quality (and for less well), whether T-shirts, döner, computers or movies are.
The torrent mentality has with romantic Freibeutertum ( "movie pirates") to do nothing. They are parasites. Of course only the reputation of a film about wrongfully seems harmless, but in the mass brings this behavior to host sometime. Then the freeloaders synonymous with nothing.
Love Christmas greetings, incidentally s.dich. You stand at least to do so.
EDIT: Just right for Christmas. The holy three kings brought frankincense, myrrh and gold. Exclusive schofel nothing stolen. There is no value loss to complain. Eventually everything that someday
we will be digitally reproduced. Heaven? Do I have from the Internet.
Antwort von alexanderdergrosse:
Well .. this is the price too high for Prices!
Whom a Blue-ray or DVD about 2-3 times cheaper would be
many would just take the free one 320x180 DivX Torrents
Buy the disc!
I am honest, it is synonymous to expensive for worsening werdente movies 20-30 ¬ browse add!
I buy me garkeine it was more a movie is real
High standard which was recently just returned from Holywood is increasingly rare!
And from the Internet kake the compression is to be synonymous
waste of time!
For the money a Blue-ray I may as well use 6-7x go into the movies! It is synonymous with opportunity ebay etc. used films to 1 / 3 the normal price to buy. The bug is where Anderst.
Trend is clearly toward the Internet. Dvd, etc. Why the press, including the environment, why go into the video library, including dusty Dvd collection was so much the cost, now some couple Euros,
if you get the same from the Internet free of charge in HD quality can watch a movie. Other synonymous modest enough quality that the film usaus China to see for free via streaming or download. As we can see that youtube has upgraded, others are complying, the quality is very acceptable to start streaming video portals or even to DVD Bluray-comparable quality already exists, ie live stream from Asia would be in HD quality without having to go to pay. Although most laws or copy exists, it will give them the option anywhere from abroad a movie for free to see, and here lies the error.
If the DVD-production are gone, the film may be less expensive.
At the same time should be achieved, that films from the Internet as a movie rental for 1 euro per stream cost. It would not make sense to load the films, if this quality of video-on-demand is there.
Somehow, the crew and the whole be paid, it should not be brotlose Kust, film is something special, which was previously something new today, everything is oversaturated until it no longer. Even in 90 years, I had an overview of all the shooting and Games. Today, half a million Kustwerke where I have more time to spend as Select the movies to see. Even as it is in the Kam-choice, the choice and each is of course the best (marketing without end).
There were times where I myself for themselves and made their own music heard in the car because I have not had to buck never endene choice.
Antwort von Zizi:
It is synonymous with opportunity ebay etc. used films to 1 / 3 the normal price to buy. The bug is where Anderst.
Trend is clearly toward the Internet. Dvd, etc. Why the press, including the environment, why go into the video library, including dusty Dvd collection was so much the cost, now some couple Euros,
if you get the same from the Internet free of charge in HD quality can watch a movie. Other synonymous modest enough quality that the film usaus China to see for free via streaming or download. As we can see that youtube has upgraded, others are complying, the quality is very acceptable to start streaming video portals or even to DVD Bluray-comparable quality already exists, ie live stream from Asia would be in HD quality without having to go to pay. Although most laws or copy exists, it will give them the option anywhere from abroad a movie for free to see, and here lies the error.
If the DVD-production are gone, the film may be less expensive.
At the same time should be achieved, that films from the Internet as a movie rental for 1 euro per stream cost. It would not make sense to load the films, if this quality of video-on-demand is there.
Somehow, the crew and the whole be paid, it should not be brotlose Kust, film is something special, which was previously something new today, everything is oversaturated until it no longer. Even in 90 years, I had an overview of all the shooting and Games. Today, half a million Kustwerke where I have more time to spend as Select the movies to see. Even as it is in the Kam-choice, the choice and each is of course the best (marketing without end).
There were times where I myself for themselves and made their own music heard in the car because I have not had to buck never endene choice. Yes because you have quite well ..
Antwort von univers:

