Frage von Dimo:
hallo, vllt. can you help me so next ...
I was always next and links and now knows where garnich more with my question: (
So, I have a problem if I have a video of a game will render, no preference which format I choose when I use the render quality to "BEST" sit down, add me when ever render such ugly halbbildstreifen with a ... I just do not know how I wegkriege: (
use vegas 7 per.
Antwort von jofeuerstein:

What kind of material you render?
I have huge errors in Rendernvon AVCHD material in AVCHD output.
Habs now repeatedly tried on different computers, the result is always the same: If I were a long strip with about 10 films render part I get in the 2nd Half of the movie purple rush, bucking and synchronization errors.
For shorter movies shall render the problem does not occur. Since the quality is top.
Wurmt me really. Has anyone the same problem?
Regards, jo
PS: Use Vegas 8 Pro. Input is one of SonySR7, movies are all part of error-free ... s.Input material can not lie.