Frage von Video - bzw. Anibuttons:Again, I ...
Can someone tell me, perhaps, as I have a video or gif or TGA sequence, using a button or something?
Specifically: If the button dials, he should "tremble" or a stern front to turn or something ...
Antwort von grovel:
Hmm, that's difficult to tinker.
Basic condition for this is that the menu does not have a moving background (Except you have no preference jumps Wallpaper)
Then you have a separate menu for each button to create. Each of the menu looks the same to occur on the fact that where they are located, the corresponding button in the animated video background animation.
Only in his "own" the menu button to switch between different source directly linked synonymous action in all other menus, the button links on its "own" menu, is also in the other menus synonymous the Button option to immediately activate the link was set at Choice . (I do not remember how exactly it is called in Encore, but is actually self-explanatory).
Search times here in the forum for "animated buttons in Encore," and you will certainly find it, I describe the procedure about once a month.
SeeYa grovel
Antwort von soahC:
Man can not therefore convert a video or sequence "to" button?
Antwort von soahC:
Sorry that I <Trash> this thread again, but unfortunately the problem still exists!
It must be still a possibility to create animated buttons! For example, a Tga sequence or something that will be played at the "mouseover". I remember just as an example only "Haggard" of a senior Margera. If for example, because the button "play all" dials (not expressed) is that nice Kritzel-Effect of AE. That can not be nich so hard. I stand fully aufm hose or is this not possible??