Frage von rtyper:
Hello, I hope someone can help me.
I have an older Handycam Video 8 of Sony.Nun I recorded
Cassettes to the PC überspielen.Angeschlossen I have the camera over 3 Male RCA (yellow, ror, white) s.den PC.Als of software Pros, I bought a program, but is not so great. (No sound).
On a DVD booklet was allegedly Magix video plus a full,
but could the edited video will not burn (for a DVD player).
This worked quite well until then, was synonymous only here again no sound.
Now at my questions, as Beginners:
Which program you recommend me, do not need a large processing.
Why do I not have sound?
Are there other possibilities, what would you do better.
Give me some tips.
Thanks in advance.
Antwort von Meggs:

When Pearl costs MAGIX Video Deluxe 2008 Pros ¬ 29.90. Thus, you can burn synonymous, even on HD Bluerays.
The sound problem was perhaps already at play on the PC. Do you have times the files in Media Player, etc. play and be controlled?
No idea of what you've purchased Pros. In case of doubt with Magix nochmal capture.
I do now believe that the correct Camera s.den PC was, and red and white actually sound s.PC are inputs and not outputs, etc. for example.
I'm going synonymous assume that the cable is properly connected s.Camcorders, and that absolutely sound on the tape is.
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Bestzt your PC into a capture card?
Quasi Male / Ports "in" S-Video - Yellow - Red - White
Check whether synonymous times Enstellungen sound synonymous with the correct device to be "in" source is.
Otherwise you may have a jack to RCA cable required.
B. DeKid
Antwort von JMS Productions:

And I do very believe that MAGIX a really good program that I can only recommend next. For beginners, in my opinion, very likely ;-)
Antwort von rtyper:

Thanks, really very nice that you want to help me.
Magix me I will buy the full version of the alleged Issue
DVD has given me so very much and I was immediately clear.
That with the plugs, I will check.
If I after I bought Magix, still have problems
do I sign up again.
Again thank you!