Frage von Piers:
Am again encountered the legendary thread
Much truth, much that is false, much blasphemous .....
But hold remains for me, the idea stands above the coal.
Dear ne crass statement badly placed in "scene" than nothing at all done.
Video belongs to anyone who can buy ne of the camera. In order to be synonymous set apart the pros.
Best example: Poor editing, bad storytelling.
If, however, influenced me. And today makes me still skeptical
Antwort von B.DeKid:
...., Is the idea of coal .... There should be more likely hot
"Even without carbon Towards an idea!" I have marked, among other things
the first 5 sec are with the principal, P
B. DeKid
Antwort von Piers:

This, of course rocks.
"Such A" geiles deutsches gebretzel ..... Hammer!
But Paul was then still hold 10 years earlier. And somehow better.
Yes I just said that the video is so kacke, but it was certainly cheaper than 20k.
And has influenced.
And it was important.
If yes, all 80's marked in some way (ie, which have an interest in the life)
Just based on the discussion:
"I have nothing. Paying anything."
"Ok, pay nothing, nothing kriegste"
But the guys rocking gamefowl. Then as now
Antwort von Piers:

And no.
I mean it that way, as I've said it:
The idea is above the coal.
Those who forget that betrays his job!
Antwort von B.DeKid:

So un what if I now say - that those who so do not get jobs working ?!;-)
Believe it not time that one always gives me my ideas synonymous let alone pay for.
Did not I give the show more like / would - if the customer would give me enough time or money synonymous?
Dreams times but not people - but kuckt times today's advertising and then your views kuckt in forums - which would be "possible" - but only what the customer wants.
Seh it so, and the world is harmonious;-P
.................................................. ..........
It will not tell you your job - it fits him only by necessity s.The conditions.
I've had to date only a few jobs where it really so that was the idea of nothing stood in the way.
B. DeKid
HP Small clarification - you go to the carpenter and want to have built a table - the top has the idea - but do you want to spend only 800 euros ;-) So synonymous only get glued veneer and clamp plate;-D
Antwort von Piers:

I (we) are small time theater ne.
But we do nothing, to what we have not buck.
Ok this is not really economical. Clear. We must reject some jobs. And that hurt us really!
But the rest of the remains, behind which we stand.
But exactly why keep coming back (the same) agencies to meet us. Be different. Shit on the mainstream.
The bread that we eat must taste synonymous.
Only thus degenerating into our budget to business nem low, "I-me-prostitutes for carbon" business. Because the
"good guys say" often enough, no.
If they do, it would crippen "zahlnix-but-I-will-clasp maximum operating range" Agencies Rucki-Zucki that quality costs money!
But no, before I lose 1,000 euros, I'll do it better for 800th
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Yes unanimously
How well known is synonymous say I always make "fun, the work already"
And yes I am working so synonymous with my guys. One can live well if aauch walked more if they would sell themselves "
Synonymous but we are loyal to us and sometimes have to accept things do not correspond to our "Picture".
My dad once said "You will be in the business world every now and then with assholes have to do - which does not mean you must become one ..."
The thread which you have unfortunately missed yes - the left are only the wish to get an idea realized.
As then have "professionals" reported to the floor and the amateurs, these figures have been mentioned could pull nachvoll limited s.fingen to ride around on it, since he entgleisste literally - the thread.
Ich habs mal already tried to defenieren.
If the gains of video production companies popping hard times kallkuliert - then you will quickly find you do not here really is a millionaire!
Many listen and think of 20 000 direct s.Ihre costs to make the refrigerator full.
As a creative you have no other way but as a permanent staff jobs created again every day but one, the massive s.Stunden itself needs to invest in order to acquire new skills.
These are all ongoing costs, the need to be somehow synonymous recorded again.
But among us does make synonymous the attraction of s.einem creative job, right?
I do not want to make a tag day for the same "job", just to earn my living at it?
And runs out the whole but also from - you'll be so synonymous that they know as "creative" is a bit heavier than when the whole only as a "hobby" policy.
What persliches - then I would have had the chance of making a classical education and to make contacts directly through to get into the best advertising circles.
But I would certainly not gone to Canada 3 years, I now have 4 dogs and no nen old farm ---
But I'd make would have spoiled my 8 k per month go ne eigentumms apartment in ner city and'd nen thick car - and especially the 60% I know my skills would be enough to earn my salary!
What have I done - I've always remained faithful to me and tried rauszuholen for all the best - and those discussions concerning whether money-job performance and my shame!
Because I (we) always best to try to make budget paid.
Means - We always give more than what the customer pays - and the only reason comes back!
B. DeKid
PS: From 20 k nem me to remain pure in order that contract for about 700 - 1200 Euro win - which I can fill my fridge and a bowl of my dogs to the next job. That's why I fahr synonymous several lanes and trying to beat out of all capital .... And it was the clothes I sell in SL, the units for 50 cents - which brings me to tax is still $ 1,000 a month.
So please stay realistic - ie the customer to you, you () 800 is charged - the synonymous would pay $ 1,000 - if you say -
NO COST THE NUN 1000 Please people - is pulled sollchen prices with anyone across the table, do not forget that!
That you have made on the thread - that was rather unfair - because it is like the sting in the wasp nest - I just wanted to say nothing about this - but the issue should be objectively considered and discussed - that I wish I halt. Because then it can drag synonymous of "little man" in full.
Antwort von frm:

@ B. DeKid
I give you in almost all the score right. However, I must ask why an order of costs of 20K only 1K left.
That is more likely to be uneconomical.
But considering that the turnover for the tax and not charge you by return.
I belong not to the big earner, but 20 to 30% should have already earned in a job, at least.
Should be no attack, is just my experience and opinion.