Frage von Weasel123456:
For the 30.05.2009 to 31.05.2009 to 01.06.09 and we are looking for extras for the filming of our latest amateur film-Project 1945: A History. We are looking for men and women of all ages, especially the fun s.der thing is irritating. We can not fees or other fees charged.
Location: 27374 Visselshövede
Requirements for participation are:
- No visible tattoos or piercings
- Time of the morning until early evening s.mindestens one of the days filming
The rotation is s.allen three days early in the morning around 6 and start the clock all day long (vorraussichtlich against 18 clock). Filmed a fight scene between Russian and German soldiers during the Second World War. The extras can be sought in this context, a Russian or German soldier and a German civilians / civilian play.
The team obviously provides for a small lunch s.Set.
Please register s.Jill [aet]
Liebe Grüße
Antwort von Quadruplex:

And this before with the performers
Antwort von Weasel123456:

Yes, I know ... fortunately we are learning from our mistakes ;-)
Antwort von domain:

Interesting that this time is so much being made, that so many productions to deal with it. Must be very interassant for bored young people and they unfortunately give the asshole Hitler nor afterwards right: each generation must be at least a decent war, otherwise you have not lived, because peace and prosperity sucks boring.
Antwort von shodushitanaka:

Thank domain. It is really sucks so this never-ending eternal tiresome WW2-The Guide-The Bunker-The Order-The attack-the victims-the-fate-Scheiss WasWeissIch green / brown - war or antiwar movies.
I myself have never been an issue aufgegeilt as a film, but who's needs ..... I always ask myself seriously: who actually looks sort of like?
And this "We must always go back to the conscience."
Maybe times rather read a history book and the energy, manpower, coal and effort for a good strip "wasting".
Just my humble opinion
Antwort von Weasel123456:

Vielen lieben Dank für eure its two major contributions.
Indeed, since it did me because of your brilliant mind tricks to come:
I'm not the first, a film about this period revolves (Did you really all alone rausbekommen?)
It is synonymous very gratifying and shows of great inspiration to her about something verdict, with which you do not employ you. Only true idiots would be on the film project, before they waste their intellectual products here in the forum its contribution to the counter fast Height leave.
Obviously, I am a bored young type with too much money and too much Zieten, otherwise I would hardly come to a film about the Nazi time. Good detected synonymous of you domain, that the film really is just a pretext to create a Europe-wide war by the fence to break. I see myself at this point just in the commitment of my generation, so far, unfortunately, does not benefit from a war could come in this situation.
So, now in serious times:
Your statements show that your IQ is well below the outside temperature must lie. Maybe you should times with the film and its intent addressed before their Eien so let's pile of garbage.
The main theme of the movie is the camaraderie among German soldiers. It is shown how in the most horrible situations together. Moreover, the film examines how and why all the terrible things happen in the second World War were, by the simple soldiers arrives, their motives, fears and hopes, which they in this conflict to the horror of all actions brought.
I do not think it's ever explicitly topic was a movie.
Moreover, it is immensely important, this time again to recall, but I expect of you does not mean that it understands.
As things currently in Germany to develop, we should be tightened to look at what 70 years ago with us and what is happening at any time can happen. We as a result of generations of the responsibility, from the mistakes of our ancestors to learn.
We want our film to show all facets, not just the "evil Germans". We certainly do not contribute to the collective guilt of Germany contribute.
Antwort von DWUA:

So again!
You are looking for extras, the fun it should have in your
Fight scene between Russian and German soldiers
during the Second World War to be allowed to participate.
With all due respect:
Do you have all the cups in the cupboard?
Antwort von Weasel123456:

Tools, s.Filmemachen have the fun ... it's certainly something else a battle scene to shoot as s.einer real battle to be involved.
And just because we have a film about a very sad moment, it does not mean that synonymous s.Set all sad and depressed to be. It may still have fun, a project to be involved.
Antwort von DWUA:

Such as
Have fun continues
Antwort von domain:

You are looking for extras, the fun it should have in your
Fight scene between Russian and German soldiers
during the Second World War to be allowed to participate.
Oh sure, there are many Neudeutschnationale Report. Only have unfortunately often KBodzko skull tattoos and nose rings and they also will not like the brutal Russians play it. Slightly more difficult it should be blue-eyed blonde Germanic heroes to find :-))
Antwort von Weasel123456:

Domain, I was hoping that you are another stupid comment to give the best to any of that you created Picture that I made your first post was derived, revise them. But unfortunately, unfortunately, you seem to be just as stupid, as your first contribution andeutetn left.
Here are some information that your limited horizon might extend:
- The nasty Nazi is no longer the stereotype of the bald, tattowierten rioting. The fact that you are of course on this Picture zuzürckgreifen needs test, was not to be expected.
- Our film has certainly nationalsolzialistischen no ulterior motives, we work closely with the local authorities and some people studied in this field together to the most authentic projket implement.
- The police will be on site, and ensure that people like you, so people who like other productive people on the eggs go, go away.
In addition, I have slowly the feeling that you're just a troll and I hope this takes time soon a moderator On.
Antwort von c.herf:

