Frage von Philipp:
I'm still working with Premiere 4.2 LE.
I have a clip on Track A and Track B on a clip. Now I add a trace of T is a transition. If I do, however, preview, or create a movie synonymous, there is no transition, there is only one hard cut. What am I doing wrong? Thank you.
Antwort von GhostDog:

When the two clips overlap synonymous enough? When the second ends where the first begins, nothing can be überblended ...
MFG Peter
Antwort von Philipp:

of course, overlap the two clips. The überblendung genausolang is how the clips overlap.
Thanks for the answer
Antwort von Philipp:

I rumexperimentiert now even a bit:
If I make very large overlap, make the transition. Then I can turn the blend / overlap synonymous shorter, it works that way. If the transition / overlap, however, are top of s.sehr small, the transition is not working - strange.
I also switched to the preview option of Effects -> hard drive to Effects -> RAM.
Has anyone any idea what the problem is?