Newsmeldung von slashCAM: Update Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 v.4.0.1 of heidi - 21 Nov 2008 15:06:00
About a month after the Creative Suite is Adobe has released one of the largest and probably fastest updates after a major release ready. As of version 4.0.1 should project files from Final Cut Pro, Digidesign Pro Tools and Avid workflows for further processing can import - XML interchange OMF-/AAF-Unterstützung and makes it possible. Also, there is now native support of RED R3D files, but this must be added a plug-in of Red to be installed (beta).
Furthermore, there is a full 64-bit CPU support, and numerous performance improvements throughout the entire workflow.
Another After Effects CS4 Update v. 9.0.1 is in the
amerikanischen PressemeldungVielen Dank s.Peter für die Meldung!
This is an auto-generated entry
Antwort von soahC:

You can AVID and Final Cut import projects? The times I call a successful update
Antwort von Milania:
Furthermore, there is a full 64-bit CPU support, and numerous performance improvements throughout the entire workflow. Yes tonight is the Christmas already? That would be quite an update wahnsin, I take everything bad I ever said about adobe hab back, top work!
Antwort von frm:

I have all updates done (encore / Media Encoder / premiere / photoshop etc) I can not complain. mal sehen obs staunch cs3 as is, at least I hope so.
Antwort von soahC:

I could make the update synonymous, although my serial number is not accepted, as I have another thread have described. The comic is that I think the "small" Programs such as Central or Deice Media Encoder can start normally. About synonymous, I have made the update.
Well, is finally Monday. I'll call the same times at the Adobe Support
Antwort von Beatfabrikant:

Hab updated. After Effects is running (fortunately) like soft butter on a PC, Premiere laggt still it crashes. I still do not understand why a program adobe (macversion) can be delivered with which it is almost impossible to work and still synonymous for monetary demands. Unbelievable.
Antwort von soahC:

Soo, the news is now is very old, but it is still not true. So I just tried habs, I can not import Final Cut projects, open, or else!
Antwort von vrosch:

I've made the update synonymous, now I can no longer invite m2t files and no longer select projects AVCHD!
does not sound good!
apparently have different synonymous such a problem!
have an official CS4 Production Premium version.
premiere, I must once again re-install?
who has ne solution?
Antwort von frm:

haste the Adobe idiots in Holland already contacted?
tel 06950071855
Antwort von vrosch:

no not yet.
I wanted to stop professional help, so I like to come
Antwort von frm:

I understand:)
Antwort von standpauke:
I've made the update synonymous, now I can no longer invite m2t files and no longer select projects AVCHD!
does not sound good!
apparently have different synonymous such a problem!
have an official CS4 Production Premium version.
premiere, I must once again re-install?
who has ne solution? jaaa I've exactly the same.
no more to choose from AVCHD AND now comes the knaller, I can kenie mpgs more purely consider briefly synonymous no more mp3s and WAVs.
ever, the message "width / height of the video files are too big!"
although since everything fits.
no idea where the problem comes at a time.
Finally everything went.
premiere CS4 running on a macbook pro - only for info.
who has da ne solution? reinstall?
Antwort von Jörg:

tried once with the problem of CS 4 install over the existing install to solve. Easy installation of the DVD to start again, may be missing parts nachinstalliert.
Antwort von standpauke:

yes I will try, I will write times whether it has worked (for which this problem has synonymous vllt could be interesting).
So until later or tomorrow.
Antwort von WideScreen:

Only s.Rande: 4.1.0 is now up to date .... Just because the title .... :)