The main theme of the movie is the camaraderie among German soldiers. It is shown how in the most horrible situations together. That is quite disgusting! The topic could be quite different approach would be a smart thing because of it want to do.
Why GERMAN (!) Soldiers? Jaja these great camaraderie ... Grandpa told them today like wa? If it noble values in the world, they go in the latest war flutes.
... the simple soldier arrives, their motives, fears and hopes, which they in this conflict to the horror of all actions brought. Motivations and aspirations? Yes, that must have probably all very individually run in such a war. Since everyone has his own intention to commit atrocities. Toll that you dedicate yourself to the thing. <--- Irony
We want our film to show all facets, not just the "evil Germans". We certainly do not contribute to the collective guilt of Germany contribute. Yes, agrees that suffering in Germany must finally end ... (perhaps we should about what happened 70 years ago is quite different to think about? economically a good thing hehe ...)... free us from it. Number 2 exporter of weapons in the world, more and more Miitärpräsenz all over the world, industrialization and exploitation of the poor of this world .... we are really GOOD! It must finally be said finally in a movie .... presented in a film of Udo Voigt!
Why not because Weasel123456 and Rommel54 or Fuchs321? (not so modest!)
Antwort von c.herf:

The Gestap .... äh police will be on site and people like to remove domain!
And people are synonymous studied the German watch it all goes well!
You've got n bang!
So my comrades .... Berlin - Sachsenhausen wish you happy 3000 with your comrades in moving production unerstützen! ;) Haha ...
Ich hab mir grad mal the website of the Heini angeguckt. Apart of the lousy quality of the trailer! Terrible in every respect ... Under chumminess one finds there the guestbook and forum instead of a crew and there is ne troupe! ..... I quote myself: "You've got n Bang"
Antwort von Weasel123456:

I am really tired of always the same, idiotic post replies. Read for a change, times a book about the time before you here with your semi herumprahlst.
Antwort von c.herf:

Yes true my mistake! Hab mir mal eure / deine angeguckt Amazon wishlist ... no so what you've read anything or wanted to be "the subject" ... laugh!
Antwort von Weasel123456:

I advise you to create your own social failure by Troll posts in forums, whose members strive for substantive discussions are concluded.
As far as my private Wishlist on Amazon with the issue has to do is a mystery to me, as well as the credibility hochgeschätzer literature in question.
Antwort von shodushitanaka:

about something that their verdict, with which you do not have employed Do you really s.jeder trash things out, to see that it stinks?
The main theme of the movie is the camaraderie among German soldiers. It is shown how in the most horrible situations together. Hammer Story: Totmacher henchmen and the Kriechdienst applies - resulting in her "unexpected" bad fate, which they then in their misery comradely brotherhood together and build: Kutschie-Kutschie and collecting under real men - but only under the circumstance of war .
Your assessment of my IQ's in honor of all, thank you. Maybe I'm too stupid or just not stupid enough to send me something reinzuziehen.
In this sense: WAR GEIL !!!!! ... and have fun in life;)
Antwort von Weasel123456:

I hope you realize that not every German soldier with flags waving in the war is drawn. Not every German was a gung-ho and a Nazi supporter.
Our film also sheds light on both sides, and it gives us as fanatical regime supporters such as those who just want to go home.
Antwort von c.herf:

Times you look at his Page. That is bad. That and his contributions here show how it comes to the objectivity of this project is ordered.
However, it should not be wasting his time and perhaps even synonymous not always respond to this post to which he repeatedly during the recent posts up but disappears in the closet.
Antwort von Weasel123456:

What is it please s.der bad website?
According to your statements is wrong, you will find that our web site and a guestbook and a forum that we have our "crew" called Force ... I have not really understand what the problem you see.
Antwort von shodushitanaka:
... I really do not understand what the problem you see. wahrscheinl, you said. synonymous with the actor, who has suddenly noticed that he no longer has buck. How c.herf said, so "objectively and relaxed" as you do occur, you will probably synonymous with the subject in your movie deal. Either you're just to your position and what you think and do or haelen the people here not completely verblödet.
So I am now finally Klink from --
Antwort von Quadruplex:
Times you look at his Page. Link?
Antwort von Berntromp:

perhaps you would have at crew united and should not post here weasel.
What really interests me is:
how wilt thou kampfzenen the show? Since you have quite nice to work with pyrotechnics?
As long Pfenning Kracher not.
Antwort von Weasel123456:

My website:
We will be synonymous to use a lot of pyrotechnics. We have a pyrotechnics team engargiert who will manage and carry out everything. So we are not wannabes who play with fire :-)
Thanks for the tip because crw united, which I did not, but I look like at times.
Antwort von Quadruplex:

