Frage von lospottos:
just sit s.einer Concepts for a PING-PONG-Video Project.
I create a sequence and a friendly to the musician makes music, she gives me back then ... and so next
Since he neither Sound Booth / magix or nonlinear editing software, or install, I ask you, how you could work together since.
He works with Cubase.Gibt there is a plug-in where he was the film as avi
Show or something like running from? 've Hans Zimmer for a portrait view, which makes it something gibt.Nunja, who can, certainly, but this problem is certainly not my first. Who can help me because next? Many Dnak for your help.
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Google or M-cult because you can help ;-)
Show video in Cubase "brought the following link
B. DeKid
Antwort von hoerspielwerkstatt:

So with Cubase, you can do this very well.
You give your music the video sequence as an avi file.
The musician imported the avi file in cubase.
If the video sequence contain synonymous sound, when imported into cubase video and audio separately and in their own lanes (separate files) is displayed.
In this way, the original sound in Cubase-Project remain intact.
Now the musician for his music video and can s.den places where it is necessary to obtain O-Sound.
Finally, all soundtracks (including the bodies s.denen O-Sound has been retained) to a total track stereo mix.
This entire track, you get back from the musicians and importierst in your video project.
Antwort von PowerMac:

Nuendo, Soundtrack Pro, Digital Performer, ProTools ...
Antwort von lospottos:
So with Cubase, you can do this very well.
this is a special plug in and if so how is it called?
I have no cubase, so please's detailed info so I give the next kann.danke
Antwort von klaas:

as a cubase user, I can only tell you: he played the video as QT, AVI, or from something else. Cubase can preview with an open, direct video called my knowledge ...
if audio is to obey the werrden obviously synonymous imported ...
cubase is a professional tool, would be synonymous a shame if it could not do anything;)
gruß, klaas.
Antwort von hoerspielwerkstatt:

@ lospottos
No - there is no plug-in, but
in the normal functions of Cubase included. I am still working with Cubase SX 2 and do this kind of soundtrack of video too.
The display of the video using "DirectShow Video" or "Video for Windows" (which has its own player in Cubase, no plug-ins) and can be viewed on the computer monitor in three sizes are displayed.
On a PC, the video is unfortunately not so easy to play off an external device.
If the musicians, however, work on a MAC, it can tap the video and s.Firewireport eg Canopus ADVC 110 to a TV show. In this setup, it is even possible, any latency between the video and sound offset. The video is usually 5-6 frames behind.
All these details are in the Cubase manual clearly described.
Antwort von lospottos:

hallo jürgen,
Of the outset, I would say that we are both with pc `s work!
always these two social classes;)
So we test this tonight at times.
thanks for the well-described tips.
so next!
Antwort von Ficeduld:

Reaper is donationware and a very powerful recording program myself growing fan base and very active forum. Absolute Secret Tip!