Frage von unodostres:![](
I would like to Premiere Pro audio VST Effelt use, I have the DLL in the plugin folder /
Premiere Pro / plugins / de_DE / VSTPlugins shelved. But I can not find the effect. Weiß jemand Rat?
Antwort von unodostres:
None knows a council?
According to the manual should Effects in the audio effects are available. but you do not.
Antwort von Webspider:
I have quite a few VST plugins on my calculator all installed correctly in Premiere CS3 embedded. Between you and my organization, it seems, however, a serious difference to give. My VST plugins are all in the path:
C: \ Programs \ Vstplugins
When you start Premiere CS3 will read from this path and the Plugin A binds.
At your place I would plug in these new install path. Thus,
reinstall, not just move.
Antwort von unodostres:
which requires the help:
If you have any other VST compatible applications as Adobe Premiere Pro is installed, is Adobe Premiere Pro VST effects already created in the VST folder. In the folder "Plug-ins" of the Adobe Premiere Pro application folder is another folder called "VSTPlugins" with plug-ins, of which only Adobe Premiere Pro can be used. No clue what I should do now. The just do not find it. The plugin is only me against a DLL. The help is there but the richtioge folder. Aich I find nothing in settings where one has a special VST path could.
Normally it should be me Pluign but the audio effects show?
Antwort von unodostres:
Ich hab grade times in the log file nachgeschaut:
Loading E: \ Program Files \ Adobe CS4 \ Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 \ Plug-ins \ en_US \ VSTPlugins \ Elephant.dll
Loading from the registry ...
The plugin was successfully loaded from the registry. That means the plugin has been correctly incorporated. But I find it anywhere (?)
Antwort von Webspider:
That is funny! Normally, the sense and purpose of the folder 'VSTPlugins' of that all programs are compatible with the VST to which that centrally deposited plugins can access. With me is that so if I am with the sequencer or any other audio software to work, all those plugins there can draw.
If at first you this plugin, however, finds and loads ...., then it should be synonymous inside of Premiere can be found. If you have a VST compatible audio program, you can then work with this plugin? As I already wrote, all work for me perfectly, whether equalizer, synthesizer or the like.
What is this for a plugin? Where did you come from? Makes me a little aback, that the only one. Dll exist. Example, synthesizers, drum machine or the like, which are all available in a path installed with the option on the calculator or a VST plugin to deposit. Check it out the plug in an audio software, another Council, I can not give you at the moment.
So long,
Antwort von unodostres:
the plugin is a Limitter. That is only one file is already fit.
But it is probably s.dem VST, it seems not to be compatible.
Have another (synonymous only DLL) installed and it works.
A pity, because this is maybe it is no longer the current version of the VSTS was.