So, domain, C.herf, DWUA and shodushitanaka: I think your vergreift you owned in the sound. You can forget it so long to discuss whether there is a WW-II Project and shall give not less whether abgelutschte topics from other times there.
But as already mentioned website Weasel: Just read it?
"We are clearly of all the Nazi ideals and ideas. (..) All shown on this site Nazi symbols or actions with national socialist background are given the historically correct presentation. (..) Or glorification euphemistically User comments will be deleted immediately. "
That is just plain - odä?
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Here - but the funny times NEN Thread
I can only smile.
So my 5 cents on the subject
First, I would have time for a Germanic vs.. Film Roman, or Siegfried the dragon slayer, or iron or heart NEN new Conan.
As the story but provides enough material synonymous.
If film about the Nazi time, then perhaps something about New Schwabenland, Thule or Vril - maybe something about fleeing SS relatives after the war, it would be synonymous times points. It could be synonymous times Illuminate the bustle of large steel suppliers such as Thyssen and so light.
But in fact it is so - there are enough drugs gangsters, Dino, and SIFI synonymous WW2 films - None out there but the movie invents new.
Then, if someone is with such a project has then let him do it yet. Is not my money ;-)
So calm down yet - I am curious how it looks from later ... a lot of fun and success.
-------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------
My one grandfather was 3 years in Russia and 7 years in captivity.
My urope comb to Dachau because he is not well of the NS said, died there after almost 2 years of his 8 children comb one of his sons in the last two years to the SS - fled after the war to the Legion and died at the beginning of the 70ziger at a Rebellion in Africa.
Oh and my grandma Famiele of a large family were zerrbomte all stores and warehouses, and they were after the war with nothing.
Thus I can report many stories of which I have been told and which I sometimes have even written down.
I think this was a flagrant epoch time.
I think if you look at this effort because there is something vernümpftiges to rotate.
But the Money and the real pleasure I had not.
.................................................. .................................................. ....
B. DeKid
Antwort von DWUA:
"The Bridge"
Antwort von r.p.television:

In order to avoid the impression of almost all had a problem with the content of the film.
I find such a valuable and important film. You set a monument to a generation. And that is not free content blabla to such films to justify.
My grandfather, until 1952, from the Russian prisoner of war came home, has lived as long as he still synonymous viewing such films. And although he at war and especially of captivity was the worst experience. If a deceased comrades must eat in order not to starve yourself, you can imagine how corrupt these people were behind. Nevertheless, he viewed such films. This is probably a kind of reclamation of the experience and has not synonymous with Vergangenheitsglorifizierung to do. He was not a classic synonymous Nazi but a fellow traveler like almost all Germans, who at the time, the propaganda almost no chance of an alternative alignment had.
And old people talk about so often by the war because there is nothing worse than not such trauma to announce.
What are the deep friendships with the soldiers are, I have at the funeral of my uncle's experiences, as there are veterans appeared and cried like little children (although it many decades have not seen). If you have such intense memories shared welds probably for a life together.
Survivors and stayed back from the Second World War to the war are not synonymous hushed see. They understand such films as synonymous monument. Synonymous And if a war, the worst and stupidest synonymous is what can happen, he still deserves a monument, because many there have sacrificed the most valuable - a relative, physical integrity or life.
And so does the film then synonymous. One remembers s.Verstorbene and s.die victims they claimed.
And if I am in the credits of the film can be judged from how well we are but today, the film serves its purpose as an antiwar film synonymous met.
There will always be people who make such films misunderstand or interpret. But if you have problems with such a shooting has indeed they must not look.
Antwort von DWUA:

"The Bridge" is an absolute
MUST! Anyone who has not seen, is a rich movie experience poorer.
But here it goes to film, odä?
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Have him earlier times directly ordered, it seems synonymous to a remake.
Even my Dad knew the film, he said I would have him destined ever seen.
Well now he is so next week with the post ;-)
Thanks for the tip aka Link
B. DeKid
Antwort von Axel:

I know the treatment. The young "hero" is experiencing the awakening of his critical mind in the worst constellation. We will initiate in a hopeless situation is thrown, and ask us (with the identification of realistic figure), which condemned again for options now remain, or, or
ever will, as a man, if this Chose "lenient" approach. It is the emphasis of thought itself, unwelcome as it is in this situation is the substance on the suspected Fascho rises. Suspense A stronger approach can not give.
Weasel shows lack s.Humor: The provocation in this forum, it calls for the "administrator" to terminate the Insubordination. The vicious circle of
seemingly hopeless conditions, are opposites through admittedly only authority who (usually appropriated, with institutional authority - for example in the military, the entire apparatus, the "system" of the giant slip from Jim button) met with derision. But perhaps this could be a defeatist approach in this matter as the harder Wickis
The bridge is not as consistently implement, like a straitjacket from straight thinking.
Enough said, I'm still excited.
Antwort von Weasel123456:

Good, that is now synonymous here a few times people have made that deal with the matter have set.
Thanks for your contributions, that encourages me in the fact that it still is important to make such films.
The bridge is actually really an absolute must, a very good film, which is a the horror of war brings closer. The remake is in a ton of press, Pro7 alone that it produces, it should already speak volumes ...
Antwort von domain:

