Frage von Linde:
Antwort von rush:

So I try it's mal 'nen bissel ...
1) if you digialisierst, you should not invite the whole band ... unless you have space en messe and do not know what you want to use s.material ... otherwise you will tend to be quite the areas on which one later synonymous verwursten want to ...
For example you will create a new bin with the name digitalisierst capture and in this ...
anfnagen now if you want to cut you select a clip by double-clicking on ... it opens the clip monitor:)
because now you can either download the egsamten clip into the timeline (the sequence is new car ...) or serve with in and out already select the correct part. anshcließend again the next clip and select s.die corresponding stelel cut, etc. .. everything should be in a single sequence remains.
2) to the fact with the save ... sometime when you're s.einem point where you'd like to save, create an actual copy of your sequence ... the sequence is virtually the only visual anzeiige your data. then you can rename and even in this or the "old" to continue working.
the bins auto saves it from ... consumption is about really caring ... important are the sequences.
3) wave-form in the avid, there are ... where exactly was but now I know not synonymous grad because I never use it .. synonymous, but the view is not that the Charms - I think unfortunately synonymous schade .. ton halt failing elsewhere ready mix.
4) a track-way mark, I do not know ...
5) can not prevent you think .. therefore easy to duplicate in time sequences as a kind of intermediate step.
6) all tracks (video + audio) front dial ... s.anfang the dequenz an IN (i) set and an out s.ende (o) use ... then CUT (x)
7884) überfragt .. no idea, has never disturbed me:)
much continued success
Antwort von el pedro:

I versuchs synonymous times!
Here I have my predecessors once again speak. I recommend you complete the tape is offline, ie in a lower resolution (eg 10:1), and invite only s.Ende the actual material used to batch.
The whole has the following advantages:
1. You have the complete material for the cut is available. Also Takes verkackt the initial impact, often provide good alternatives or cut images.
2. You save a lot of space on your plate in Comparison to a Resolutionvon 1:1.
3. Your tape and the reading of your cam and MAZ are spared, since you are not constantly out and herspulen need to set the marks.
The sequence that matter, my predecessor actually understand enough said.
The entire project is stored in which one of the project window (that with the project name in the title field) is activated and presses Ctrl-S or File - Save all dials. If you now open your project again, you must double-click your sequence and lo and behold, all the cuts and effects are in the timeline.
I hope here is behaving like the Xpress Media Composer.
Following procedure I use:
In the timeline at the bottom left, the "Fast menu" here, then click Audio and Data "Sample Plot" here. Avid now shows you the waveform for the area between in and out mark.
This method I prefer, because it is resource-saving. Because Avid does not always have the complete waveform redraw if I clean or rauszoome.
There are synonymous but the opportunity to constantly monitor the waveform for the entire timeline, show permit. To do this you need in the settings for the timeline under the tab display the checkmark at "Show Marked Waveforms" wegmachen.
Since I do synonymous ...
I know of no way synonymous. Find it good as it is. It is tragic not to save too much than to save it.
Absolutely right from the predecessor states. Alternatively Sequence kick, but beware that you do not accidentally erases with his material.
Does not! Why synonymous?
Antwort von Linde:

So thank you first for your trouble - to point 2:
I understand your answer correctly, that the cuts and everything drum and tuned in with the sequence to be written, which I then in the Bin by double-click must open schwupps and all processing steps again? - So if I s.nächsten Project open day again, it is the wrong sequence in the timeline tighten, but by double-clicking to open, to prevent thousands of new sequences while dragging in the timeline be created?
and to a certain time to return it (was ne sentence construction!) the appropriate Bin duplicate. (?)
as announced, are already synonymous new questions on my sheet
1) So I think this is more of what Pro's but what does "Log" and why do I need this or what can I do?
2) Another mystery for me is in the Timeline panel, the page for the player and track the interaction of player and recorder tracks ... what sense has the track player?
Antwort von Josefa:
So if I s.nächsten Project open day again, it is the wrong sequence in the timeline tighten, but by double-clicking to open, to prevent thousands of new sequences while dragging in the timeline be created?
That's right. To open the sequence: double click
and to a certain time to return it (was ne sentence construction!) the appropriate Bin duplicate. (?)
BIN but not duplicate the sequence. I do this like this:
I have several bins, where all the footage in it. eg for each camera one. I have a BIN for graphics, one for music, a spokesman for recordings, etc.
I also have a BIN, where there are whole sequences (and the ONLY). This BIN hießt me rough cuts. Hin and wieer I duplicate the sequence s.der I just work and work with the copy next. This looks at me then at some point as follows:
When everything is ready, I copy the final sequence one last time and move them into a new bin named MASTER. If I use the Project irgerndwann must reactivate again, I see the same current last stand
Hope this helps a bit:)
Antwort von Josefa:

