Frage von chorge:
Super forum where I often find help, but now I must go and stand synonymous ne question here because I find nothing:
So do I import a movie working on him and then when I go to create it builds my video. The only problem is the middle of the video simply missing a piece of sound.
1. Each is viedeoumrechnen the s.einer other places.
2. synonymous if I just let a film is the problem because untouched.
3. in the original tone is present.
Can someone tell me to what?
Antwort von Erich:

the program I do not know. In another program I had synonymous very short breaks if the sound had to be converted because of different sample rates (eg, of 44.1) to 48 kHz of 32 kHz or KHz to 48 kHz. If this is the case here synonymous to convert sound into an external audio program and incorporate the program into the editing.