This is a classic misunderstanding of ignorance. Weasel was probably assumed that the story of his film synonymous and the current procedure (including the current problems), everyone here in the forum were known, which of course is not the case.
From the thread title was a psychoanalytic Antkriegsansatz in any case not be identified, but rather a Inszenierenwollen a decent Ballerei.
It was incidentally, a lot of camouflage and subterfuge in the literature and in the Filmerei where, for example, the pseudo-scientific explanation of the pretext of human sexuality. Began in the 19th Century in books and magazines and has continued in the 50-years in his sex and porn movies continues next, from today's perspective, however harmless, even funny clumsy act of disguising their true intentions.
But you have things in their wholeness first saw it, before we pronounce suspicions that this is quite clear ...
Antwort von Axel:
But you have things in their wholeness first saw it, before ... The HP I have seen until now. It seems partly to confirm that Weasel's affinity for the military (not to say to militarism) is not so without. Goldgerahmte camaraderie. Props Supplied as "weapons delivery!" Phew, the civilians, the gums back. Also, the teaser clip atmospherically rather amateur photography for a HJ from leisure. Wait and see, then.
Antwort von Weasel123456:

I really do not know what that is. We have the style of the website only to the realities of the movie.
Antwort von r.p.television:
But you have things in their wholeness first saw it, before ...
The HP I have seen until now. It seems partly to confirm that Weasel's affinity for the military (not to say to militarism) is not so without. Goldgerahmte camaraderie. Props Supplied as "weapons delivery!" Phew, the civilians, the gums back. Also, the teaser clip atmospherically rather amateur photography for a HJ from leisure. Wait and see, then. Such thoughts come like, if you have such an HP with critical eye sees.
I am naturally conscientious objector and a peace-loving man synonymous, synonymous, but a man who for all kinds of technology can inspire. When I with colleagues for the first time in paintball games in the Tschechai was synonymous, I am totally thrilled with the gun in the woods rumgelaufen. Afterwards, I asked myself, as probably the most outwardly worked.
The man is a game kid. And sometimes it makes him synonymous with fun mid-thirties to pursue this slope. Outwardly and with distance, the course considers totally gaga when adult males from the Tarnanzug run through the forest. But it was fun and we have hurt anyone done this (except for the few blue spots s.uns itself).
Therefore, I urge the actor perhaps better understand, so (almost proudly) with the weapons to be photographed. Since the child is successful in the man. How camp. As robber and policeman. How cowboy and Indians. Like a fisherman who with his photograph Rekordfang leaves. With the Hitler Youth has little in common.
Even the term "weapons delivery" instead of "delivery Props Props or" in my eyes is not indecent. A war or anti-war film has a lot of times as a weapon props. Why not "weapons delivery," write, if indeed synonymous weapons arrive.
For critical viewing brings a merely a false track. Without knowing Weasel. But I do not think that this is generally more enthusiasm for militaria, WW2, or even Nazism exists than any ordinary citizen. When filming itself will be a degree of enthusiasm or interest to develop his props. But this is quite normal.
It could be synonymous with the old German script penchant for Nazism link. Much can be hineininterpretieren. But this is pure speculation. If Prince Harry unwisely and perhaps synonymous geschmackvolle loose way s.Halloween in Nazi costume appears, he is therefore not synonymous or military Fascho freak. He has, in principle, the nail on the head and is taken (even in the eyes of Englishmen) as a horror figure disguises. The press has an invitation seen him in the air to tear up - regardless of that a young guy like him a little silly synonymous should be admitted.
That's why I say wait synonymous. The trailer says little. If the film is actually a mere maneuver documentation of war games in the woods, was the hasty criticism may be appropriate. But that would be at this time a malicious insinuation.
Antwort von B.DeKid:

OT @ rp
HMMM - so called in Gotcha / Paintball the
"WEAPON" Maki ... I also will Motorcross suits
not played in Tarn - the operator of a field of TarnAnzüge allowed - you should show! Here's my statement to the outstanding prohibition on the Paintball Page
B. DeKid Says:
May 9th, 2009, p.20: 40
The game "Paintball / Gotcha" illustrates like no other game, the futility of war / violence and weapons use.
It should look like in neighboring countries as a school Paintball / AG.
I'm clearly against a decision should chen Act.
But if this is so, then I would be glad synonymous following sports ban ....
Football - every weekend to meet fans and beat them or rioters - because it is not in the team managed.
Skateboard ride - because every skateboarder is confronted with Grafiti and immediately begin building any walls besmear.
Cycling - it cost only Money (bike paths / bike racks), the gasoline industry can do nothing to earn - you must take drugs in order to drive quickly.
Swimming - the evolution brought us s.Land, then swim as a decline to consider evolution.
... ... ... ... ... ....
So you can see everything and twist aka forbid it.
I would be pleased if we are more concerned about social ills, economic gaps and the like would take care that this might positively contribute to the risk of AMOK deeds to prohibit.
Nor can we Paintball / Gotcha garnicht physical battle with a fire compare - each of the penetrating power of a sphere with a paintball compares understands you are not behind pallets or inflated can hide obstacles.
B. DeKid
PS: No AMOK offender buys for 2 - 5000 euro is a paintball equipment and then to shoot others.
I have over 3 years sponsored s.verschiedenen tournaments amongst 2 times s.den German Championships participated in paintball - where you can find anyone of this as exercise plays defensive purpose - sollche garnicht synonymous people have the money for sollch a sport!
Anyone against the war, should take the "proper" play paintball go to the weak warmth of a war to recognize.
Paintball as currently with AMOK runners or war is to fully connect to the Popo - oh yes, there are also paintball for nearly 200 years ;-)
Sorry for the OT now but if so what is it really necessary once plain talk.
Because only frustration, fear and the futility of his own, to bring people to run amok as ANIMAL or in the bush with MG can be seen.
That resentment is more by TV, politics and other influences encouraged.
B. DeKid
Antwort von domain:

