Frage von Marvin:
I would like in a movie two camera at the same time show excerpts. That is, the cuttings should be run side by side in parallel. My problem is that I think the aspect ratios of the cuttings do not want to change it. That is why I am in search of a solution in which I said in the premiere of a left and right edge of the two excerpts may be cut off. Kann mir da jemand weiter helfen?
Thank you
Antwort von Debonnaire:

1. Clips over each other on two video traces a timeline set.
2. Video effect "Pruning & Scale" (Oh. .. THIS? Da wär 'ich ja echt drauf never come!) From the "Transform" (was. .. THIS? How absurd!) To pull the clips.
3. Right and left trim determined.
4. Clips in the effect settings in "movement" in the frame position.
5. You look at the "effort" to make 2 minutes in the online help of Premiere to let you browse to such a trivial question maybe even to answer.
Antwort von dotterbart:

6. Search on the top right to use and amazing how often this question (and answer) is