Frage von Martin Wenzel:
We currently run a tailings action porcelain chin of an old ship in the Indonesian seas. This project to me, I would like to accompany your camcorder, an appropriate and thought so (out of pure helplessness) s.die HVR-Z7e. The footage will be the one for presenting the findings required for the documentation of the events s.Deck of the salvage vessel, underwater photographs and the other, there are several requests for footage in order to salvage our documentary on television. Which camcorder model s.besten would be suitable, would be the best compromise?
Who can help me because somehow, has experience, etc.
Thanks in advance
Martin Wenzel
Antwort von Carina:

In the first place in the process should probably be selected underwater housing is designed for this size camera may cost more than the camera itself
Then there are many other things to consider as synonymous to a maximum Angleunabdingbar is Wide
Antwort von Carina:

How big is your budget for Camera and housing?
With less than 2000 ¬
- HC 7 (HC 9) in the Top Dawg housing
up to 3000 ¬
- Same camera, but enclosure Stingray HD (changing ports and has built red filter)
up to 5000 ¬
- Same camera, but enclosure Bluefin (by way of operating Tuochscreens use all the features!)
over 5000 ¬
- FX 7 in Sealux housing
- Alternative 1 in the FX Light & Motion FX 1
For all alternatives, but you need an additional light schedule - budget approx 1000 - 2500th