Newsmeldung von slashCAM:Hier geht es zur Newsmeldung: Upcoming Movies On Demand into the living room for 20-30 dollars a movie?
Antwort von dapopov:

Those responsible for the movie studios sometimes pretty funny ideas of prices, offers, etc. who was already known in advance ...
... But alone with the thought that will be adopted as something positive, they have a permanent place reserved in the asylum.
Some people's never really learn!
PS: Apparently I have to again wait five more years to come halfway reasonable time, on-demand offerings, really bad ...
Antwort von beiti:

Why? 20-30 dollars for a recent movie that runs just in the movies, I find it realistic. Instead of going with a few friends in the movies, you can watch the film together in the home theater and share the costs. It's like with a taxi: the need not much more expensive than the bus, where three or four people travel together.
If one looks at the technical development, I do not think it realistic that the movie is profitable in its current size over time. All innovations that will attract people to the movies, are synonymous promptly available for home cinema.
From a consumer standpoint, I think it is not fair anyway, that one is virtually blackmailed by the holdback to the movies, if you want to see new films.
The movie could in future be a service for people who can not afford a home theater equipment or want. This could be synonymous require a more flexible program, which will be easier to implement thanks to digital technology.
Antwort von Valentino:

One should note that this is an idea for the U.S. market and not for Europe. Where is here in Germany, all 50km a bigger movie, there are in the United States ever a few hundred miles to the next movie. The Schluckspecht cars for a number one cinema determined synonymous loose 20-30 dollars. Supersize popcorn alone the menu with the 3 liters of diet Coke will cost about $ 10 ;-)
replace the home theater, despite the good price and value engineering to the social and cultural value of cinema can not here is probably not in question.
Antwort von vaio:

@ Beiti
... The movie could in future be a service for people who can not afford a home theater equipment or want. This could be synonymous require a more flexible program, which will be easier to implement thanks to digital technology. In all affinity for technology. Whether 3D, Dolby DTS, or the like. Movies can not reduce it. No, movie begins with the reservation on the Internet, with the Date with friends or finding a parking space in the city .... No later than the order on a menu I am surprised that the smallest Cola 0,5 l corresponds to the adolescents and look with envy of their 1.5 liter Jumbo Cola afterwards. Yet other hand I am today in the pool has become clear that because I do not have to be envious. With so many young people about weighty ...
Greeting Michael
Antwort von DWUA:

... From a consumer standpoint, I think it is not fair anyway, that one is virtually blackmailed by the holdback to the movies, if you want to see new movies ... Admissions are and remain special.
Thank God, synonymous for a lot of young people, will fill the atmosphere
want. It is about group experiences, with whom Grandpa's Home
simply can not keep up. In these moments, even on the
often-cited "extremely good" quality time happily dispensed with.
A visit to the cinema can be replaced by anything!
Antwort von beiti:

Well, if the vast majority share your romanticized view of the cinema to cinema owners need not worry - synonymous with no vesting period. ;)
Antwort von DWUA:
... romanticized view ... Results from observations and states that, for example at present in children
Movies and TV youth and
IN OUT. That was
not always so.
Antwort von tmh1608:

Socio-Cultural Views in honor - Movies is a great thing. But I doubt seriously that s.Kinobesuchern the masses (especially the younger generation) will have enough money for this pleasure. Under 20, - ¬ pPsAbend with Directions, Admission, chips and cola is one little away. That makes the "taxi" concept of the gas station with snacks "by four" really interesting ... A theater is now open, unfortunately, synonymous only a relatively small group.
Antwort von minidv:

I see the movie, unfortunately, die synonymous, at least here in our environment.
In the small town where I live, recently opened about half a year a movie that was closed decades ago.
A small movies, with a not so big screen, but it is a movie with a bit of culture and claim, synonymous for non-nostalgic. As good as the program is synonymous but (it can run alongside current shooting, synonymous with old successful again), so it is rarely visited. In a conversation with the operator, I learned that there are so can not continue for long.
That the principle Movies can not work if, in the (quite good) film "Crazy Heart" my friend and I were the only visitors is thus clear.
This has little to do here synonymous with competition, as the next movie is a town synonymous again next, but others (not exclusively) with the domestic HD Television, the surround-sound system and HD illegal copies.
In acquaintances (mostly teenagers) the defile of Shooting and low value of the art treasures of a sad history of Web 2.0.
Antwort von DWUA:
... That makes the "taxi" concept of the gas station with snacks "by four" really interesting ...
... A visit to the theater is open today, unfortunately, synonymous only a relatively small group. But not quite as interesting. Maybe the "first time";))
As for the theater - please no Querbeet thinking.
Since it depends on what is offered. In the case of the
current musical scene machinery, are the ideas for a long time in advance sold out.
While the municipal and state houses without subsidies
has never had a chance of survival.
Today there are tax dollars, and later at the time of Shakespeare and
There were many sponsors who could afford YOUR theater.
Come out to the same thing.
Plenty of spoils it has only been in post-war Germany.
Since there were small and big stages en masse. Why?
Sounds succinctly, is like that:
Because the paper was printing books in short supply.
So you had to first move his literary effusions to the stage.
No later than with the "Group 47" changed to das.
Sorry for the digression ...
Antwort von DWUA:

... In the circle of friends (mostly teenagers) the defile of Shooting and low value of the art treasures of a sad history of Web 2.0. We did not understand. Can you be more precise?