where we are at entry-level questions are:
If I use a clip in the timeline, move in which I s.Anfang Aperture or s.Ende have these same goes forever. That is super annoying, how do you do that?
Thank you
Antwort von Josefa:

moin nor mal, hab das grad times out but that somehow does not. 've performed the following test:
A sequence from the bin into the timeline,
s.dieser a little rumgeschnipselt,
the bin in which this sequence is closed,
it in re-opened,
Double-click on the sequence - then open only the player pop-up window, but the timeline remains empty ....(?????) I drag this sequence into the timeline, there are no cuts or so since, which I previously executed test and of course, will have again synonymous'm in the car after pulling into the timeline sequence creates a new ....
BIN but not duplicate the sequence. I do this like this:
I have several bins, where all the footage in it. eg for each camera one. I have a BIN for graphics, one for music, a spokesman for recordings, etc.
I also have a BIN, where there are whole sequences (and the ONLY). This BIN hießt me rough cuts. Hin and wieer I duplicate the sequence s.der I just work and work with the copy next. This looks at me then at some point as follows:
When everything is ready, I copy the final sequence one last time and move them into a new bin named MASTER. If I use the Project irgerndwann must reactivate again, I see the same current last stand
Hope this helps a bit:) and how are you doing the "copy s.der continue working? assumed you are working in the timeline just s.Kapitel1_061122 - now you want to save the state and create a copy which is then Kapitel1_061122_Copy.01. then how are you next?
Antwort von Josefa:

and how are you doing the "copy s.der continue working? assumed you are working in the timeline just s.Kapitel1_061122 - now you want to save the state and create a copy which is then Kapitel1_061122_Copy.01. then how are you next? Double-click on the copy in the bin, this will open in the timeline and go next ....
Drag your s.besten times following purely tutorials:
Antwort von prem:

aahhhhh - so with double-click it's not for me - although I am in the Settings Double click objectclass loads in source or record monitor "had chosen - but if I change the sequence in the composer monitor I prefer synonymous with all these cuts and so in the timeline .... no idea why with the double click does not work ....
Antwort von Linde:

hello again,
So I did n (apparently) big problem
've only 600 MB of free will and a 2 gb file import
why he says to me that the target drive is full ????? my what will it import the file when created? again an equally large file? and how I solve the problem?
have no idea how the bsp. as mentioned above goes with 10:1 and then import Batch (zumahl not quite synonymous, I have checked all batches which means - you can see, with me as soon as there's a lot) - need help quickly ...
Antwort von steveb:

regardless of the used program, you must have imported a "working file" be created, which of course is synonymous 2 GB in size will be. So you'll have free disk space or scoop must split the file and edit in several steps. But then comes synonymous sometime this amount of data together again.
Antwort von prem:

batches has nothing with the import function to do so.
batches means that you have a low-resolution material with higher dissolved material replaced (quite simply).
the desired resolution of your materials do you capture in one.
So it has nothing with the import function to do so.
the import need space on the disk for the working file, as previously mentioned.
Here you will find the way, a lot more info on Xpress DV (more than Manual)
Antwort von OSCHSPICE:

many times already, thanks for your help - I was a bit put next. but since I have still two important questions come to mind:
1) I am so totally annoying are these strange grid settings - so I can here in Avid, the segment in the timeline, only the position pointer, or otherwise s.ein segment heranschieben ... how can you point precisely because there can work? Example: I have a particular picture with a locator mark and would like this picture exactly to the beat set, the segment thus rückwarts move. Now it should be possible, the corresponding segment (I call it A segment times) is simply to highlight it and then frame by frame s.die right place to draw up the locator in the video track above the beat in the audio track is - but I must do so now that I have the distance of the audio locator point to estimate the position pointer s.eine job in the preceding segment (B) set so that the distance between the pointer position to the end of the segment B is roughly the distance between Beat and locator in segment A corresponds to ... long story short, I have with the position pointer s.die only place to which I would like to move the segment and that's can not be (????)
Antwort von rush:

hey again,
try something with a little work as anderenb ... you go in your timeline s.die imagine where you've beat your so called ... So exactly where the material that is ... there is an IN-point ..
then you open the source monitor by double clicking the corresponding video material what you need .. synonymous go here again there was once where you want to own ... IN provides a point and cut the whole into the timeline -> ready.
wenns nich still be around, trim ... only the video
Antwort von ole_mueller:

Antwort von rush:

hi again ...
So ... zoom in slightly in the timeline ... then below the thick red arrow and click on your clip in accordance move - thats it
Antwort von Linde:

I need your help again, undzwar go to the following:
I have a scene wo'n guy from his car off in the close - up and the same scene in a Halbtotalen. How do I put it that close up, for example, top left and at the same time Halbtotale the bottom left is displayed? What do I need for this effect and how the two segments in the timeline be?
Antwort von Tersil:

is called PIP or Picture-in-Picture ... it may be that you're too lazy, just the huge manual to look and instead prefer a dead time for each other no matter how ridiculous Pissproblemchen other anzunerven?
Just learning the basics, yes it does hurt now! You're probably just so clueless, but who continues as such a clueless as you a Project?
Antwort von Tersil:
because it must be alleged in the most professional editing program that is on the market, simply be able to segment simple frame for frame to move ... or not ?????? that is synonymous possible -> such times thereafter.
Antwort von Tersil:

Yes, so it works on the "Picture in Picture" Aperture. The find at the gates (logical or).
Then create 2 video tracks. 1. Picture track with 1 + "Picture in Picture", 2nd Track with 2 + Picture "Picture in Picture". Then kannste nor the individual images in the effect editor to move and adapt.
Involve me on Media Composer, hope this works for Xpress synonymous.
Regards, Peter
Antwort von Tersil:

Just learning the basics, yes it does hurt now! You're probably just so clueless, but who continues as such a clueless as you a Project? He is a trainee. If you did not want to help out, then let it simply.
Antwort von Tersil:
is called PIP or Picture-in-Picture ... it may be that you're too lazy, just the huge manual to look and instead prefer a dead time for each other no matter how ridiculous Pissproblemchen other anzunerven?
Just learning the basics, yes it does hurt now! You're probably just so clueless, but who continues as such a clueless as you a Project? You know, arrogant leude like you're one who just thick max raushängen want, here are genuine s.Platze fail. If you think you need to be profiled here, you have the principle of "forum" is not checked. Forums are there to help with problems and not about some kind of insults and allegations to post that are not what bring, let alone help and only for info: I've read the manual you honk. Also voted in my first post mentioned that it is for advanced and professional users of Avid to Kinderkram - Questions will act. So put on leash
Antwort von Tersil:

But now with financial haten!
the topic is good advice up to now and the quality should not be undermined by such a "let the manual - but I - fuck you" - disskusion destroyed.
So, Linde, and ask quietly next rise to such posts do not. I and a couple others you are next to each covered with the table.
Regards, Peter
Antwort von PowerMac:

