Frage von Chris H.:
I wanted my Ulead MediaStudio Pro 8.0 buy on ebay and have a favorable full-Bundle found. studio PRO-8-MEDIA STUDIO-GERMAN-NEU_W0QQitemZ140058719804QQihZ004QQcategoryZ39295QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
I'm at this very reasonable price but somewhat skeptical.
My question:
Can anyone of you this offer or
has anyone of you bought?
Do I get really full?
Thanks in advance!
Antwort von steveb:

hmmm ... is there not even the 10 version for about 100 euro?
Antwort von Bernd E.:
because there is not the 10s version Ne, that is the simpler Video Studio. In the auction, but yes it's for media studio, and is 8 because the current version.
Gruß Bernd E.
Antwort von steveb:

ok ... you are right, of course! mea culpa.
Antwort von rush:

the price is quite cheap, true ...
I have the internet in a shop was discovered (Hasa-shop) is the following:
"Ulead Media Studio PRO 8 FULL VERSION - Bundle:
You will receive the original-including packed Upgrade Manual and an upgrade justifiable ... "
if you then click on the exact description, there is nothing more ejdoch of upgrade ...
insofar stelle würd ich s.deiner just contact the seller to get insurance and what to have in writing (by mail).
Antwort von Chris H.:

Thank you in advance for the answers!
@ rush
The Hasa shop, I have two offers of MSP 8.0 discovered.
A "full" for 109 Euros and a
"Upgrade Version + prerelease = MSP 8.0 full version for 99 EUR.
Will now just write to the seller.
Antwort von dadidu:

So, like ham, we (my ex-rolls Compusoft donor) in the wholesale software already successfully battled out in court .... but only Microsoft has a serious attempt against such bundles to tackle and has always backed off again to my ex-boss that one of complaint about the legality of this action has obtained. Was s.OLG Frankfurt, sometime at the end of the 90s.
In legal terms, one could so the previous version and the update somewhere to buy, that is synonymous with the same dealer. Bundle that with the practice, the pricing is somewhat undermined, at least of Ulead unacceptable, firstly because it actually unmerchantable Altversionen wegbekommen and secondly, the new products to boost sales figures.
1) a combination of UVS8 and Pros UVS10 update is perfectly legal. SEALED and should be unregistered. It werdne no components of UVS8 replaced but you will get either ne paraleelinstallation to disk or it is only after the CD from UVS8 asked during the installation.
2.) Ulead offers the 10 pros as Vollverion to below 100 euros and you get to 2 pieces. There will be even cheaper if you download makes NEN.
Now the disclaimer: this is not legal .... only what you mitbekommt so if you want a couple of years has worked in the wholesale trade.
Antwort von Chris H.:

Thank you for your answers!
Is good to know that such software bundles are legal.
Unfortunately, the people of Hasa shops still not responded.
I will therefore wait a little. Villeicht comes a yes.