Change is the buzzword. I was half a year ago or so in Dogville and there was just on such topics are discussed. With the new possibilities of the Internet and the distribution can be much easier and better distribute films like it never would have been conceivable. Especially for small budget films with the super toll. Only these possibilities are still very few of successfully exploited.
One should not hold s.alten business when they have overtaken. That was and is in the music industry exactly the same and the film industry receives or has the same problem, incidentally, the other media companies synonymous.
Rethinking is the motto! Addendum:
To the comment above, no man wants to be from China than any detours watch movies, especially not the normal user (because he can not do it). There must be a SIMPLE and easy to use product, then the wins, and then you pay synonymous something like this.
See Music in iTunes, there are more titles than purchased on sharing services, however, the music industry always synonymous dagen to work instead of the full advantage.
In this sense, using the possibilities that made it easier and faster to use, requires a price and make it as independent. Since creative.
Antwort von DWUA:

The "consolation" a little pragmatism:
Without state funding from the already tightly laced
Coffers of the Federal Culture and its countries, DFFF without television money,
entities without any chance to film days, fixed, festivals
of Saarbrücken to the yard.
So it's always been. Therefore, new platforms should not be underestimated.
such people be grateful:
A good example is Thomas Bohn.
After all, can be seen on the Page of him and others initiated
Short as
see or provide.
So it was not always. From this point thank you in
Neue Schönhauser Straße! But synonymous in
the Schönhauser
Allee! ;))
Antwort von WideScreen:

So I find it disappointing when you have a documentary with a lot of effort and heart and soul has made, then the whole market as a DVD and see how the then Emule and consorts at once arises.
When the digitally distributes, via pay per download as it is even easier to share. Elaborate mechanisms like DRM copy protection or something, I can as a small company not afford, and because I myself am not thrilled that you as a buyer of a film when considering such restricted by DRM can I find synonymous not good. The DVD cost 9 euros, so if this is already too much, then I never synonymous. Then synonymous a download file for 1 euro geshared. Synonymous and I think that one of 1 Euro can not live without. When we say 30,000 dollars in production costs (only if you are LowBuget) are the 30,000 downloads, and then you have earned nothing. So, only on the mainstream by making high sales figures to get on with things right (and thus lower viewing figures) is simply no money there anymore. Super.
Good it is (still) the TV stations that are sometimes very good figures for challenging material. But the synonymous just because they are by the GEZ can afford. If the times gone, you can stop ....
Antwort von Pillermännchen:

The problem is not the price of a DVD. Was it never synonymous.
The problem is the easy way, with now a lavishly made film product can be reproduced. A mouse click and from.
It makes it, because man can.
The bulk of the films that sucked from the web will never Downloaders of their views.
As a DVD would be synonymous for the piecewise 50Cent change nothing on it.
And these new routes, which are propagated here:
All well and good.
But if someone of his work will live, money must flow.
And to what is produced.
Everything else does not help.
Antwort von Zizi:

Piller @ males:
Find ich nicht!
From my perspective I would have length 50 Bluerays bought this would "only" cost 10 ¬!
For DVD DETO .. only hold ~ 5 ¬!
(I Have 40 HD DVDs at Amazon / Ebay purchased when the format of death has been declared for all ~ 150 ¬ 40!)
But if I am in the media market and then go to Germany or DVD Prices'm Watching me is sucks! I do not pay for an HD movie as much as 5x for a cinema ticket ..
So I look garnix s.and maximum lend me the movie from the video out!
Torrents lad I'm not, because when I watch a movie then just a good and right with the dan Dolby and clear picture!
But is a difficult topic .. for the industry anyway a fight with them in the I-net long ago have lost!
So the only solution is mass production with good prices for movies
synonymous in the future can finance!
Other solutions do not exist .. otherwise they would long ago!
Antwort von alexanderdergrosse:

