Frage von Motorbiene:
Have a nice Good evening,
I'm not sure if this the right place here in the forum, but I hope it will forgive me if I made a mistake.
To my question:
I have a security camera with monitor. Among the plant a hard drive, which records all the information about one weeks. The camera should be intended only for security for the moment. It was important to me that of the hard drive which will record for one week, no data can be downloaded or transferred to another device können.Das synonymous should not be possible, according to Manufacturer.
But now I have been told that, if one has a little "knowledge", and are daring enough, but it is possible runterzuziehen data of this plant.
Now my question s.Euch, do you think it possible?
Many loving thanks in advance.
Motor Bee
Antwort von toxitobi:

Hello Bee Motor
The Pc over the running of such monitoring should not be in the internet or have no wlan activated. Then you can not synonymous by the Internet access from it. <- That is, I guess the safest option.
Everything else that you need to apply security expert s.einen you specify or something but that is for nen system: wlan biespiel to the computer operating system firewall / router from the open or by wep etc. are encrypted da ne whole quantity, I am no expert but 100% certainty you will probably never achieve as long as the network depends on überwachungsapperat.
lg Toxitobi
Antwort von Motorbiene:

First of thanks for the reply.
I was a little unclear as synonymous, I believe ....
So, the system has no connection to the Internet and is not connected s.einen PC!
Monitor and a hard-disk recorder. Question, what if someone connects a device via USB s.disen hard drive recorder, one can theoretically hack because s.Daten order to come in?
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Yes you can
Coming - the encryption of the data is created
- If you expand the disk via USB or hang s.einen Calculator
You can download the disk with "Always Sync" to another disk mirroring can
- Always Sync can also synonymous when a disk access is to be set up so that it all as 24 hours. The newly acquired data compares
How to say your surveillance .... so that one can answer because capture times exact molding around too.
B. DeKid