A special problem is synonymous already shown hundreds of times and sometimes high levels of anti-war films.
I can hardly imagine that as an amateur with limited tools (as there are amateur actors, no detailed props, no Steadycam, crane or dolly, no true professional lighting and depth of field cameras, etc. etc.) even with the best script and best wishes are still the slightest chance that this issue at all ausgelutschten still get through.
With me is usually after max. one minute film concludes with funny if I do not absolutely professional ideas and techniques offered.
Life is too short to amateur films (except their own) to see them.
But we will see very safe and our drift apart the opinions may .....
Antwort von Axel:
A special problem is synonymous already shown hundreds of times and sometimes high levels of anti-war films. Or the romantic comedies or action and adventure movies, etcpp. What we mostly see today are but repetitions, on the one hand more and more technically aufgepeppt and content are only a little hair to be modern.
I can hardly imagine that as an amateur with limited tools (as there are amateur actors, no detailed props, no Steadycam, crane or dolly, no true professional lighting and depth of field cameras, etc. etc.) even with the best script and best wishes are still the slightest chance that this issue at all ausgelutschten still get through. That's true certainly for general incompetence. A dramatically effective film, synonymous if it were a video, but can be synonymous with little technical effort and made his audience find synonymous when it is smaller than the large-scale production. I want this one example. There are almost everywhere especially interested, there are cultural associations and clubs and networks from benevolent, but especially so critical alternatives for nearly all artistic disciplines (social space culture education, in the minds of most media consumers nonexistent). The art-house audience has often eccentric taste, but it
has flavor, and the mainstream audience does not. I say this categorically because I am convinced that this is so.
With me is usually after max. one minute film concludes with funny if I do not absolutely professional ideas and techniques offered.
Life is too short to amateur films (except their own) to see them. What a professional
idea should be, then you have to explain times. You're perhaps not the target of Weasel's film, but you
make movies and strive to make them better, so are you to resist. Life is too short to make it with ready-made culture to dilute.
Because only frustration, fear and the futility of his own, to bring people to run amok as ANIMAL or in the bush with MG can be seen.
That resentment is more by TV, politics and other influences encouraged. Yeah! And that puts it at exactly the point. Thank you.
Antwort von PowerMac:
(...) As a professional idea should be, then you have to explain times. (...) For a professional or a better idea for a professional script scripts, I think that people have written that with the cultural history of the people and with Dramataurgie know.
Antwort von domain:

What a professional idea should be, then you have to explain times.
This time I like.
An emotionally tangierende idea or whose achievement is only a very few people with great empathy and ability to simultaneously sense of drama and action picture, in combination with the knowledge about the technical realization, in conjunction with professional actors who understand their craft ......
Very rare in Amateufilmen to find, but exceptions prove the rule.
Antwort von Axel:

I agree with you too. What is making movies / filmmaking? Is it only the implementation or is it already the job with the media? The employment with the medium is the basic prerequisite for the implementation, thus belongs to the filmmaking. Weasel Whether an implementation of his idea succeeds, we must wait and see. The introduction to the subject on a direct reflection of the hero who is already in the midst of its conflict, is a direct, unsophisticated and very moving. A strong fabric. So something can still be educated author is not a commissioned work (; professionally) from the fingers to suck, at least to my knowledge, this is not done previously. Professionalism is not a criterion for originality. That said I, but otherwise you're right.
Antwort von r.p.television:
OT @ rp
HMMM - so called in Gotcha / Paintball the "WEAPON" Maki ... I also will Motorcross suits not played in Tarn - the operator of a field of TarnAnzüge allowed - you should show! Here's my statement to the outstanding prohibition on the Paintball Page
B. DeKid Says:
May 9th, 2009, p.20: 40
The game "Paintball / Gotcha" illustrates like no other game, the futility of war / violence and weapons use.
It should look like in neighboring countries as a school Paintball / AG.
Also OT:
I know. But we were not synonymous in Germany, but as written in the Czech Republic (Primba). As the organizer allows not only the use of Tarnkleidung, but he gives only those from. And since I myself do not ride motocross Gotcha games still regularly (once a year at the company outing of BMG), I have just touched on a Tarnanzug worn.
But the Czech Republic is synonymous as we not lost the war, no Holocaust caused and must be in consequence, not as representative of the collective guilt borne as outside Germany. It sounds trite and unsensibel - but it is so.
In England and throughout the sport is played in Tarnkleidung. And as you've written synonymous s.Schulen. Tarnkleidung not in line s.Militär but because the camouflage paintball in the Woodland area (there's with us I think in the form) but is not so silly. Hiding with a Motocross neonbeschrifteten Dress is just difficult. The paintball same sites in Germany tennis courts at Wimbledon. There may be nothing in the remotest sense s.ein battlefield remember. Since cubes are inflated on a mown lawn. That makes about as much fun as GZSZ gucken. And, incidentally, is not scheduled for a player like me quite frustrating because you no possibility of hiding the freaks within seconds of umlackiert will. That is why many travel synonymous German clubs after Primba.
As cladding is capitalized. There are already people in the Darth Vader and Storm Trooper costume through the woods gestolpert. Nazi uniforms, I have not yet seen and I think these people want there have not synonymous.
Sensible Tarnkleidung however, there is so obvious as in other countries.
And the term marker is in the German room of course very happy to just use the issue to hide weapons or war.
Paintball games (even in Tarnkleidung) I see nothing kriegsverherrlichendes.
I tend not to understand why a sports shooter necessarily sharp 10 handguns in a cupboard at home are allowed. It then has fun with sports and nothing more to do.
From OT:
In Germany, everything with the WW2 has to do very understandably regarded with suspicion. Would someone in the bloody battles between Romans Teutoburg forest and Germanic barbarians after would not mind the heat.
Antwort von B.DeKid:

** OT **
@ Rp
Yes well now - the Comparison with the Tarn clothes NEN bissel doof is exactly as it ...
In Thailand synonymous younger girls on the street there is not synonymous ok, - /
No preference But I know what you wanted out.
:-) BUT
Paintball is actually Tunier version of Gotcha
Teams are 5 man on regular 35 x 70 m areas
Both sides wrong on spiegel built / blown on
There is really only CtF (; Capture the Flag) is played.
Duration 7 min.
Pneumatic trigger are not allowed to land D (; with you can be shot more than 15 seconds to create)
Shot speed on German tournaments 210 feet per second
(; Is still not in the gun license Plichtigen Joule synonymous of the tournament must be air-guns) International is 300 feet per second allowed
You play in a sort of motorcross apparel 2 layers allowed, no body armor allowed - except for knee and elbow protectors as low protection (; IS THE VERY IMPORTANT)
Varationen as yet, many times s.Rande of the tournament, there are
King-size team of 7 men
or what Speedball 2 -3 husband are on the half of the field with lower coverage. (; shot speed 350 feet per second)
Deathmatch are available in the form of the tournament really does not.
The Maki hot elsewhere as synonymous markers.
Inflated rubber (; dinghy) Substance crafted covers, with the water or sand was determined to be intended to protect against injury and to the environment is not a burden.
** Because the ball / balls burst s.diesen coverages not so fast, so they can be with Laubsauger later in a corner and blow aufkehren slipping or not so quickly or is dirty and is then taken out **
Gotcha, however, often / usually played Woodland, say the seasons are longer, the larger fields (; mostly in the woods), the bigger teams ...
Are there any country in D as the field of Americans at the airbase in Kaiserslautern, here is usually played in the Tarn and the Maki at 300 Feet per Sec asked.
It comes but since a few years just as a good team with contacts drauf :-)
** War / but still very funny - the usually played with the real soldiers of a duly Tunierspielern through the forest are gescheucht - You will then recognize some of the very fast senseless factor soldier seins **
But I also think what I really wanted was that the sport someone running the film or would like to shoot someone - is not crucial for his political ethos be / must be!
Thus we can not judge directly about something where there is no relationship to background information and has.
This make some but then, some in a form like this to happen, or just as a politician in the current reference to play paintball in D country.
This way of doing Meihnungs must be stopped because you can harm people who conscientiously and act correctly.
Someone informed the public authorities, the right props procured - and then here in a professional forum after asking performers - of someone so I certainly do not expect propaganda work.
Because I would rather an advertising job for a certain giant refuse Me Rice, as the one involved s.sollch Project ;-)
** / ** OT
is to prepare a Project sollch comments
The reading specialist trained in the place and write a story is umbedingt necessary.
No doctor would otherwise realistic series over come.
Material on this era, however, is relatively often prohibited in my eyes what actually is wrong.
Because that a whole generation can not learn how a small group of Meihnungsmachern then
Antwort von pixelclipper:

