Frage von Freak5:
First I went to the reusing of an old project in Premiere 2.0. All titles were in the wrong font. I have used Batavia. This writing was in my Vista install. I made up. Most programs such as Word can now use this font.
Premiere shows only boxes instead of letters. Why?
(The first answer to this question relates more to the compatibility problem, before I noticed with the fonts did.)
Photoshop is synonymous with incidentally Batavia bypass. Why does it not with Premiere 2.0? Why did it earlier with an old version?
Antwort von Jörg:

I never noticed that it can cause problems, I use a song from 1.5 in CS3, etc.
The titles are even up compatible titles from CS3 are easily 1.5 to öffnen.Ohne Formatierungsprobleme.Solange the font on the calculator will do everything is over 1:1.
The title is so synonymous has remained virtually unchanged. The only change concerns the Speicherart and the shortcuts.
How did you get the title from 1.5 saved?
Gruß Jörg
Antwort von Freak5:

I have created a title, as prtl stored and simultaneously loaded into the Project. That with the fonts I already suspected. I think I find a way around all the possible fonts from the old computer to the new transfer.
Edit: Can I somehow really find out what font I used? Where will appear if the font is not available? Can this somehow with the text editor from the prtl files?
Antwort von nico:

That with the font is an easy exercise. You copy the directory
c: \ windows \ fonts on a USB stick and out of there in the same folder of the new computer.
Antwort von Wiro:
Can this somehow with the text editor from the prtl files? Hello,
it looks like from:
<fifullName> ArialMT </ fifullName>
Gruss Wiro
Antwort von Freak5:

Previously, it was a presumption, it is now safe. The font is BATAVIA. She is in the Fonts folder. I can click them in different sizes to see. In Word, I can even use the font. Only in Premiere I only boxes are displayed. Before, it was at least text ...
Actually, this should be true of Premiere but legible: -?
Will it conflict with Hobo Std comment?
Edit: I have titles in the entire document, the references to Batavia deleted. Premiere knows, however, that the Scripture Batavia and was not Hobo Std. Why?
I could be the title of course, convert all manual, but it would be damn long: - /