Frage von id3839315:
I would like VHS tapes s.PC Digitizer, but I do not know what software I should use.
With the following I have already tried:
1. AVI File
Capturing with VirtualDub and PICVideo M-JPEG 3 codec
Converting to MPEG2 with Cinema Craft Encoder SP
Many frames were added and the sound is running too fast.
2. MPEG2-File
Recording with PowerDirector or Nero Vision
Picture and sound are running asynchronously, although both with the TV / Video PCI card is included.
AMD Athlon XP + 1700
1.5 GB RAM
TV / Video PCI card with saa7134 chip
Windows XP Service Pack 3
Since in both cases, the same system was used, the problem can not lie s.der hardware. What software is suitable, so that no frames are dropped or inserted and Picture and Sound run synchronously?
Antwort von JMS Productions:

1. AVI File
Capturing with VirtualDub and PICVideo M-JPEG 3 codec
Converting to MPEG2 with Cinema Craft Encoder SP
Many frames were added and the sound is running too fast. To VirtualDub and PICVideo this software, I can make no statement, because I've never used. But yes your result speaks for itself ...
2. MPEG2-File
Recording with PowerDirector or Nero Vision
Picture and sound are running asynchronously, although both with the TV / Video PCI card is included. NEVER! Merk's thee for ever: Never Take onboard software like PowerDirector or NeroVision (then probably in combination with a no-name-grabber card or TV card). I have Power Director and NeroVision used once and the result was really augenkrebserregend. For burning, Nero top, but for video rather let tasks.
I would you, for example, Magix Video Deluxe recommend. Magix is a great video editing software for beginners and advanced synonymous, I personally have had me immediately with the program interface to cope and found this software is also synonymous of the most popular TV cards on synonymous and has a "digital VCR" function. You can then Magix programmed like a VCR that broadcasts of the TV card or Composite connection (Yellow, Red, White Male) absorbs. Of course, brings you this method is not the very best quality, but not necessarily s.MAGIX must lie, but rather s.deiner hardware - in other words, your TV card or video card. If a scheiß encoder, then the result is synonymous not much better.
One of the highest quality would be the growth opportunities of a high-quality video converter, for example, one of the Canopus ADVC series. You close your VCR then connect the Canopus s.and via FireWire with your PC and take it with the editing program (Magix, Movie Maker, etc) as a digital video (DV). Unfortunately, the Canopus converter not exactly cheap, it can be but synonymous weekly rent, which is a possible option would be, if your number s.zu digitized video is manageable.
You can find more info about the Canopus products:
From MAGIX synonymous, there are trial versions for download, what you think in any case try solltest. If you like Magix, you can do it then or synonymous during the probationary buy. Here you'll find all the information and Prices for MAGIX Video deluxe:
AMD Athlon XP + 1700
1.5 GB RAM
TV / Video PCI card with saa7134 chip
Windows XP Service Pack 3 The system is in any case no problems in the digitization.
If you have any questions or information needs to be tested, then let me calm ...
Antwort von shipoffools:

I have experienced that the software for the digitization of video at VHS videos absolutely secondary. Even with Ulead VideoStudio 6.0 years ago I had no problem to capture. VitualDub've never tested myself, but for these purposes perfectly suitable. The biggest problem with the digitization of VHS was always with me the quality of the (old) tapes and a mediocre VHS recorder. When old, and long playing videos stored regularly ran the sound asynchronously after capturing the picture. Am I on the other hand, tapes, which had a good quality, digitized, there's synonymous in this direction no problem. Can of course synonymous s.den no longer quite fresh video heads of the recorder to have.
The quality of the TV / video grabber card should fit naturally synonymous, as I can on your card (TV / Video PCI card with saa7134 chip) nothing to say. But even with a 50-euro Pinnacle TV card I had no problems earlier VHS without Synchronitätsproblem to capture, if the tapes were okay. AMD Athlon XP + 1700 is not just the fastest system, but to capture in MPEG2 (variable 6000 kbps), it should be all rich.
As I said, is the software for the purpose of secondary importance. There's already doing 'ne older version of Video Studio. VS9 or 10, there's already Appl fürn and 's egg and is easy for Beginners "to use" is and remains halt Beginners Software. And even if it should cost nothing, you'll find here on the page Slashcam enough free software to the same purpose. Then the Money prefer a good 6-Head VHS Player invest or borrow some.
Antwort von JMS Productions:
The biggest problem with the digitization of VHS was always with me the quality of the (old) tapes and a mediocre VHS recorder. Yes exactly! I knew that something I had forgotten to mention ...
The first link in the chain is the digitization Endscheidenste: The playback device. A worn, ausgeleiertes playback device will just not be the best quality, since you can still have a high quality converter or even a Super TV card and software, which just is not there, is not there. Therefore, it is crucial erstmal a good recorder to have (s.Besten would still SVHS recorders, because of using an S-video output available, which is your picture quality compared to the conventional composite output synonymous again improved). Then, when the recorder is good, the next link in the chain off the TV card or video converter (Canopus, for example). And the last speaker is right: The software used is really secondary, but there is a more professional, better software cheaper of the free software through better recruitment opportunities, which contain the final quality of your material can be a positive influence. As I said: No advertising would want to do: With Magix, I was always good mileage (now I use to digitize the Canopus ADVC-300, then it is eh no preference, which capture software as DV via FireWire is transferred). I would not synonymous doubt that the Ulead products equally good job ...
Only for output to DVD, please do not use Power Producer NeroVision or because the just do not seem the best MPEG2 encoder to have. Then let your material rather of a better software encoder (eg Procoder) rausrendern and burn the VOB files with Nero.
Antwort von vaio:

You have to distinguish between the capture quality (Jerkiness / Sound asynchronously) and the quality of the video (rushing, etc.). It is so bad that the raw material the result is not necessarily a positive impact. But the data obtained, it is pretty much no preference whether the material is noisy, or more (desirable) visual details in the starting material. Because you but primarily on the former complain, I think you with a converter (can be synonymous with a cam-in analog to) the desired outcome. Or just mentioned with the ADVC-300. Also there is a piece of hardware in it (locked audio). Both options will require your PC is of course a Firewire connection. But it is surely the highest possibility of analog video to disk. Although I know your card with "saa7134 chip does not believe but that it is primarily a TV card is. Just for reception of TV signals. The store is done purely on software base. The CPU performance is one thing, the overall performance of the other ...
Antwort von Meggs:

An Athlon XP 1700 is already hard at capturing employed. When he's not coming back, frames are skipped.
Captures you the sound on the TV card or sound card?
AVI can be anything. In VirtualDub, it is probably either an uncompressed AVI (huge amount of data that comes with the PC is not behind the letter) or DivX (computationally intensive).
MPEG2 live captured, is computationally intensive and not so great quality.
A recommendable recording format is DV-AVI. Eg SzenalyzerLive power or any editing program. Whether the editing program, however, with the TV card to start what may be questionable.
With a TV card is always the danger that video and audio diverging when the sound on the sound card is included, this risk is even greater. Besser is an AD converter (eg, of Canopus), or a DV camcorder with AV-in.
Antwort von id3839315:

Thank you for your answers.
But even with a 50-euro Pinnacle TV card I had no problems earlier VHS without Synchronitätsproblem to capture, if the tapes were okay. The PCI video card with saa7134 chip is of Typhoon.
For TV I use Pinnacle card with BT8x8 chip, for the Capture of VHS is not suitable.
A worn, ausgeleiertes playback device will just not be the best quality more. The playback device is a Neuwertiger Panasonic NV-HV60 VCR.
You have to distinguish between the capture quality (Jerkiness / Sound asynchronously) and the quality of the video (rushing, etc.). The video quality is good. The main problem is asynchronous sound.
Captures you the sound on the TV card or sound card? Picture and sound are with the same card.
In VirtualDub, it is probably either an uncompressed AVI (huge amount of data that comes with the PC is not behind the letter) or DivX (computationally intensive). The AVI file was with the PICVideo M-JPEG 3 codec approximately 2 GB in size.
Antwort von id3839315:
With Magix, I was always good mileage (now I use to digitize the Canopus ADVC-300, then it is eh no preference, which capture software as DV via FireWire is transferred). Hello, I'm now at Canopus ADVC-300, FireWire and Magix Video Deluxe 15 pros arrived.
If I want to record appears: "In your system there were no recording devices found."
Antwort von JMS Productions:

Is the Canopus converter properly with the PC (via FireWire) connected? If the converter on a PC hardwärmäßig operation? (lower DIP switch)
The position of the DIP switches to operate s.PC were times of Mark posted:
Antwort von id3839315:

The FireWire cable was the problem. If the recording 250 MB / 1 minute as a data volume normal?
Antwort von JMS Productions:
The FireWire cable was the problem. If the recording 250 MB / 1 minute as a data volume normal? The ADVC digitized analog material and stores it in virtually lossless DV-AVI format. The format is the same as if you are of a digital video camera via FireWire transfer. Since the compression is only 5:1, so is very small, large amounts of data. Where: An hour of DV material occupy about 13 GB of disk storage. According triple So when we come one minute to 221.8 MB. So is perfectly normal and with today's disk sizes (or costs) should be something no longer relevant. Quality needs just place!