I think there are 3 basic problems and the same solutions:
1. Dvd Production costs money, while video-on-Demand is negligible compared to the cost but Dvd away.
2. Also, the big question, as there is such a huge million-budget?
Much could be for a 1 / 100 tel realize. Too much is artificially hochgepusht, at least in Hollywood. Here in Germany we would have
for a similar scene, spent significantly less than as provided for therein.
3. It is synonymous the big question: would a manager / producer / Boss of
10 thousand satisfied, or millions should be required?
This Probeme contributed decisively to the pricing of the film (DVD, etc.) for. If someone today says, hey, equipment is fully ähhh, damn expensive, then only partially true, yet the former was an excuse, now create the HD Cams good quality with many advantages, say at a good price (ie no Astronomical Prices years as before). Just what the A1 and Ex1 / 3 offer, many would not come up with the idea for a cam to fetch several thousands. The quality is quite good for smaller horses.
There are also many licenses, bureaucracy-scrap paper, etc. All the more difficult to make, finally, there is such high prices.
Finally, we spend more time with Bürokramm than the actual film.
Antwort von WideScreen:
Piller @ males:
Find ich nicht!
From my perspective I would have length 50 Bluerays bought this would "only" cost 10 ¬!
For DVD DETO .. only hold ~ 5 ¬!
Hi Zizi: So sorry, but I can not play the DVD for 5 euros to produce. But I think we are talking of different things. On one there because the "hau drauf nix like" and the Hollywood productions, or as great "as its own 1 1 / 2 Ritter, which may be sold a million times (na 1 1 / 2 knight's probably not) and there are documentaries and" Division Films "in much smaller quantities are sold. This resulted in a significantly higher price. However, the more willingly paid, because the movie just does not look so, but because an interested. So much worse hits a then when the movie for free is to have, and so it makes losses, where you can not anyway soooo much deserved. Good, still expects the business, but the question is how this goes next.
@ Males Piller: Yes, I see it as synonymous. Is done because they will. Unfortunately there are synonymous, but enough people to a film targeted search and download the look. This is a loss for the distributors / producers emerged.
Long-term result will be that you do not deserve so much more, so that the films are cheaper and the quality poor. And if anyone here speaks of its EX1, then I just laugh. Or do you want NEN movie with its EX1 see? So I put value on quality, quality! (but synonymous content.) And on its 8 meters canvas EX I do not want to see movie! But the only s.Rande, so go here so (fortunately) do not apply.
For my part, I can only say that it is time that piracy is much more work is being done. Technically, the simple but time consuming. I can not synonymous go to the supermarket and the potatoes just go and do not pay me because the price seems too high. Abstaining from consumption is a means of exerting pressure, not theft!
Antwort von KrischanDO:
For my part, I can only say that it is time that piracy is much more work is being done. ...
I can not synonymous go to the supermarket and the potatoes just go and do not pay me because the price seems too high. Abstaining from consumption is a means of exerting pressure, not theft! Applause!
Antwort von Pillermännchen:

Of course you have right.
But the wish is one thing, the skills the other.
Unlike a documentary potatoes can not mouseclick reproduce.
I do not synonymous, where as the solution may occur.
But if it continues, go down the river with high-quality productions.
Then you can s.Samstag evening in private instead of a TV gala selbstgefilmte mobile clips see what is the channel for free on the Web itself is concerned.
The "stars" of today have their status is no longer synonymous yes drafted, but are any of Dumpfbacken casted.
Today and tomorrow of the.
Ex and hop.
As the movie synonymous.
Antwort von WideScreen:

Unlike a documentary potatoes can not mouseclick reproduce.
DVDs are not synonymous but ..... Clearly the Vergeich limps a little, but it illustrates the problem. If at least:)
Jep, on the other hand there are still people who want to see high-quality posts, with good picture (and sound) and good content. This can hope:)
Antwort von mann:
... For my part, I can only say that it is time that piracy is much more work is being done. ...
I can not synonymous go to the supermarket and the potatoes just go and do not pay me because the price seems too high. Yes sounds erstmal conclusive, but the Internet is not a supermarket, but more like ne open cargo area. When the potatoes are lying everywhere, would be synonymous None more big ask but they all go. In other words, because who wants to have total control?
I mean, she comes anyway - but they told me I must have previously voluntarily want?
Antwort von darg:

