Frage von meko:
Is extremely urgent - tax day! Did for a customer to get a DVD from America (NTSC, 25fps). I should replace existing logos in the movie by new and the whole then let out on DVD.
So did the DVD ripper with MacThe demuxed the m2v and a Quicktime Mov made without compression. Datt Janze in AU then pulled and replaced my Logos and Logo Animas.
btw.: I do not have with what Field worked on the DVD ..
Expected to 1.) No Field - neither in the footage, or to the interpretation rausrendern as compression-mov from AE; mov drawn into the compressor, auto Field (who has the upper selected) and get a m2v, the decision TOTAL *** s looked, both s.Mac as synonymous on the telly
Can be expected 2.) In the upper HB AU - Compressor HB car (he took the top) even more crap ..
3.) At the end I got the mov skip step 1 - that is, without HB Rechnerei in AU - Compressor progressive, as with encode. Result: s.Mac nice on the telly Driss.
S.Verzweifeln Bin.
At which point I'll count on which program which field?? I know as I said not with what HB has been working on the UrsprungsDVD. (
So once again concretely:
Which Field Set
- For interpretation of the footage in AE
- When rendering from AE
- The encoding in Compressor??
I kiss the feet of the one here can help me out of trouble.
Oh yes - the whole thing will run on nem 40 (000;)) inch plasma monster ...
Please help!
Antwort von Bruno Peter:

Have fun!
Antwort von GhostDog:
Have fun! Askance at me, I laugh.
Thanks for this tip productive. If I were a silly little ripper I would probably ask such questions in this forum.
What you're saying is simply outrageous!
But you synonymous a good weekend - yes, I would like yet not stoop to your level ...
Someone one sincere advice?
Antwort von Markus:

Hello Meko,
I gather from your post that you've tried only the upper half image and the progressive image sequence. As the video looks like when you "lower field first exportierst"? The footage was of course previously been interpreted to be synonymous with this field sequence.
Ggf. create three test sequences: Upper field first, lower field first, progressive. In each case interpreting the footage and export according to a short (representative) of his films with the same settings. Each piece of film in each case to a rewritable DVD-RW and burn s.TV watch. That would not be the quickest method, but the safest.
BTW: The DVD is from the USA and yet in PAL and 25 fps with?
Antwort von wolfgang:

I do not understand it yet. The field sequence of an MPEG can be analyzed with various tools - as well ReStream -. And then you can change.
In addition, this forced all the material re-encoded - because of the logo change. So you need a tool where you can show not only the logo, retaining the same field sequence, but where synonymous a good encoder is inside. Better the matter by renewed encoding will definitely not stop.
Antwort von GhostDog:

Thanks for the input ..
I now lack of time with progressively resolved.
@ Markus:
Lower I had tried synonymous. That was synonymous a shot into the oven.
And yes, from the U.S.. I have the feeling that having the changed quite cheap in PAL. The quality of the whole film is very "poor".
@ wolfgang:
the with the loss of quality is clear to me. Thanks for the tip ReStream. I hope the Mac gibts suchsuch * *
Aaalso: now looks like this
1) I have interpreted in AE Field, and NO can not be synonymous rausrechnen. But (the Frameblending! - I would be able synonymous draufkommen already activated).
2) The compressor then datt Janze with Progressive rausgerechnet
Result: s.Mac and s.PC's good looks only s.ollen TV isses not really smart, but makes Frameblending a little bit competitive.
Now I hope that the movies on the plasma by the synonymous use as looks good .. jaja love the lack of time (and the lack of knowledge * ashamed *)
Thanks again
(except s.Bruno Peter)
Antwort von Markus:
I have the feeling that having the changed quite cheap in PAL. The quality of the whole film is very "poor". I had not thought of. If the quality of the template is already fiasco (mal s.TV seen?), Then you can not make more of cream pie. Unless you set the new logo on the full screen video ... ;-)