I think because someone has a "difficult" topic is chosen,
vorallem has someone seemingly übermachtigen enemy selected
grad had the trailer on youtube the presentation of the Russian troops seen, the guys have what it ... ;-)
Antwort von domain:

Would someone in the bloody battles between Teutoburg forest ömern and Germanic barbarians after would not mind the heat. The Nazi era would be just as little minds, if not millions of Jews, Hitler would have been killed. Then he would perhaps even on an equal footing with the megalomaniac Napoleon asked, but thank God he does not even nearly had his strategic skills, but a miltärisches Nackerpatzerl was. But he rightly for all time in the history ausgeschissen, synonymous like Stalin and others.
Antwort von r.p.television:

Would someone in the bloody battles between Teutoburg forest ömern and Germanic barbarians after would not mind the heat.
The Nazi era would be just as little minds, if not millions of Jews, Hitler would have been killed. Then he would perhaps even on an equal footing with the megalomaniac Napoleon asked, but thank God he does not even nearly had his strategic skills, but a miltärisches Nackerpatzerl was. But he rightly for all time in the history ausgeschissen, synonymous like Stalin and others. That's true of course. The problem is not necessarily times of the Holocaust. There have been repeated by all the era of mass killings and persecution of various people from ethnic or reliögisen reasons - perhaps not in this mass and so frighteningly organized. The main problem is that after the Second World War historical perspective is very timely. The generation that had to suffer is still s.Leben. And their children and grandchildren to have been influenced by stories. In 70 years itches the Second World War and the Holocaust is probably synonymous anyone anymore. There is another chapter in the history books. That may seem unbelievable is today, but ask times today already have a 15-year-old about details of WW2. Since I probably know more about the dreizigjährigen war.
Antwort von Quadruplex:
The Nazi era would be just as little minds, if not millions of Jews, Hitler would have been killed. And half the world against the war would have led the civilian population and infrastructure in Europe and beyond would have destroyed large parts and for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Allied soldiers were responsible.
Already amazing what prevented such an artist can wreak everything - and how many people this really ridiculous Wicht on the glue gone.
Antwort von r.p.television:
The Nazi era would be just as little minds, if not millions of Jews, Hitler would have been killed.
And half the world against the war would have led the civilian population and infrastructure in Europe and beyond would have destroyed large parts and for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Allied soldiers were responsible.
Already amazing what prevented such an artist can wreak everything - and how many people this really ridiculous Wicht on the glue gone. Without Adolf Hitler nice to want to talk (because it is so nice to talk synonymous nix). But Alexander the Great has for the time pretty much synonymous served. At that time there were not so many people and the world was synonymous not so great as today. Compare the image of Alexander and Hitler. As it becomes clear what role the past plays shorter.
Filming the life of Adolf Hitler and you must implement each scene carefully - always with caution. Filming the life of Alexander the Great becomes a more adventurous sandals movie.
Just as today, hardly anyone of the Senfgasangriffen the Germans from the 1st World Speaks. That is apparently too long ago. Although the action of the army in the 1st World War in this context was cruel.
How many people at that time the Nazi on the glue gone, it is further proof that the bulk of humanity an blökende herd sheep is. The human race has changed since the story is always of governments, monarchies and religions can stupefaction.
You can indeed still of the media influence. Even more so the former was an incredible propaganda instrument of power.
Antwort von Axel:
Already amazing what prevented such an artist can wreak everything - and how many people this really ridiculous Wicht on the glue gone. Would Nepomucký Schicklgruber (; shame that the family had changed its name, and a pity that he did not do
the nickname) instead idyll videographers have become a painter, he would be at VollHA (; eingeteutscht of FullHD) a left, synonymous with 35mm adapters and magic bullet . There would be a German equivalent of YouTube, of course, to all the rap videos were deleted, but more of this fat.
Antwort von DWUA:

Dear OT-ler,
Now you have almost everything clear;
of Cain and Abel / Alexander / Varus and Arminius / Bonaparte /
GröFaz, whose 1000-year Reich only lasted 9 years
and millions of human lives has to
Paint-Ball games at the copse.
There was always about power in terms of land gain.
What is it with
Little Boy and
Fat Man from?
Times after the Google search
"Atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki"
But that is something else gaaanz. Especially regarding
"Conflict of conscience." We are glad that WE s.Hindukusch
be defended and which of Peter Scholl-Latour read.
The only fear we have is that we are on the sky
Capita could fall. Or a duck with pig flu.> (asteroid)
* OT end
@ Weasel
Do you have enough extras now? Why Weasel instead of "weasel"?
Be a man and get 'it.
@ Axel
Pyrotechnic much effort for a bit of sentimentalism?
If one or the other times not too short ...
Antwort von domain:

With "Healing Schicklgruber" would never work, just as little, if I even called my grandmother, namely 'syringe villages "had been baptized. That would be a lifelong running the gauntlet in my semi-professional career has become.
But let's what else: it must be synonymous genetic component for the fights especially when boys want to give. While my own son is a fairly gentle Waserl in this relationship and therefore when the girl was very popular, had the same son of our neighbor is not different in mind than with his wooden sword, etc. everything zusammenzudreschen including the same girl.
As a result, computer games and the other consequences we know so completely insensitive and lack Emphatiefähigkeit practice of killing of shoot with not so much esteemed family or caregivers in school.
That was when Alexander the Great still really man-to-man hard in the melee.
Later sufficed a small bending of the finger by 20 rounds / sec. herauszulassen order from a distance of course can not be identified as the adversary the abdomen and the intestines shredded herausquollen ...
Thus, killing a clean abstract matter.
Antwort von jogol:

Previously, people were getting closer, and the weapons were not so far ...
Antwort von B.DeKid:
As a result, computer games and the other consequences we know so completely insensitive and lack Emphatiefähigkeit practice of killing of shoot with not so much esteemed family or caregivers in school.
...... How do you say thank you?
"What a Schmarn!"
Antwort von domain:

"What a Schmarn!" Yes clearly, the guys play the killing s.PC games and in reality, they are noble and gentle and full of emotion.
You see the growing up and aspiring men probably very positive, although they lack any identification figure and therefore can not function.
It is really the fatherless society. A constant undercurrent vorbildgebenden father anyway, there is no longer s.dem kindergarten but rather just more aunts and teachers.
Please be there as a boy even his self-esteem develop? All a mere society woman (which is very nice and the girls in the group benefit synonymous with them, but the guys are not happy, even observed).
So, when it will no fathers or male kindergarten teachers or more, then lost our male youth.
Antwort von DWUA:

@ Domain
Do you
really no joke? Well then, here are tips that have already fourth century
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Can I un wants nothing more to say - synonymous if I understand some parts yes / can see - I see the always different.
B. DeKid
PS: DUWA - where your grabt because sollche corpses from:-P The quasi yes even subcultural art history - I call you synonymous like HairCrimeTime - this time :-)
Very good movie / book which is very good / what I spontaneously stopped at the time - American Pyscho.
Long live the 80s - lol.
Antwort von domain:

... where your grabt such as corpses from:-P The quasi yes even subcultural art history ... I find synonymous, because with the members of these groups I've been sitting around 30 years, occasionally in Theathercaffee in Graz we come together and all of us very old before .........
Antwort von Weasel123456:

@ Weasel
Do you have enough extras now? Why Weasel instead of "weasel"?
Be a man and get 'it.
In your Omnipotence and Omniscience your course synonymous you know why I use the nick "Weasel" ... you chose one man, your post really shows that
insult *
deleted from the admin *.
Antwort von Alikali:

Moment, I must have popcorn, chips and beer pick before the fight go again!
So, now ready .... can begin.
Antwort von Weasel123456:
* Insult * deleted by admin Ridiculous ... absolutely ridiculous. Power to the thread, guys. It is said everything had to be said.
@ Alikali: Sorry, if I give you your evening entertainment so foul ;-)
but I'm tired ...
Antwort von DWUA:
* Insult * deleted by admin
Ridiculous ... absolutely ridiculous. Power to the thread, guys. It is said everything had to be said.
@ Alikali: Sorry, if I give you your evening entertainment so foul ;-)
but I'm tired ... Was there something special?
What then?
Sorry, Weasel, that you do not even know how to use combine harvesters to
Panzer dummies can be converted, that they
really look
like. At least
the top center. (Of course, the huge sound EXTRA).
The one thing of you has been deleted, unfortunately we have not noticed, yes, you can look at other linguistic form again.
Would have been interesting to hear what you had to say.
Antwort von Weasel123456:

I have only the word "stupid" is used in order to rewrite your IQ ...
And now let peace times, we still share the same hobby.
Do we find:
I'm not a Nazi and you're certainly not as stupid as you give here. We will probably never be best friends but seis drum ...
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Ihr seid geil ;-)
I find DWUA s Multipble funny personality - and "stupid" "you are" given synonymous nich :-)
But how to get the thing to nem tank rebuilds - have given to footage - I would have ideas - would be far and away Schmierereien but so what, I can imagine.
So Where's the DIY tank Toturial Fake?
Sach do this then the register is mandatory,
if I have this thing here on the field running, - hmm ok the proximity to the airport could be as bad, perhaps an impact.
Schaun time, so maybe someone here with experience so what?
How many people because rustled now?
B. DeKid
Antwort von Weasel123456:

Medlem The more the better, the greater will be the scene.
Antwort von Alikali:

30 extras, 20 crew, a combine harvester, a Dixi Klo.
= Days, you do not forget ...
Antwort von shodushitanaka:
.. the greater will be the scene. Oh no. The Nazi scene is growing.
(was just fun, I verkriech 'me again;)
Antwort von Weasel123456:

@ shodushitanaka:
He was really good but was just under the table with laughter. Apparently my posts, you can chalk up yet ambiguity.
@ Alikali: Remember that the harvester is not the Dixi mitnutzt, so it should suffice as a bathroom ;-)