The cost for a DVD or BD are completely overpriced and have been driven artificially high. The production costs for a DVD, including Huelle and cover are printed under a U.S. $! When produced in Asia, even less.
Even so, if we would omit these costs, the rest is a pure price lunar prize. Sonylaesst BD Royalty with the extremely well paid, but this was the decision of the studios and therefore the consumer is to blame inderekt with s.der situation.
In terms of rental DVDs and BD vonn there are at least here in the U.S. a small advantage. Many of Safeway supermarkets, there are video machines, where DVDs and BDs for $ 1.69 for the first day and $ 0.99 the next day can borrow. At least you as the cheap look of shooting.
The fact that so much music and video will be copied is surely a matter of "With one click, it is done." Did you but perhaps sometimes of the other ausbetrachtet that if I am a monkey a gun in his hand there, he eventually finds out how you use them?
When CD was blank (maybe there is still) a Gema-charge it, why not hard synonymous. The prices are in the basement so that it hardly falls into the weight!
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Nice theme
My thesis - Idea - Note
So first of all with regard to purchasing Prices DVDs - which are perfectly ok - we should not forget the DVDs so synonymous herumgefahren must be in a shop stehn the ongoing costs has ..... and and Other
I have hundreds of original DVDs alone because OFS Making menus and etc and it has - that is to me a few thousand Euros worth the Dato until I've spent.
From LPs CDs and PC games I want now garnicht begin.
Bzgl. INet and copies
I have been in the 90zigern on IRC and Usenet. Before each Hanz and Kunz in any "Computer Magazine" as one could read and copy files shared outwits - it was very accepted and relatively straightforward. Then it was around 2000 but against really annoying, any "computer magazines" fought with increasingly blatant Detailed reports for the favor of the reader - was / is in my eyes not really been a blessing.
Then comb Napster and Napster came synonymous with all Peer2Peer PROGIS
I will argue that times 95% of today's Peer2Peer PROGIS be corrupt, ie you can load stuff while but in the end open so his PC each. We talk of Data and data trade the last few weeks - we are clearly synonymous, but somehow your own fault - that will in the coming years will certainly be worse!
Bzgl. Business / marketing
I would direct my own movie online. So to speak to my product known to hackers and psydo the wind out the sails to take.
The UNCUT version with additional DVD then I would sell fairly.
Because if everyone can load my film is synonymous Promoted. Then there is synonymous people like me who like a little ready money for the DVD with all the extras out.
In addition, it requests for TV appearances, interviews, etc. occur. What indeed synonymous brings a little money.
I'm always free for INet been synonymous and hope that this will remain so.
I find it to kot ** n if I visit people at home and you (as mentioned above) consumer Geil hoard everything what you can download, but not the work to appreciate - let alone the music / movies / EBooks / Games synonymous listen / look / read / play.
(I want to compare times with cell phones - mine is years old and rings for many years with only one sound - what I need every 2 years a new phone every week and a new ring tone?)
Production costs
- ... So if someone in Hollywood 80 million for a movie role pays and children starve in Africa - so we must ask itself how it is to us.
oh well but somehow just as I drift from the subject from .....
In short .... and who is marketing his product needs and wants, which should be synonymous all resources out there to use.
(The Slashcam news report with "Money on Youtube deserve" was a good example that this really works)
@ Widescreen
Your story (example) is obviously very uncomfortable and I can only hope that you still can cover your costs.
Poste doch mal NEN link to your documentation, I buy synonymous Docus I find that quite synonymous geil ;-)
B. DeKid
PS. Those who, like many other people I can help your calculator ready to make that if he should Peer2Peer PROGIS / Files finds the people declare that they are harmful and of the PC to be removed.
Only good can cajole the problem at least in the friend / friends to get a grip
Quasi against BigBrother is watching you "approach / Aggi.
Antwort von darg:

PS. Those who, like many other people I can help your calculator ready to make that if he should Peer2Peer PROGIS / Files finds the people declare that they are harmful and of the PC to be removed.
Only good can cajole the problem at least in the friend / friends to get a grip
Quasi against BigBrother is watching you "approach / Aggi. Not only the P2P is a huge problem. The whole sh @ # $ mueller Messenger jackets and high Calculator very happy. Good to see wife at computers. Sorry for the expression but I see it in me to work. Each calculator, exclusively of the ladies used to boot load the first time in the first three minutes only Messies and they are my best customers. It goes almost a month, except where any such a Maedchenrechner abschmiert and after removal of all kinds Messies Backdoordingern and run again. But the girls try not to .....