Frage von blabbo:
Is the PS said synonymous filter for AE?
Somehow I do not understand why not all HP-filter for AE have ...
Antwort von Kujo:

my neighbor is not synonymous understand why the piano is not his daughter in his wife fits 911er
Antwort von blabbo:

Then explain to me a look, why not.
Whether the effect now of a Picture (PS) or multiple images (AE) applies, since what may be the big difference?
Antwort von Jörg:

car again ...
the change of a wheel is standing quite simple. Experiment times during the journey .....
Antwort von blabbo:

again if I so weak-witted car listening comparison, I must unfortunately sucks ...
Other Effects There is so synonymous 1zu1 in PS and AE
Antwort von AndyZZ:
Is the PS said synonymous filter for AE?
Somehow I do not understand why not all HP-filter for AE have ... Export your video but as a film strip. Import to Photoshop. Postprocessing with your filter, save it. Import of the film strip back to AE. That's it. Had a look worth a try.
Otherwise, it's not quite as simple as you get the idea. After all, these are different programs and media. Attempt but have a filter of AE or APP in the Movie Maker to cram! If you think yes probably work. Or a filter of Photoshop to MS Paint. Finally, both imaging programs. Funzt not.
That is what the colleagues you compare with the car wanted to explain. Car is not the same car, or program is not the same program.
Must not be equal with Kotze threaten.
Antwort von blabbo:

mein gott, movie maker is probably re ne gaaaahnz other history.
in any case there is a tinderbox plugin, it can be.
This information I sought,
thank you for your Bemühhungen.