Nee, nee not.
One must also understand that mastering program synonymous reading manuals and self-learn vorraussetzt. Some tips are nice and good, but once any basis, you just bang with the manual. Or you've got a good tutor who goes through with an all. This is a forum but not a tutorial. Video Avid training workshops or courses have given her. They have made all of us. Or just dranhocken and longer times out. Since there is no way turn over. Speaks of the Media Educator;)
Antwort von Elena:
Nee, nee not.
One must also understand that mastering program synonymous reading manuals and self-learn vorraussetzt. Some tips are nice and good, but once any basis, you just bang with the manual. Or you've got a good tutor who goes through with an all. This is a forum but not a tutorial. Video Avid training workshops or courses have given her. They have made all of us. Or just dranhocken and longer times out. Since there is no way turn over. Speaks of the Media Educator;) ... if you think ... will still be my next post questions and as long as there are nice people like Peter, is everything in the butter - do not read what I write ... if I had someone who could help me, würd ich ja synonymous to ask - if I do not know what I was looking ever be, I can not synonymous in the manual to see that because all the "Picture in Picture" is enough for me pretty much as an answer ... (I übrigends this effect shortly after my post itself discovered by chance, but still thank s.alle times, which I support ...)
again about this:
hi again ...
So ... zoom in slightly in the timeline ... then below the thick red arrow and click on your clip in accordance move - thats it I have done so but that does not somehow synonymous ... if I can I reinzoome only the segment pointer and the position directly s.ein another segment could move ... of course related to the fact that the Avid version here a few days at The mogul has (Xpress DV 3.5 .... some things eg the Manual or are in the *. pdf does not this version ...)
Antwort von mw:

I have done so but that does not somehow synonymous ... if I can I reinzoome only the segment pointer and the position directly s.ein another segment could move ... of course related to the fact that the Avid version here a few days at The mogul has (Xpress DV 3.5 .... some things eg the Manual or are in the *. pdf does not this version ...) In the settings for the "Timeline" tab in "Edit" the checkmark at "Default Snap-To Edit" wegmachen. Then you can move the clip.
Antwort von mw:

hallöchen again,
I've been the whole time but it seems s.rumprobieren's probably not to give in my Avid version: I am looking for the transition effect "from - to blur or hide" ... it must be feasible and how?
Antwort von PowerMac:

Boy, not everything has its own effect, which is somewhere on it slaps! You have a brain. There are, however, the blur effect, there is a possibility with all keyframes to manipulate you and the hitherto known crossfades. Can you not even to tinker?
Antwort von Sondiq:
Boy, not everything has its own effect, which is somewhere on it slaps! You have a brain. There are, however, the blur effect, there is a possibility with all keyframes to manipulate you and the hitherto known crossfades. Can you not even to tinker? man man .... würd otherwise I wonder if I do not even try by themselves would have done? you have also a brain, so think about it times ... and also what Solln because such posts ever? I'm here at the internship in order to learn such things and instead of me constantly to be ashamed of how ignorant I am, you can calmly synonymous me just say how to do that with the blur ... my God you is not synonymous everything fell into the lap, so let times the stupid "I'm Mr. Knower and you will only get the stupid idiot" posts - to bring about what not ... who do not ask nothing gained
Antwort von Ka:

you have no tutor?
Antwort von PowerMac:
Boy, not everything has its own effect, which is somewhere on it slaps! You have a brain. There are, however, the blur effect, there is a possibility with all keyframes to manipulate you and the hitherto known crossfades. Can you not even to tinker?
man man .... würd otherwise I wonder if I do not even try by themselves would have done? you have also a brain, so think about it times ... and also what Solln because such posts ever? I'm here at the internship in order to learn such things and instead of me constantly to be ashamed of how ignorant I am, you can calmly synonymous me just say how to do that with the blur ... my God you is not synonymous everything fell into the lap, so let times the stupid "I'm Mr. Knower and you will only get the stupid idiot" posts - to bring about what not ... who do not ask nothing gained You have understood nothing. It is not about knowledge. It is about the basic methodology! I do not synonymous, as some crossfading or any Effect s.Avid exactly is, or whether it even exists. As soon as I introduce myself a bit but I see it before me and can be a little logical Denkerei (not equal knowledge) the imitating. In various chronological stages and levels. That I am synonymous with thee: little intelligence and basic knowledge of Avid. That's enough! So put your pear an AND try, and learn to combine them. It is not a rudimentary guide to an all-encompassing knowledge of Avid. It's about activating the mind and synthetic problem-solving.
Antwort von daniela_:

Test times with the Blur effect and animate them on the keyframes.
Antwort von Beatfabrikant:

@ the trainee
If you really still seems Basics s.solchen only buy you this lernDVD.
I'll probably synonymous to me because growth is much better and faster in order to learn.