Frage von Liese13:
Hello s.alle
I'm back:)! I am planning a party for the next month ansteht make a film where pieces should appear in horror movies (of course, nothing illegal but taken from the television).
Until now I have always created my movies with the Movie Maker. That means I made the transition with them. Now I wanted to set for a horror movie, but some transitions in which I, well let's say, for 1 sec. Picture a red which somehow had a claw about it scratching. I am thinking, for example: s.Freddy Kruger:)!
That should not now be sure that with the claw, but something like this in the way I imagine.
My 1st Question now is whether it Programs for the "amateur filmmakers" there (which he paid synonymous) with whom one can can do something like this in style.
The 2nd would be whether it is possible for example to animate stick figures where: dropping one of the head or something (I am not perverse or so - is to serve s.Kucken just having fun:))!
I hope someone can help me or give tips with which you can create transitions, and even animate ewentuell a program zu7m stick figures.
I thank you in advance s.alle!
Antwort von Axel:

Hi Steven,
I do not know Movie Maker. There are basically two methods of animation. Stop-motion, the principle of flip books, the classic Disney cartoons of the '30s and King Kong. For this animation, the program must
can import a.) individual frames,
b.) a filter "Pictureüberblendung have."
You scan a drawing or photographing dolls Stillimage with the Digi-cam. Every second, actually consists of 25 phases of movement, as the charm of the art lies in the visible judder synonymous range five, so you have only five motion phases with a duration of five frames. Since the frames are imported images, but you must filter the "Pictureüberblendung apply, otherwise will be pretty hard to bear by the interlaced in DV Pal, the jerking.
The second method is the digital animation of the simpler kind of a la "South Park". To this end, the program must
Others can work) with multiple video layers,
b.) the levels with keyframes can move controlled.
You have a background (silhouette cemetery), with the body of the victim. On a second level, swinging the ax, which removes the head (third level), which then controlled by keyframes, position changes over time and then rolls out the Picture.
In your place I would try just a little bit. Homemade Effects are always great, and even synonymous, though they are slightly imperfect.
Antwort von Liese13:

Hello Axel,
thanks for the reply. I think I will be your tips (the vorallen 1.) a try. Sounds promising:)! When I come to this I will make it even tell how is it made.
Times more question: yes, I'm still the demo version of After Effects. I realize that your initial proposal? Would have to go actually.
Who else has other suggestions, they can tell me happy :-)
Antwort von Axel:

Hello Steven,
no idea what the demo version forbids you (hopefully) does not render, but After Effects is of course equal to the pot to cover. You can in this program, both animation techniques combined well, which saves labor. For example, would be the doll or character animation more convenient if you crop the images to be moved (head with anemic facial expression, staring aghast at the number of phases on the ax, and finally as a sign of death, the tongue can hang out) and placing them on a background layer. Is obviously a bitter tinkering, but it just depends on the fun. You could leave your hand slowly over several phases over a white well-lit sheet of paper cramp (Digi-photos), crop and then insert the hand over the devil knows what creepy background again. Could you eat yourself synonymous (large head in profile, chewing movements, twitching your torso at the AAE placed between the jaws) ... etc.
Has this forum actually a Certificate?
Antwort von Liese13:

Hello Axel
So it sounds all very well as you write the best. I'm going to try it.
In After Effects, everything works but it is only 30 days and I believe to be over soon.
Although I did not want to buy the program so I actually think this might me again. One can really do incredible things with it. Actually, I wanted to make of 2 weeks or only of a guy. That is why I have my downloaded. (by the way was truly Great. Just everything is written in Excel, format, animated with PSP turned it into a Picture, and then simply added up.)
But now the synonymous ... I mean the one that may require more time:)
That with the FSK is a good question! In the circumstances, I think I read nothing.
But I think quite so bad is not what we write as long as you do not go more into detail * laughs *
But thanks again for the rather detailed description.
Antwort von Axel:
In After Effects, everything works but it is only 30 days and I believe to be over soon.
Although I did not want to buy the program so I actually think this might me again.
Sometimes it works to extend a demo license with the following trick:
1. Search on your calculator AAE all files and delete it.
2. If you use any calendar programs, put the time of your computer to the year 2010 (the year in which they received contact) or some such.
3. There on a download-interview a different name and a different e-mail address (you can look at freenet, or indeed necessary, set up quickly
This sometimes works, but not always. A better idea would be to buy together in a video club expensive Programs.
Antwort von Markus:

Hello Steven,
There are earlier versions of AE now buy cheap on eBay.